Results 1 to 100 of 1146

More trouble ahead for government-funded internet

Michigan’s rollout of BEAD funding for internet access runs into predictable obstacles

… Information Administration (NTIA) on Initial Proposal Volume 2 (IPV2). IPV2 describes the unique subgrant program … caps are a particular problem in the Michigan proposal. A 2024 report by Citizens Against Government …

State taxpayers fund local infrastructure projects

Eight local governments get a piece of 2025 budget

… enough money for a project, it will submit a bond proposal or ask the state for a handout. The 2025 state … million for sidewalk improvements New Baltimore: $2 million for a breakwater project Oak Park: $2 million for water and road infrastructure Bay City: …

Hollywood subsidies fail to meet promises, benefit few

The original film credit system bombed; the remake is even worse

proposal to have taxpayers subsidize film companies to shoot in Michigan … director of fiscal policy. The latest proposal would authorize the state to give $2 billion to Hollywood over the next ten … the subsidies have less at stake. The $2 billion the state would spend would …

Hollywood subsidies fail to meet promises, benefit few

The original film credit system bombed; the remake is even worse

A proposal to have taxpayers subsidize film companies to shoot in Michigan … director of fiscal policy. The latest proposal would authorize the state to give $2 billion to Hollywood over the next ten … the subsidies have less at stake. The $2 billion the state would spend would …

Michigan House OKs bill creating museum tax authority

If enacted, the plan could cost Oakland County taxpayers $167M over 10 years

… Oakland and Wayne counties, assuming a 0.2 mill levy from 2024 to 2033 and a 2% growth each year of taxable property values. The projection found the plan … “Property taxes should support essential community services, but this proposal could tax Oakland County homeowners to subsidize museums in Detroit that …

Taxpayers get three small wins in $83B budget

Massive spending package moves $670M from debt payoff, but lawmakers reject bills on SOAR extension, film credits, data center tax breaks

The 2025 budget passed by the Michigan Legislature Thursday would spend $2 billion more than Gov. Whitmer requested in her own proposal, but Michigan taxpayers won three small victories amid debate that stretched …

Michigan lawmaker pitches $2B transit proposal

Wayne State University professor calls plan another boondoggle

… Arbor, tweeted a plan last week to use $2 billion in taxpayer funds for transit … was not a tax increase. Morgan’s proposal could leave taxpayers with the bill … transportation nonprofit supports Morgan’s $2 billion increase in transit spending. … service for transit riders. The new proposal also comes as Michigan roads are …

Nessel to sue fossil fuel industry, but still flies over driving

Nessel’s flights cost a total of $6,202

… have had a climate impact, and she seeks private law firms to submit proposals to partner with the state to sue oil and gas firms for that alleged impact. … to adopting EVs. Michigan is 2.3% of the way toward reaching its goal of 2 million EVs by 2030.

What should have been on the agenda at Mackinac Island

Policy Conference ideas are popular at the Grand Hotel but nowhere else

… earlier Michigan voters had addressed Proposal 1. Prop 1 would have raised state taxes and spending by $2 billion. Supporters promoted the proposal as a measure to fix the crumbling … approached that low threshold. In 1976, a proposal that would have allowed 18-year-olds …

Michigan Supreme Court rejects request to overrule canvassers’ action on $15 wage proposal

Court declines to override decision

… the minimum wage for employers with fewer than 21 workers instead of raising the minimum wage for all employees. The canvasser’s board deadlocked 2-2 and rejected the revised petition submitted for its final approval. Justice Brian Zahra wrote a concurring opinion. “It was abundantly reasonable …

Rerun on film subsidies remains ineffective, expensive

Lawmakers should be skeptical

… taxpayers of $500 million. The new proposal authorizes $2 billion over 10 years. This time, proponents … The legislature should stop this proposal at its first opportunity. Research … transfer, tax credits makes their proposal different and better. It makes scant …

Michigan roads, bridges, on path to get worse over 10 years

We’re fixing the roads, Gov. Whitmer says

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer took to the social media platform X April 2 to tout the state’s work to fix the roads under her leadership. “Michigan has fixed: … she attempted to raise the gas tax by 45 cents per gallon. The 45-cent proposal would have collected $2.5 billion in taxes and spent $1.3 billion on roads …

Lawmakers Should Adopt a Sustainable Budget

Michigan has a spending problem

… Mackinac Center’s Sustainable Michigan Budget proposal, which limits spending to no more than the growth … was evident last year, as Michigan spent nearly $2 billion on district-specific pork projects. Another … Learn more about the Sustainable Michigan Budget proposal here.

Michigan deserves the 3.9% income tax rate

Whitmer should support new bill from Rep. David Martin

… Michigan’s income tax rate from 4.25% to 3.9%. This proposal would help households deal with the soaring cost … non-starter in the Legislature. Specifically, “any proposals on that front” were unlikely to advance. Her … corporations ($4.1 billion) and political pork (nearly $2 billion), including money for a splash pad, cricket …

Grand Rapids museum has benefited from a decade of pork

Legislative earmarks go back to at least 2014

… spent. As CapCon reported in 2016, a voter-approved Kent County ballot proposal increased property taxes by $9.2 million, with funds going to the Grand … CapCon reported in November 2022. As far back as 2014, the museum received $2 million from state taxpayers, which CapCon reported at the time. The museum …

‘They can embrace radical policies with no repercussions’

Paul Gessing on the fight to keep gasoline-powered vehicle sales legal in New Mexico

… has been trying to get the board to reject that proposal, and he speaks about his efforts on the Overton … voted to ban the sale of gas and diesel vehicles 3-2, with two members abstaining. That’s all that was … people,” Gessing says. “I’m pleased that we got 3-2. I’m pleased that an outright majority of the board …

Michigan Senate passes financial disclosure bills, but critics blast timing

Facing a Dec. 31 deadline, lawmakers submitted the first bill on Oct. 24

By a 36-2 margin, the Michigan Senate on Wednesday passed a financial disclosure bill for officeholders. But the two votes against the bill were a form … Dec. 31 — the constitutional deadline for financial disclosure, due to Proposal 1 of 2023 — asking the public what it wants to be disclosed. “Why doesn’t …

Section 13: MCL § 15.243 – Exemptions from disclosure, etc.

… court rule. (i)(h) A bid or proposal by a person to enter into … public opening of bids or proposals, or if a public opening is … for submission of bids or proposals has expired. (j)(i) Appraisals … enforcement officer or agent. (2) The use of an employee assistance … entity for such purposes. (2) A public body must exempt from …

Whitmer’s Prop 2 rollout ‘weakens the integrity of our elections’

Implementing legislation goes far beyond mandate of last year’s voting referendum

… July 18 that will implement Proposal 2 requirements and more. … overwhelmingly in favor of Prop 2, expanding voting rights,” she … heard in every election.” Proposal 2, a Michigan constitutional … well beyond the mandates of Proposal 2, and further weakens the … ongoing costs to implement Proposal 2. Therese Boudreaux is a …

Does Prop 2 render National Popular Vote unconstitutional in Michigan?

Before Congress or the U.S. Supreme Court, National Popular Vote faces a roadblock: The Michigan Constitution

… Michigan voters last year in Proposal 2. Proposal 2 passed in Nov. 2022 by a … wrote in its analysis of Proposal 2022-2: The proposal would add a provision to …

Cigarette taxes turn New York into smuggling empire

Hochul’s dollar-a-pack increase will make the problem worse and do nothing to deter smoking

… Smuggling will soar even higher under Gov. Hochul’s proposal. We estimate that if cigarette taxes are raised … higher, to nearly 66%. If the governor gets her way, 2 out of 3 cigarettes smoked in New York state will … hard to see a scenario in which Ms. Hochul’s proposal would achieve its ends or have a positive impact. …

Polls on Michigan’s Right-to-Work Law

… voters who stated they would oppose – a better than 2-1 majority.” The poll was conducted on behalf of … Right-to-Work law. Would you support or oppose a ballot proposal that would reinstitute a Right-to-Work law, which … households support the law by a margin of nearly 2-to-1. November 2022: A poll conducted by SurveyUSA …

Right-to-work in Michigan

… Jobs” and appeared on the ballot as Proposal 2. Proposal 2 would have enshrined collective … The most far-reaching element of Proposal 2 was to establish, as a matter of … state Legislature. Voters rejected Proposal 2, with 57% disapproving. This strong …

Germany defends the internal combustion engine against the rest of Europe

As EU speeds toward the EV transition, Germany asks regulators to pump the brakes

… using electricity, or e-fuels. “The commission should come forward with a proposal [on] how e-fuels can be used, or how combustion engines which are run … Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy believes Michigan will have 2 million EVs on the road by 2030. Michigan is on the same timeline as the …

No, toll roads are not the answer in Michigan

Michigan will spend $4 billion on roads this year. It does not need to tap taxpayers for more money.

… Legislature’s $375 million increase in road funding. Whitmer had a failed proposal earlier that year to raise the fuel tax by 45 cents per gallon. After … CapCon. In 2019, the Michigan Department of Transportation budget used about $2 billion in state funds. After the 2015 increase in fuel taxes and registration …

Nearly half of Michigan’s congressional delegation has overstayed its term limits

Washington Wednesday: Seven of Michigan’s 15 representatives in Washington have ignored “voluntary” term limits, as laid out in the Michigan Constitution

Article 2, Section 10 of the Michigan Constitution says that Michigan’s congressional delegation should … approved non-voluntary term limits when they passed Proposal B of 1992. But a 1995 U.S. Supreme Court ruling, … U.S. Constitution offers no such limits. Article 2, section 10 of the Michigan Constitution reads, in …

Democrats make right-to-work repeal a 2023 priority

New poll shows voters want to keep worker protection law

… would interfere with collective bargaining. Michigan voters rejected this proposal by 57 percent to 42 percent. Keep in mind, 2012 was hardly a “red-wave” … motivated by their union’s political activity: Michigan’s unions donated almost $2 million to Governor Whitmer’s political campaigns and millions more to the …

In 2012, Michigan voters rejected a ban on right-to-work

Nearly 60% of Michigan voters rejected the attempted constitutional amendment, and Gov. Snyder signed the right-to-work law a month later

… will of the people. If Proposal 2 of 2012 had never been brought … pursue an amendment — through Proposal 2 — and things did change. … voters who cast a ballot on Proposal 2, about 58% voted no, compared … spoke, and they said no. Proposal 2 of 2012 read: The next … attempted to play coy on Prop 2, arguing that it wasn’t really …

Whitmer requests federal aid to reopen Palisades nuclear plant, but Granholm says no

Palisades nuclear plant supplied 15% of Michigan’s clean energy

… application for the Civilian Nuclear Credit program.” O’Brien understood their proposal to re-start “a shuttered nuclear plant, would be both a challenge and … Rights Commission charges that the Chinese government has enslaved more than 2 million Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, and Huis. Many of these people have …

Secrecy Enables Pork Barrel Waste

The mystery of anonymous earmarks: WhoSpentIt?

… Mackinac Center’s Sustainable Michigan Budget idea into statute. This proposal limits annual spending increases from state resources to inflation plus … each of these metrics goes up 1% then state spending would only increase by 2%. The rest would be returned to taxpayers. The Texas legislature has worked …

The Case and Concern For Emergency Powers

… the members in both the House and Senate approve them in a recorded vote.[2] New laws do not take effect until 90 days after the end of a legislative … the chance to get feedback from their constituents about these specific proposals. This creates a tighter connection between the preferences of voters and …

Proposal 2 Would Further Curtail Legislative Control of Election Procedures

Mackinac Center releases analysis on the Promote the Vote ballot petition

MIDLAND, Mich. — Proposal 2 of 2022 would reduce the Michigan … without taking a position on Proposal 2. It puts these changes in … It also explains how the proposal would interact with a different … appear on the 2024 ballot. Proposal 2 amends a section of the … difficult to say what effect Proposal 2’s provisions will have on …

Proposal 2 of 2022

A constitutional amendment to change Michigan election procedures

… Michigan voters will decide whether to approve Proposal 2 and amend the state constitution. This policy … changes in detail but takes no position on the proposal. It provides an analysis of the practical effects … election law and practice. It also describes how Proposal 2 would interact with another citizen-initiated …


1 Mich Const Art IV, § 54. 2 “The Term-Limited States” (National Conference of State Legislatures, Nov. 12, 2020), 3 “The … Aug. 10, 2022. 10 “Former Legislators Could Return Under Term Limits Proposal” (MIRS News, Capitol Capsule, March 4, 2022). 11 “Why Term Limits” (US …

Appendix: Text Changes of Constitutional Amendment, Proposal 1 of 2022

… provision by appropriate legislation. (2) By April 15, 2024, and by a date each … disclosure report required under subsection (2) must be filed with the department of … restrict the application of subsections (2) and (3). (5) If legislation implementing … became a candidate for that office. (2) This section shall be is self-executing. …

Changes to Legislative Term Limits

… legislator is 14 years.[1] Proposal 1 would eliminate these separate … with legislative term limits.[2] Terms range from the eight years … legislative chambers.[3] Proposal 1 would establish the same … and Nevada — do the same. Proposal 1 does not change that policy. Proposal 1 also does not amend the …

Secrecy enables pork barrel waste

The mystery of anonymous earmarks: WhoSpentIt?

… Mackinac Center’s Sustainable Michigan Budget idea into statute. This proposal limits annual spending increases from state resources to inflation plus … each of these metrics goes up 1% then state spending could only increase by 2%. The rest could be returned to taxpayers. The Texas legislature has worked …

How Michigan can have term limits and lifetime service

A modest proposal to bring the best of both worlds to Lansing

… of 3-two-year House terms and 2-four-year Senate terms – has … service? Why not have both? My proposal: Let them serve, as long … talk like that. There is a proposal on the November ballot to … two. As a sweetener, the proposal carries a transparency measure, … “overwhelming support” for the proposal. Under my plan, Bolger could …


… Climate Crisis” (The White House, Jan. 20, 2021), [2] “Our Path to an All-Electric Future” (General Motors, 2022),; … [12] Paul Egan and Kathleen Gray, “Michigan Voters Soundly Reject Proposal 1 Road Tax Plan” (Detroit Free Press, May 5, 2015), …


… [2] Patrick J. Wolf, Jay P. Greene, … [6] Mich Const, art. VIII, § 2. [7] “Public Opinion Tracker: … Universal Tuition Tax Credit: A Proposal to Advance Parental Choice … Public Policy, Nov. 13,1997), 2-3, … (Michigan House Fiscal Agency, Feb. 2, 2022), …


… access to quality charter school options.[2] The state also finished above the national … Opportunity Scholarship Program. The proposal was designed to give thousands of … proposed for Michigan. It puts the proposal in the context of similar efforts … outcomes. But a careful look at the proposal’s details reveals a minor effect on …

Lansing Bus System: Free Rides To Vote On New School Levy

Government entities all-in when one of them seeks new taxes

… on a Lansing School District debt proposal on May 3. The Capital Area Transportation … presidential race by a margin of nearly 2-1. Voters in the city of Lansing supported … inclined to voting yes on a bond proposal.” CATA responded to an email and … The Lansing School District debt proposal states the millage will impose a …

Medicaid Payments Should Go to Caregivers, Not to Unions

U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging

… Michigan, after reforms were passed (and later reaffirmed in a ballot proposal), home health care providers overwhelmingly demonstrated they did not … Congress pause about the wisdom of proceeding with this proposed rule.   2. If Legislation is to Advance, it Must Adequately Protect Caregivers’ Constitutional …

Fix Roads Faster Than They Fall Apart

Gov. Whitmer’s pothole patrol won’t fulfill her campaign pledge

… Michigan first.” While the governor repeated her 2018 campaign slogan, her proposal doesn’t follow through on the pledge. Roads need regular maintenance. … growing. This was not meant to be. The governor insisted on raising taxes by $2 billion in order to spend $1.2 billion on the roads. Legislators countered …

Student Opportunity Scholarships: FAQs

… Doesn’t this plan violate the Michigan Constitution? Article VIII, Section 2 of the Michigan Constitution, adopted in 1970, represents what is arguably … savings accounts — which closely resemble the accounts envisioned in this proposal — and abuse there has been vanishingly rare. Michigan can also draw on …

Fix Roads Faster Than They Fall Apart

Gov. Whitmer's pothole patrol won't fulfill her campaign pledge

… Michigan first." While the governor repeated her 2018 campaign slogan, her proposal doesn’t follow through on the pledge. Roads need regular maintenance. … growing. This was not meant to be. The governor insisted on raising taxes by $2 billion in order to spend $1.2 billion on the roads. Legislators countered …

Governor’s Budget Downgrades Charter Schools

Whitmer’s school aid proposal picks winners and losers

… parts. First, she wants nearly $2 billion more to spend between … Whitmer put forward a 2023 proposal that would spend 8% more … one could look at this last proposal as progress. The last time … take the governor’s budget proposals seriously when they treat … enrich the system, her budget proposal is treating some families’ …

Governor Whitmer Wants More Corporate Handouts

As a legislator, she supported $4.5 billion in special favors for businesses

… pandemic recovery plan for Michigan 12 months ago, and she included in her proposal a call for more corporate handouts. Chief among her ideas is renewing … order to land these companies. Extra state money matters in as little as 2% of all deals where the subsidies were a decisive factor in a firm’s decision …

Democrat’s Amendment Insinuates Legislative Leaders Affiliate With Domestic Terrorists

… affiliations with a domestic terrorist organization.” Irwin made his proposal to amend Senate Bill 458 on June 2. Under the bill, the required written notice would go to the Senate majority …

Bill Advances To Make State University Funding Follow Students, Not Lobbyists

‘I see a sea of lobbyists here today’

… recently unanimously adopted the proposal from Chairman Rep. Mark Huizenga, … Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s budget proposal for 2021-22 was essentially based … traditional funding formulas, with a 2% overall increase in funding. A spokesman … university presidents has called Berman’s proposal “spectacularly self-defeating.” …

Michigan Transmission Monopolies Raise Prices And Stifle Market Innovation

Senate Energy & Technology Committee

… the right to construct or maintain portions of the same transmission system.2 The logic behind this already holds in transportation, with construction … region. In the examples it reviewed, outside bidders produced high-quality proposals that took into account key policies, climate/weather, field and soil conditions, …

Governor Whitmer Calls for More Corporate Handouts

As a legislator, she supported $4.5 billion in special favors for businesses

… pandemic recovery plan for Michigan on Tuesday, and she included in her proposal a call for more corporate handouts. Chief among her ideas is renewing … order to land these companies. Extra state money matters in as little as 2% of all deals where the subsidies were a decisive factor in a firm’s decision …

CapCon’s Top 10 Stories Of 2020

COVID-19 dominated the news, but it wasn’t the only topic of great interest

… order issued by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer stated. No. 2 (July 24): Vaccine may be years away; so may be end … gas tax increase she proposed in 2019. But that proposal would not have directed any additional resources … “new cases” rate listed as “medium.” No. 10 (Oct. 2): Michigan Supreme Court takes away Whitmer’s unilateral …

State Budget 2022: Not Too Early to Cut Corporate and Industry Handouts

Michigan needs a fair field for all and favors for none

… With the new calendar year closing in, and a fiscal year 2021-22 budget proposal just a month or two away, it is worth reminding lawmakers that there is … year for every job created by the program, hardly a cost-effective outcome. 2. Entrepreneurship Ecosystem: $15.7 million This line item underwrites economic …

Mackinac in the Media

… or reject two different proposals on the November ballot. For Proposal 1, the fiscal and environmental … inform readers about the proposal and how it relates to the … inform the public about Proposal 2, which addresses data privacy, … adaption of a bill similar to Proposal 2 and the importance of data …

Top 10 Legislative Wins in the Whitmer Era (So Far)

… schedule for medical providers. We’ve advocated this since the late 1980s. 2. Asset Forfeiture Reform. Another multi-year initiative of ours has been to … workers’ income taxes to politically connected employers. Senators decline a proposal to extend it for five years and $300 million.

Michigan Can Bring Privacy Into the 21st Century via Proposal 2

Ballot proposal would require a search warrant before accessing electronic data

… respected by law enforcement when they vote on Proposal 2. This ballot proposal would require law enforcement to acquire a search … Legislature, it passed and has become Michigan Proposal 2: Search Warrant for Electronic Data Amendment. …

Appendix A: Proposal 1’s Textual Changes to Michigan Constitution

… Michigan state parks endowment fund.      (2) The UNTIL THE MICHIGAN STATE PARKS … FUND AS PROVIDED FOR IN SUBSECTION (2) NO LONGER APPLIES AND THE REVENUES … invested as provided by law.      (2) The accumulated principal of the endowment … revenue to the endowment fund.      (B) (2) Once the accumulated principal in the …

State Park Needs

… spend additional revenue if Proposal 1 is approved and leads to … available for these purposes. Proposal 1 would also make more money … is no minimum requirement. Proposal 1 would require the NRTF … development spending, under Proposal 1’s changes, would instead … Center for Public Policy, Sept. 2, 2003), …

Amendments to Trust Funds if Proposal 1 is Approved

Proposal 1’s amendments to the Michigan Constitution would change … most significant change from Proposal 1 is that it would eliminate … development of state lands. Proposal 1 would make this spending … toward development projects. Proposal 1 would also explicitly allow … alterations bolded. Graphic 2: Proposal 1’s Changes to State …


… Natural Resources Trust Fund. Among other changes, Proposal 1 would constitutionally require future state … the money as part of its annual budgeting process.[2] The NRTF reached its cap of $500 million in 2011, … Agency, Feb. 2015), [2] MCL § 324.1904. [3] “State of Michigan: Comprehensive …

The Animus Behind Michigan’s Anti-Aid Amendment

When families most need education options, bigoted provision stands in the way

… indirectly” supporting nonpublic schools, putting it into Article VIII, Section 2. This marked the last time any state in the nation added an anti-aid amendment … aid to students and families. The School Choice Now Act, a congressional proposal to boost private K-12 scholarships, would bypass Michigan’s discriminatory …

Drivers Licenses, Child DNRs and Court Costs

May 22 MichiganVotes Roll Call Report

… on child Do-Not-Resuscitate orders: Passed 103 to 2 in the House To establish procedures, rules and liability limitations for schools under the proposal in House Bill 5417 to allow parents and guardians … bills – drivers license expirations: Passed 35 to 2 in the Senate To extend until June 30, 2020 the …

Federal Cash is Coming for Michigan Schools – We Need to Use It Fairly and Smartly

… safely available in future months. Whitmer’s April 2 executive order suspended a newly implemented requirement … coronavirus, and it is designed to reward innovative proposals. The U.S. Department of Education specifically encourages proposals that would give students access to more online …

Michigan Entered 2020 Stronger

… tax ranks 18th-best in the nation. 2. The personal property tax system has been reformed. Proposal 1 of 2014 relied on a vote of the … inefficient personal property tax. The proposal created exemptions in the tax on … personal income would have grown by 2% without such a law, it will instead …

Bill Would Let Townships Impose Property Tax Hikes For Broadband Projects

Use it or not, property owners would pay

… University of Pennsylvania found that only 2 of 20 such projects reviewed nationally … a similar broadband property tax proposal of $4.9 million from a levy of 3.25 … concern, she said. Lasinski’s 2017 proposal would have expanded the use of special … health emergency make it unlikely the proposal will get a committee hearing anytime …

Some Perspective: Michigan is Stronger Today

The state is in a more resilient position to weather an economic storm than at any time before

… tax ranks 18th best in the nation. 2. Personal property tax reform. Proposal 1 of 2014 relied on a vote of the … inefficient personal property tax. The proposal created exemptions for the tax on … personal income would have grown by 2% without such a law, it instead grows …

Coronavirus Spending, Evict False Emotional Support Animals, Job Training and More

March 20 MichiganVotes Weekly Roll Call Report

… housing subsidy debt: Passed 35 to 2 in the Senate To increase to … “Michigan Reconnect” scholarship proposal: Passed 35 to 2 in the Senate To authorize a … “Michigan Reconnect” scholarship proposal: Passed 81 to 12 in the House The House version of this proposal, whose provisions will likely …

Yes, A Michigan Law Rations Number Of Hospital Beds Here

Now public health experts concerned about hospitals surge capacity

… Need program. Michigan’s CON law requires any proposal to build new medical facilities or add hospital … incumbent health care providers veto power over proposals to add capacity or new competitors. How much … about hospital bed capacity, published on March 2, Michigan facilities have 25,375 licensed hospital …

Increasing Cigarette Taxes Will Likely Lead to Smuggling

New Jersey should look at alternative solutions

… differential of $2.25 per pack is, and it will only grow should the governor’s proposal pass, giving criminals more incentives to engage in smuggling. Perhaps … Forged Millions of Tax Stamps for Cigarettes from North Carolina.” 2017: “2 NC men arrested in $20M cigarette smuggling operation.” 2016: “Police Uncover …

US House Would Overturn Michigan's Right-to-Work Law

Michigan voters rejected similar union overreach in 2012

… against a background of raucous demonstrations at the Capitol by pro-union forces. Six weeks earlier, a solid 57-42 majority of voters said “no” to Proposal 2, a union-funded constitutional amendment to essentially prohibit any right-to-work law from taking effect in Michigan. This month’s U.S. House …

Road Funding Debate is Not About Roads

The real conflict is over the rest of the state budget

… about everything else the state spends money on. Whitmer’s 2019 tax hike proposal reflects this. She asked for a 45-cent-per-gallon fuel tax hike, of which … $2.1 billion to the transportation budget in fiscal year 2000-01, but just $2 billion a decade later. This “coasting” did see pavement conditions begin …

How Independent Will Michigan’s New Redistricting Commission Be?

California’s experience provides cause for concern

… legislative lines, and it analyzed the ballot proposal. In assessing the best arguments for and against the proposal, it concluded that “there is some evidence to … [While] the most prominent argument against Proposal 2 is that it relies too heavily on poorly defined …

Michigan Union Membership Reached Historic Low In 2019

Right-to-work law accelerated an ongoing trend

… hundred thousand people choosing to exercise their freedom and not join a union.” In 2012, voters strongly rejected a union-backed ballot initiative, Proposal 2, that would have enacted a constitutional amendment prohibiting a right-to-work law. In the wake of this initiative’s defeat, legislators passed …

CapCon’s Top 10 Stories For 2019

Road Fix That Wasn’t, Gun-Free Zones, 1,100 Windmills Won’t Replace This Coal Plant

… web traffic, was about Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s proposal for an annual state budget that required a permanent … an estimated $1.26 billion, Whitmer’s budget proposal only allocated a $764 million more to transportation … just $764 million in the 2019-20 fiscal year. No. 2 Headline: Even Without Tax Hikes State Will Collect …

70 Times Gunshots Fired On School Grounds In Michigan Since 1970

Michigan schools tax, borrow and spend big for security

… the district noted. Of the 142 school bond proposals whose ballot language contained the term “security,” … off in the main office earlier in the year. Feb. 2, 2001: A gunshot was fired from across the street … were slightly injured by shattered glass. Dec. 2, 2002: A 15-year-old student brought a handgun to …

What Happens Now to Roads in Michigan

There are five potential paths lawmakers can take

… additional road funding resources. Yet total state funding hovered around $2 billion for over a decade before gradually increasing to $3.6 billion. Which … by 80% of voters. They’re likely going to be reluctant to put a similar proposal on the ballot, certainly one in the form that was rejected so strongly. …

Millionaires Eligible For Welfare? Proponents Of Rule Change Say It’s Technically Possible

Critic calls system ‘completely divorced from the original congressional intent’

… most in need,” Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said in announcing the proposal in July. It would revoke regulations and guidance issued during the Clinton … food stamp recipients in Michigan has fallen sharply since peaking at nearly 2 million in the wake of the Great Recession to under 1.2 million today. The …

The Corporate Welfare Lady Protests Too Much

Evidence shows subsidy efforts are ineffective

… is a misnomer. It should instead be called “MEGA 2: Subsidies for Large Conglomerates.” That’s because … testified in favor of Good Jobs, then just a proposal, had apparently been part of past MEGA deals. … related to the subject matter, not the statute or proposal, respectively.) MEGA Statute: “The local governmental …

Teachers Union Opposed State Pension Reforms, Now Doing Same

Retired employees call union's changes ‘disaster,’ ‘radical,’ ‘extreme’

… drop. The figures come from a report, called the LM-2, that the MEA files with the U.S. Department of Labor … reported by MIRS. It is said to describe the proposal as a “disaster, radical changes that the Employer’s … imagined.” MEA spokesman Doug Pratt defended the proposal and said there was an “urgent need for action” …

Minimum Wage Laws Hurt People

… minimum wage across the entire U.S. will harm some areas more than others; 2) Minimum wage laws harm poor people more than they help them; 3) They increase … the median one was a loss of 1.3 million jobs. And that’s not all. The proposal would also reduce business income and, ultimately, inflation-adjusted …

If You Seek a Pleasant Road Funding Plan, Look About You

… been a priority that gets more taxpayer money. In 2010, the state spent $2 billion of its revenue on the roads. Lawmakers found $600 million in the budget, … state’s budget growth on other matters as well. Voters rejected a 2015 proposal to raise taxes for road funding and provide more revenue for other government …

The Cost of Road Building is Spiking, and That’s a Problem

MDOT chief says system can handle it

… percent back in 2009 as the federal stimulus of $1 billion rolled in. The proposal today is for a $2.5 billion increase in a year and a half — at a time … Over a decade, Michigan is set to double state spending on roads – from $2 billion to $4 billion. The state does need to spend more on roads and bridges …

Smuggled Smokes: California Closes in on New York

… with the most smuggling to take the No. 2 position overall — only behind perennial … here.) While the Golden State is No. 2 in our rankings, it is No. 1 in the … already done this for six active proposals in five states. Legislation has … included in her most recent budget proposal (released in January) a 25-cent increase …

Tax Evasion and Avoidance: Michigan Ranks 14th in Cigarette Smuggling

Latest data shows the relationship between cigarette taxes and smuggling

… That figure may leap upward to 34.4 percent if the $1.50 excise tax hike proposal introduced last February is passed into law. Our latest estimates use … The arrests were part of a larger investigation that uncovered more than 2 million contraband smokes. Of course, not all states are net importers of …

College Pays $75 Fine For Illegal Electioneering

President used taxpayer-funded equipment to ask for $7.1 million tax hike

… your support for this ballot proposal.” And in the subject line … voters about upcoming tax proposals, but it does not allow those … Frentzos on Oct. 24, 2018, at 2:51 p.m., which had the subject … your support for this ballot proposal. This will benefit you personally, … part, “I will also offer you 2 extra credit points for voting. …

There is Waste in Michigan’s Budget

Not all of it can be cut immediately, but some can redirected to roads now

… spending has held steady at around $2 billion annually for more than … road spending in Michigan from $2 billion to $4 billion. This gradual … Altogether, these would free up about $2 billion for transportation. … other budget areas — her proposal calls for increasing fuel … approach. Polls done on the proposal to hike the gas tax show …

Gas Tax Hike of 45 Cents May Kill More than 22,500 Private Sector Jobs

… nearly a decade before that, produced a 200-idea budget study that found $2 billion in savings, and its key reform ideas are still intact. Lastly, Gov. … Mackinac Center, I feel compelled to note that too many budget reforms and proposals to reduce spending are too easily dismissed as too big to be politically …

The Roads Are Crumbling And Have Always Been Crumbling

Michigan media has been breaking the story going on 30 years

… each year to fix Michigan’s crumbling roads was launched last week with proposals to nearly double vehicle registration fees, switch from a flat tax to … “‘Our roads are crumbling,’” said State Rep. Craig DeRoche, R-Novi.” July 2, 2005 The Herald-Palladium Headline: The state’s crumbling roads “They …

How Michigan Can Fix The Roads Without Tax Hikes

Redirect revenue growth and corporate subsidies to roads, eliminate optional grants and more

… Whitmer wants to spend next year. LaFaive then described some of the proposals on the list. The largest piece is redirecting to road repairs the $1.2 … midnight budget negotiations. An example is that in the last two budgets, $2 million was granted to the Grand Rapids Civic Theatre. The money was appropriated …

Fuel Tax Funds Will Be Diverted

Not all revenue raised by the new tax will be prioritized to roads

… the roads. It’s similar to Proposal 1 of 2015, a road funding … concrete, for example. That proposal called for $2 billion in tax increases, but … a tax hike anyway, after Proposal 1’s defeat, and shifted funds … annually after that. Whitmer’s proposal would eliminate those earmarks, …

Gas Tax Hike of 45 Cents May Kill More than 22,500 Private Sector Jobs

Lawmakers should look at other options

… Center, nearly a decade before that, produced a 200-idea budget study worth $2 billion, and its key reform ideas are still intact. Lastly, Gov. Jennifer … Mackinac Center, I feel compelled to note that too many budget reforms and proposals to reduce spending are too easily dismissed as too big to be politically …

Cigarette Tax Hike of 75 Percent Will Create Great Lake of Smuggled Smokes

Raising the state’s tobacco tax will send smokers to out-of-state sources for cigarettes

… helm — often produce a hailstorm of new policy proposals. One of those — House Bill No. 4188 — would raise … that hiking the cigarette excise tax to $3.50 from $2 will cause legal in-state cigarette sales to decline … sky-high taxation. This is what makes the current proposal baffling. The press release associated with the …

Cigarette Tax Hike of 75 Percent Will Create Great Lake of Smuggled Smokes

… helm — often produce a hailstorm of new policy proposals. One of those — House Bill No. 4188 — would raise … that hiking the cigarette excise tax to $3.50 from $2 will cause legal in-state cigarette sales to decline … sky-high taxation. This is what makes the current proposal baffling. The press release associated with the …

Government Broadband’s Record Is Bad; Traverse City Going For It

City-owned utility wants a federal ‘energy savings’ loan to bankroll it

… according to a 2017 study from the University of Pennsylvania Law School, only 2 of the 20 municipal broadband projects studied were projected to earn enough … May 2018, residents of Sharon Township in Washtenaw County voted down a proposal to build a municipal-owned fiber-optic network.

School Employees Dump Michigan Education Association in Droves

… report the MEA is required to file — called the LM-2 — and they compare the state of the MEA the year … its condition today. From Sept. 1, 2012, to Sept. 2, 2018, its membership dropped from 117,265 to 84,872 … responsible for the “anti-gerrymandering” ballot proposal that voters approved last November. The union …

After Apples: The Making of the 1963 Constitution

… the voters of Michigan rejected a proposal in 1961 to amend the constitution … approved and remained at Article 9, Section 2 of the 1963 constitution. The final … the committee that rejected this proposal: One thing that we were asked to … voters had just rejected this exact proposal two years before.[100] Another highlighted …

Fireworks, Campaigns, Coal Ash, Wages and More

December 7 MichiganVotes roll call

… created by voter passage of 2018 Proposal 2. The commission would consist of … enacted by voter approval of 2018 Proposal 3. That measure eliminated the requirement … required by voter approval of 2018 Proposal 2. Senate Bill 1197, Authorize Straits … regulatory regime to accommodate this proposal. This would align state law and regulations …

Will Michigan Follow California’s Lead In Redistricting?

Voters will decide who should draw political districts

… districts are redrawn. Proposal 2, spearheaded by a group … district lines, something Proposal 2 would explicitly forbid. Proposal 2 also outlines factors that … government). Additionally, Proposal 2 would ban the parents, stepparents, … arrangements called for by the proposal. Advocates of Proposal 2 …

Recommendations for Reform

… judges a better way to make fair and consistent decisions. Another reform proposal would require judges to take into account a defendant’s financial standing … Clark v. Hall, 53 P.3d 416 (2002); Jones v. City of Clanton, Civil Action No. 2:15cv34-MHT (WO).