Results 701 to 800 of 835

Food Stamps and Dyseconomics

… misguided as the notion that raising the minimum wage puts "new money" into the economy. As with any entitlement or stimulus program, from food stamps to film incentives, the money that is given out first has to be taken away from someone else. The formula for "economic activity" attributable to food stamp …

The Expensive Mystery of “Project Cherrywood”

… to a monster movie with a novel premise: a supposedly uncut amateur video of what turns out to be a Godzilla-like creature attacking Manhattan. The film begins with an official-looking Defense Department header describing what follows as footage recovered from a camcorder found at the scene of "Case …

High School Debate Workshops: “I Have Seen the Influence”

… government in addressing poverty. This year's speakers were: Greg Rehmke, director of educational programs for Economic Thinking/E Pluribus Unum Films, a nonprofit organization in Seattle, Wash. Rehmke presented ideas for addressing America's poverty problem through means other than government welfare. …

Parents pin hopes on charter school lottery

Popular Ypsilanti academy draws hundreds of applicants

… the South Arbor gymnasium after the event. The two-hour lottery followed a strict protocol, including a rule that it be videotaped. As the camera filmed, the names of all applicants in a given grade were placed in a container and drawn at random by an independent third party. As they were drawn, each …

Parents Pin Hopes on Charter School Lottery

… the South Arbor gymnasium after the event. The two-hour lottery followed a strict protocol, including a rule that it be videotaped. As the camera filmed, the names of all applicants in a given grade were placed in a container and drawn at random by an independent third party. As they were drawn, each …

Think Tank of the Future

… happened when we broke the story that filmmaker and crusader against corporate subsidies Michael Moore applied for his own subsidy from the state's film office. We now have the best public policy blog in the state, "The MC," at Reporters and residents pull charts, facts and figures …

How to Hold Elected Officials Accountable

… feel the heat when we expose government mischief and wrongdoing: A legislative staffer resigned in the fallout from our investigation into a state film subsidy deal. His former boss then lost his primary election bid this year. The governor feels the heat when we unearth video of her boasting about …

Free-Market Library

… "Capitalism: A Love Story," is put on the spot after it is discovered that his production company applied — and was approved — for subsidies under Michigan's film incentive program. Communications Specialist Kathy Hoekstra uses footage of Moore to expose the contradictions. Is The MHBCCC Defunded? This video …

Free-Market Library

… fact from fiction.   JOURNALS Michigan Capitol Confidential MCC2010-02 Key stories: Public employee pay, stimulus spending, wind energy, Michigan film subsidies.   STUDIES Environmental Regulation in Michigan: A Blueprint for Reform S2010-04 Russ Harding, senior environmental analyst and director …

Five Years Later... We Are Not 'Blown Away'

… state. Gov. Jennifer Granholm's legacy is one of failed development policies bookended between a "Cool Cities" initiative and an expensive and failed film subsidy program. I can only hope the new administration will cast a wary eye on such programs. Her favorite tool - the 15-year old Michigan Economic …

The FCC’s 2010 Hollywood Blockbuster Extravaganza

… genres and includes equal parts spaghetti Western, horror, science fiction, political intrigue, courtroom drama, and pugilism—this hodgepodge of a film inevitably will make no one happy and possesses minimal entertainment value. In Act One, our intrepid hero—let’s call him Julius Genachowski, former …

Bad News About State Jobs Program "Not Heard" by Granholm

… Job Creation "...Funny Numbers They Pull Out of Their Backside" Does Michigan Adding Jobs in July Redeem the Granholm Record? Governor Describes Film Subsidies as Jobs Program, so "Why Not Give Them Spoons?" NOT Blown Away

Community College Never Heard From Erstwhile 'Partner' in Forced Unionization Scheme

… many day care provides subject to this process, “It’s a Casablanca moment,” Wright said, paraphrasing a famous facetious quip from the 1942 classic film. “I’m shocked — shocked! — to find out that this was just a waste of time done to enrich unions!” MHBCCC representatives haven’t returned e-mails …

The Laboratory Library: Book Review

The Deep Black Pond (2010) by Morgan Kostival

… also stands out. Finally, Kostival’s illustrations should be noted as inspired by the stop-action motion picture techniques of old Ray Harryhausen films as well as “The Nightmare Before Christmas” and “The Corpse Bride.” In this, Kostival exhibits his degree in video production. As reproduced on the …

Speaking Up

… recommended by the Center: Reduced and simplified business taxes to spur job creation Eliminated tax breaks for favored industries Significantly reduced film industry subsidies Allowed municipal or school district union contracts to be set aside to prevent insolvency Encouraged schools and municipalities …

A Good Start, Policymakers. Now Time for the Heavy Lifting

… their way into law this year. Here are some of them: Reduce business taxes to spur job creation. Eliminate corporate welfare-like tax gimmicks such as film industry subsidies. Ask public school teachers to pay part of their health insurance premiums. Set aside certain public-sector union contracts to prevent …

A Good Start, Policymakers. Now for the Heavy Lifting

… their way into law this year. Here are some of them: Reduce business taxes to spur job creation. Eliminate corporate welfare-like tax gimmicks such as film industry subsidies. Ask public school teachers to pay part of their health insurance premiums. Set aside certain public-sector union contracts to prevent …

Less Than 0.001 Percent of Tenured Teachers Fired Over Past Five Years

… every 57 doctors and one out of every 97 lawyers loses his or her license for malpractice. Drawing from U.S. Department of Education statistics, the film notes that only one out of every 2,500 unionized public school teachers with tenure gets fired in any given year. One school administrator, who requested …

State of the State: How to Move Michigan Forward

… incentives to reduce their annual costs. The Michigan Economic Growth Authority, a so-called “jobs program,” was mercifully put down; the scope of film subsidies to private business was significantly reduced; costly project-labor agreements were ended; and Michigan’s archaic item-pricing law was repealed. …

Parents Pin Hopes on Charter School Lottery

… the South Arbor gymnasium after the event. The two-hour lottery followed a strict protocol, including a rule that it be videotaped. As the camera filmed, the names of all applicants in a given grade were placed in a container and drawn at random by an independent third party. As they were drawn, each …

Controversial Cyber Security Bill Passed By U.S. House

Legitimate Internet protection or threat to civil liberties?

… protect their customers,” Adams concluded. Yonkman says comparisons between CISPA and SOPA are inaccurate. “SOPA’s focus was the protection of music and film copyrights,” he said. “CISPA’s focus is cyber threat sharing to prevent actual computer and network intrusions from advanced foreign cyber threats …

How Many Voters Will Miss The Bottom Of The Ballot?

Allen Park looks to end crony subsidy deals

… stems from a $31 million dollar investment in a failed movie studio complex. A few years ago, Allen Park's elected officials tried to cash in on state film and education subsidies. The city partnered with a movie producer in a project to build studios and sound stages, editing and animation facilities, …

Unions, Government Entities Team Up to Keep Information From Citizens

… multi-million dollar forced unionization of up to 60,000 day care providers who were put into a union for accepting state money to look after children. The film credit scandal involving the owners of “Hangar 42,” who attempted to lie to state officials about the price of a studio to garner taxpayer money leading …

The Dark Side of the Moon

The bright side of capitalism

… ubiquitous “Money” — allowed Messrs. Waters, Gilmour, Mason and Wright to live like the rock stars they aspired to be. Country estates were purchased, film investments were made and expensive motorcars were attained. Just so. It’s too easy to charge Waters and his former band mates (the group split acrimoniously …

Everyone Loves Tax Cuts

If liberals don't believe tax cuts create jobs, why do they support corporate welfare programs?

… passed 92-13 in the House and 35-3 in the Senate, with every Democrat voting in support. Michigan's corporate welfare arm also administers the state's film subsidy. The original bill creating the program passed a combined 145-1, with the only "no" vote coming from a Republican senator who no longer is …

The Ticket: The Many Faces of School Choice

National School Choice Week Celebration

… videos, and the Ed Reform Minute podcast. Previously, Bowdon directed The Cartel, a documentary about corruption in public education that won twelve film festival awards, a national theatrical release, and distribution from Warner Brothers. In his non-education reform endeavors, Bowdon has appeared …

MEA Committee Urges Dems To Vote In GOP Primary

… Separates Candidates In 98th District House GOP Primary Incumbent Voting Record Targeted In 86th District House Primary Race Contrast Over Right-to-Work, Film Subsidies, Detroit Bailout In 31st District Senate Race Select Business Subsidies, Endorsements Are Differences In 37th District Senate GOP Primary …

Interview with Mike Rowley, Mackinac Center Supporter

… Rowley: Continue to get government out of the business of picking winners and losers and leave it up to the free market. We should not be funding film credits. We should not sacrifice long-term policy for short-term gains. Michigan is wasting its time on incentives that do not create good long-term …

National School Choice Week at the Capitol

… videos, and the Ed Reform Minute podcast. Previously, Bowdon directed “The Cartel,” a documentary about corruption in public education that won 12 film festival awards, a national theatrical release, and distribution from Warner Bros. In his non-education reform endeavors, Bowdon has appeared as the …

‘Tax Cut Fever’ – Never Burning Hot

… increasing a tax credit somewhere, the state would still be extracting just as much revenue from the general taxpayer. Giving out subsidies through film credits, for instance, may mean less revenue for Lansing, but that matters little to taxpayers who still have to finance those expenditures. The most …

The Myth of a Spreading ‘Tax Cut Fever’

… increasing a tax credit somewhere, the state would still be extracting just as much revenue from the general taxpayer. Giving out subsidies through film credits, for instance, may mean less revenue for Lansing, but it matters little to taxpayers who still have to finance those expenditures. The most …

Skiing with Ashleigh

… the hill. There is no video evidence of me learning to walk as a toddler, but you could have rolled tape on my attempt to get up the ski hill and filmed a similar scene. These thoughts permeated my mind last month as I took my oldest daughter Ashleigh (age 6) skiing for her first time. She’s a perfectionist …

How Michigan Can Pay for its Roads Without a Tax Increase

Over $1.5 billion in savings

… renegotiated, which would free up even more money. At the very least, the Legislature should eliminate the most ineffective MEDC programs. The $50 million film incentive is roundly criticized by independent economists and has had lackluster results. The 21st Century Jobs Fund ($75 million) – former Gov. Granholm’s …

Skip Industry Breaks, Lower All Taxes

… incentive package, the price of its stock peaked — forever. One year later, it was bankrupt. Other Michigan examples of failed incentive programs abound: film production subsidies, state broadband deployment and the Cool Cities initiative come to mind. So what is a superior alternative? First, foremost …

An Inspiration for Expanding Detroit’s Educational Choices

The second in a two-part series on Detroit Cristo Rey High School

… State University. Four years later, he emerged not only with a communications degree but also a $5,000 competitive grant to help him produce his first film. Cristo Rey High School need not be an anomaly in Detroit’s educational landscape. The school’s innovative model makes a unique opportunity accessible …

Tilt from Tax Cutting to Corporate Welfare Renews Failed Approach to Economic Growth

Lawmakers face a number of corporate welfare proposals

… a new governor steered a different course. Gov. Rick Snyder scaled back the pace of corporate giveaways, eventually ended a disastrous $500 million film subsidy adventure and replaced a destructive gross-receipts-type business tax with a simpler and less onerous corporate income tax. It appears to …

Climate Activists Endanger Lives by Tampering with Pipelines

As winter approaches, fossil fuels keep us warm

… supporter, forced their way through security fencing at pipeline facilities belonging to Enbridge, TransCanada, Kinder Morgan and Spectra Energy. After filming statements justifying their actions, they cut the chains and locks protecting pipeline safety valves and turned off the flow of oil. Other, better-known, …

Legislators Who Promote Transparency Should Start by Disclosing Corporate Welfare Deals

MEDC secrecy patronizes lawmakers and public

… citizens to take their word for the success of their spending. The MEDC hired a consultant in 2009 to use REMI to calculate the impact of the Michigan film incentive subsidy program. His analysis determined the program was a “big hit” and produced lots of value for the money. A quick look at the assumptions …

MEGA 2 Hearing Demonstrates Desperation

New corporate welfare proposal gets hard sell in tax committee

… into Michigan’s past to find evidence that the state’s attempts to pick winners and losers in the marketplace has been ineffectual. The MEGA program, film subsidies and broadband deployment were all colossal failures of state incentive programs. These alone should be reason enough not to try the state’s …

Jobs Department’s Fake News: $10 Tax return for Every $1 in Subsidies

Program lacks transparency, too

… misused to make government programs appear more successful than they really are. Years ago, the state commissioned a study from a consultant about its film subsidy program. The consultant used REMI and reported the program was a success. But the consultant omitted 100 percent of the costs associated with …

Libertarian Scholar Charles Murray Is Shouted Down At U-M Event By Students

Protesters call Murray 'sexist, racist, KKK!'

… supremacist websites?” according to reports in Campus Reform. One protester assaulted a field representative from the Leadership Institute, who was filming the protest, and threw the representative’s phone from the balcony. Campus security staff at the event did little to stop protestors from disrupting …

When the Goal of Spending Money is to Spend Money

Transit should instead be about getting people places

… Early childhood education 16 spending multiplier Michigan Business Development Program 8.72 spending multiplier Arts spending 7 spending multiplier Film Credits 6 spending multiplier Transit spending 4 spending multiplier Soo Locks 2 – 4 spending multiplier Great Lakes Restoration Initiative spending …

Lawmakers Have a Chance to Fix Michigan’s Licensing Laws

… For others, our regulations are out of whack with common sense. (Why do makeup artists in cosmetology shops need more training than those who work on film projects?) In addition, most licenses block people who have committed a crime from working — even misdemeanors are taken into account — without enough …

Michigan Can Afford an Income Tax Cut

Michigan Senate Finance Committee

… ought to spend their own money marketing their business. There’s money in the budget. The Legislature has made cuts before. We spent half a billion on film subsidies before eliminating the program. Don’t like these ideas? There is a natural place to make decisions about spending scarce tax dollars: in …

Some Perspective: Michigan is Stronger Today

The state is in a more resilient position to weather an economic storm than at any time before

… Recession, Gov. Rick Snyder reined in corporate welfare, shuttering the expensive and failed Michigan Economic Growth Authority and ultimately the state’s film production incentive program, too. Since then, lawmakers have trimmed state budget appropriations for the agencies that oversee jobs programs. Funding …

Michigan Entered 2020 Stronger

… Recession, Gov. Rick Snyder reined in corporate welfare, shuttering the expensive and failed Michigan Economic Growth Authority and ultimately the state’s film production incentive program, too. Since then, lawmakers have trimmed state budget appropriations for the agencies that oversee jobs programs. Funding …

Beer, Tattoo Art and Groceries: Is There Nothing the State Won’t Subsidize?

Governments do a lousy job at creating jobs through its handout programs

… In addition, the report also notes that the state promoted the Lansing Art & Craft Beer Festival and a “Brew and View” screening of the iconic 2004 film “Mean Girls,” complete with craft beer available for the audience. And these are just entries from the 2019 report. The state has also promoted beer …


… solar components. Mean levelized cost of energy measures indicate that solar prices were $359 per MWh in 2009, but the unsubsidized price for thin-film utility scale photovoltaic installations was $32 to $42 in 2019.[83] Some challenges that solar energy faces include a heavy reliance on federal financial …

Biden Blowout: Spending Bill Unnecessary and Harmful

State lawmakers must act to minimize waste

… spend, she apparently has the resources now to realize her dreams. It would be unwise, however, given repeated failures of MEDC programs, such as MEGA, film incentives and the Pure Michigan tourism promotion program. These aren’t the only bad ideas that abound, but it is pretty clear from the spending …

Four Reforms Every State Should Adopt to Help its Workforce

It should be as easy as possible for people to get back into the workforce

… Did you know cutting hair without a license, even for free, is illegal in Michigan and some other states? Or that you can put makeup on theater or film actors without having to undergo state-mandated training, but doing so in a shop requires hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars in payments to …

‘Show the effects that bad policy has on individuals’

John Kay on the Right to Earn a Living

… safe way. They were both told by their respective boards that they could not operate. They had to shut down,” Kay says. “We sat down with them. We filmed them telling their story talking about their problem. Daltonio even joined us at the capitol and testified and met legislators,” Kay says, “We put …

Curse of the masked governor

The terrifying story of Marlena Pavlos-Hackey and Whitmer’s shutdown

… small-business owners. Once the opening scene’s upbeat music ends, the movie tells a tale that should make all Americans shiver. As in any thriller, the film starts with the unsuspecting target: Marlena Pavlos-Hackney, owner of Marlena’s Bistro and Pizzeria in Holland, Michigan. A Polish immigrant to the …

What are you thankful for?

Thanksgiving should be an everyday event, not a rare occasion

Johnny Depp has earned $650 million over his lifetime. His films, including the “Pirates of the Caribbean” franchise, “Platoon,” “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” and “Alice in Wonderland,” have grossed more than $2 billion. And he used this wealth to its fullest. Depp reportedly owned 14 homes, …

Corporate welfare is no way to run a state

Michigan must end subsidies for developers

… subsidy is declared to be a success. According to supporters, every program that gives its supporters money produces the intended outcome. Michigan’s film incentive was a success, even though no evidence for that success ever showed up in the state’s job numbers. People should be wary when the only standard …

Victims of licensing laws

… Donna Williams is a Michigan native who spent $25,000 and got nearly 500 hours of training in California to do makeup artistry. She has worked on film and video projects in Michigan, but her license doesn’t transfer or allow her to work as an esthetician or cosmetologist. “I’m going to be 67, I’m …

The Façade is Falling

Environmental researchers and activists are rebelling

… Electricity Explains the World” A Tyson Culver Film | Produced and narrated by Robert Bryce | Documentary … few LED lights for their home. One quote from the film captures the arrogance of environmental activists … possible. Jeff Gibbs, “Planet of the Humans” Filmed and narrated by Jeff Gibbs | Executive Producer: …

Naked favoritism is becoming Michigan’s economic strategy

A highway’s history of the state economy

… of growing the economy. Lawmakers appropriated $500 million to dozens of films and studios with hope of growing in industry (it was an artistic and economic … most influential politicians see nearly all of the benefits. Some of the films subsidized by taxpayers | Mackinac Center for Public Policy This view along …

All “ Weekly Roll Call Report” Votes for 2011

… Continue giving subsidies to film producers: Passed 92 to 15 … House To convert the state film incentive program into straightforward … limits how much the Michigan film office can authorize, and once … Senate Bill 569, Authorize cash film producer subsidies: Passed … Senate To convert the state film incentive program into straightforward …

Tributes to Stephen P. Dresch

… I worked together on a documentary film, hence the camera here today. I was filming Dresch at his last public appearance … real thing – a true truthseeker. In film they say the camera never lies. Well … screenwriters could never invent. The film we were making together deals with …

Regulation and Monopolies

… Kodak may be a good example. To my knowledge, Kodak doesn't get any special goodies from the government, but it nonetheless sells the great majority of film in this country. If Kodak ever became sloppy and complacent, it would be like hanging out a sign reading "COMPETITORS WANTED," and that's precisely …

"Gladiator" Should Remind Us of Lessons from Ancient Rome

… life, there was no Roman general Maximus (played by Russell Crowe) whom the emperor Marcus Aurelius favored over his son as his successor, but the film's depiction of the general depravity and corruption that came to characterize the Roman empire in its latter days is accurate and, if anything, understated. …

Department of History, Arts, and Library

… Cultural Affairs, Michigan Historical Center, Library of Michigan (formerly known as the State Library), Mackinac State Historic Parks, and the Michigan Film Office.  In addition, the department oversees the state records management program, demography work, and U.S. Census reporting activities.  The department’s …

A New Baseball Statistic for Opening Day

… Pitched Strike Outs, Runs, and Team Home Runs and publish them on sports pages next to box scores (see table above). Like Kevin Costner said in a recent film, "We count everything in baseball." Why not how much the fans shell out of their pockets in taxes for each strike out? That home run by Bobby Higginson …

Of Architecture, Philosophy and Individualism: The Alden B. Dow Story

… embraced it. He would have had his own Website and an Alden Dow chat room. He loved science and technology and was fond of taking pictures and making films. Mr. Dow almost certainly would have a cell phone with a built-in camera to take pictures of a unique building or a beautiful meadow. He would then …

Department of History, Arts, and Library

… Cultural Affairs, Michigan Historical Center, Library of Michigan (formerly known as the State Library), Mackinac State Historic Parks, and the Michigan Film Office. In addition, the department oversees the state records management program, demography work, and U.S. Census reporting activities. The department’s …

"60 Minutes" in September

… government because they oppose the president’s foreign policy. The scandal over last week’s 60 Minutes II episode increasingly resembles a remake of that film — with bumbling media mavens standing in for seditious servicemen, and with a band of Internet bloggers[1] acting as the hero who thwarts them. Last …

Scotland: Seven Centuries After William Wallace

… stand tall among those heroes who gave every ounce of their lives for such noble ideals as liberty, independence and self-reliance. Mel Gibson’s epic film "Braveheart," released in 1995, introduced many non-Scots to one of our greatest heroes, William Wallace. A fierce and uncompromising Scottish patriot, …

The Difference One Can Make

… alive, while it is more age appropriate for her classes than "Schindler’s List." Both the book, "Nicholas Winton and the Rescued Generation," and the film, "All My Loved Ones," are available now from The fourth edition of Vera Gissing’s personal reminiscences, "Pearls of Childhood," will be …

Beyond Basics

Reading, writing and ‘expanding horizons’ in Detroit

… enrichment activities are viewed as equally important. At Jamieson Elementary, the organization has brought in The Motor City Lyric Opera, a giant-screen film on polar explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton, speakers on French and Spanish culture, and various musicians, Harris said, plus arranged field trips to the …


… July 22, 2007, (accessed October 23, 2008). 40 Eric Moskowitz, "Airing of 9/11 film ignites debate," The Boston Globe, November 29, 2007. 41 Christian Schneider, The Benefits of Cable Competition in Wisconsin, (Thiensville, Wisconsin: …

How to Save $2.2 Billion

Spring 2009 Version

… the savings would be: $70 million. Eliminate the cash subsidies that this year will transfer $88 million of Michigan taxpayers' wealth to Hollywood film producers, and $131 million next year. These are a political development program, not an economic development program. We'll split the difference between …

Michigan Legislators Must Solve Their Overspending Crisis with Budget Cuts

… budget. And there are many other examples. Often the most expensive involve massive bi-partisan support. The 21st Century Jobs Fund and the Hollywood film tax credits are just two other eight- or nine-figure budget swallowing monsters created in the recent past and voted for by many if not most of the …


… State to train ed researchers in economics," June 19, 2009 FURTHER READING: Mackinac Center for Public Policy, "Special Effects: Flawed Report on Film Incentives Provides Distorted Lens," June 12, 2009 DPS, DOUG ROSS TALK PARTNERSHIP DETROIT - The emergency manager of Detroit Public Schools and …

Conclusion and Recommendations

… life" for Michiganders, a conclusion reinforced by our findings on the performance of MEGA, the Michigan Broadband Development Authority and Michigan Film Incentive program. The earlier "Literature Review and Analysis" and our own research findings indicate that the MEDC's problems are unlikely to go …

Jobs for Michigan Investment Program: 21st Century Jobs Fund

… five parts: a loan guarantee program; a small-business capital access program; two programs for loans to firms and private equity funds involved in film and digital media; and a program to loan money directly to businesses for "significant job creation or retention within this state."[39] According …

MichCapCon Profile: The 2nd Congressional District Primary

… Both lawmakers and the entire Legislature (except for one lawmaker) voted in favor of creating Michigan's now-embattled film producer subsidy program (see: In addition, Huizenga was a strong supporter and sponsor of the legislation to create this …

Wu-Wu’s Dystopian Petals: A Review of “The Master Switch” by Tim Wu

… documenting the missed opportunities, shortsightedness, genius, and, yes, frequent failings of acumen displayed by the giants of telegraph, telephony, film, radio, television and the Internet. In each instance, Wu argues the innovative geniuses at the heart of each technological revolution pursued the …

A Philosophical Sea Change

… corporate tax; the elimination or reduction of several targeted corporate tax credits, including the Michigan Economic Growth Authority and the Michigan film incentive; the end of the item pricing law, which requires Michigan retailers to place a price tag on every item they sell; state employee concessions; … April 22 Weekly Roll Call Report

… million amount Gov. Snyder requested for “economic development” tax breaks and subsidies to corporations, and cut the amount he wants to set aside for film subsidies from $25 million to $10 million. Recently Introduced Bills of Interest Senate Bill 270 (Authorize school recreation millages) Introduced …

Back Toward Liquor Control

… blog post authored by wine blogger Tom Wark in June about the re-release of 'Toward Liquor Control.' Given tonight’s conclusion of the new Ken Burns film 'Prohibition,' and the work of Gov. Rick Snyder’s liquor advisory committee, we thought our readers might enjoy this timely essay." -- Michael LaFaive, …

Proposal 1: Referendum on the Emergency Manager Law

… Unions Bankrupt Governments? - What the fight over Public Act 4 is all about A City At the End of Its Rope - Allen Park strikes out with subsidized film studio; can't get concessions from government unions and is forced to request an emergency manager The Problem With Allen Park - City owes tens of …

Bentivolio Battling GOP Establishment

Race for the 11th Congressional District Gets Testy

… Agema also repeatedly expresses concerns about lax U.S. security. On the other side of the coin, Bentivolio is saddled with the legacy of his brief film career. He played a role as a surgeon in a movie titled, "The President Goes To Heaven," that was released in 2011. Part of the movie dialogue suggests …

Transparency Law Escapes Big Labor Chokehold

… Mackinac Center’s research arguably led to the unraveling of a movie studio subsidy package in which we discovered, through a FOIA request, that the film subsidy program director agreed with the Mackinac Center. “So disappointing,” she wrote in an email. “It looked so promising. But it’s not. This time …


… for the movie studio, according to The Press.   SOURCE: The Oakland Press, “Report: State pension funds bankroll Pontiac studio; taxpayers lose on films,” March 8, 2013 FURTHER READING: Michigan Capitol Confidential, “Michigan Taxpayers Already Paid for ‘Oz’," March 7, 2013 McMillin Calls for Warren …

Government Entities Stymie FOIA Requests To Hide Information

Michigan Legislators pushing for change

… multi-million dollar forced unionization of up to 60,000 day care providers who were put into a union for accepting state money to look after children; The film credit scandal involving the owners of “Hangar 42,” who misled state officials about the price of a studio to garner taxpayer money leading to a felony …

Déjà Vu All Over Again For Auditor General Report On Select Subsidy Programs

Despite failures, taxpayer funded corporate welfare continues

… too small to be economically meaningful.” A 2010 study from the Anderson Economic Group on the MEDC found that MEGA, the Renaissance Zones and the film incentive program cost the state 25,000 jobs and $85 million in annual tax revenue. Furthermore, eliminating the tax incentives and instituting a statewide …

Detroit Needs More 'From the Heart' Transactions, Less Government

… youth and my favorite, Detroit’s first “No Kill” animal shelter. The shelter was actually founded by a former Detroiter who was denied a permit to film a Discovery channel documentary about Detroit’s 50,000 abandoned and wild dogs. I worry, however, that the from-the heart-transactions of philanthropists …

MEGA Failure: Job Projections From Michigan Tax Credit Program Rarely Came True

Only 2.3 percent of projects met projections

… credits. She specifically cited job numbers for 17 companies. It appears that every single one of those fell short. Some became prominent failures. The film studios of Hangar 42 in West Michigan and Unity Studios in Allen Park both ended in scandal. A123 Systems and LG Chem were battery companies that went …

Incumbent’s Voting Record Targeted In Michigan's 86th District House Primary Race

Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons vs. Angela Rigas

… endorsements and readers are encouraged to give every candidate a serious look before the election.  ~~~~~ See also: Contrast Over Right-to-Work, Film Subsidies, Detroit Bailout In 31st District Senate Race Select Business Subsidies, Endorsements Are Differences In 37th District Senate GOP Primary …

Mitchell Ad About Moolenaar: Truthful or Over the Top?

Sen. Moolenaar: ‘The ad he is using is very deceitful’

… Separates Candidates In 98th District House GOP Primary Incumbent Voting Record Targeted In 86th District House Primary Race Contrast Over Right-to-Work, Film Subsidies, Detroit Bailout In 31st District Senate Race Select Business Subsidies, Endorsements Are Differences In 37th District Senate GOP Primary …

Incumbent’s Record Targeted and Defended in Michigan's 46th

Rep. Bradford Jacobsen and John Reilly discuss their differences on energy mandates, select subsidies

… Separates Candidates In 98th District House GOP Primary Incumbent Voting Record Targeted In 86th District House Primary Race Contrast Over Right-to-Work, Film Subsidies, Detroit Bailout In 31st District Senate Race Select Business Subsidies, Endorsements Are Differences In 37th District Senate GOP Primary …

No Shortage of Issues To Attack On In Michigan's 15th District Senate Primary

Sen. Mike Kowall, Matt Maddock and Ron Molnar

… Separates Candidates In 98th District House GOP Primary Incumbent Voting Record Targeted In 86th District House Primary Race Contrast Over Right-to-Work, Film Subsidies, Detroit Bailout In 31st District Senate Race Select Business Subsidies, Endorsements Are Differences In 37th District Senate GOP Primary …

School Budgets Safe Under ‘No New Taxes’ House Road Funding Package

Critics ignore key provisions in bills

… campaign), it seems improbable that revenue shortfalls would place school and local revenue sharing on the chopping block. Other programs ranging from film and other corporate welfare subsidies to discretionary line items like agriculture-related research would be more likely to face the ax. Another concern …

A History of Corporate Welfare Failure: Mackinac Center Testimony in the Michigan House

… incentives have little or no impact on firm location and investment decisions. Why doesn’t it work? In a 2009 Mackinac Center Policy Brief on Michigan’s film incentive program, my colleague Mike LaFaive laid out four reasons: First, government has nothing to give anyone it doesn’t take from someone else. …

School Choice Shines at the Capitol

… R-St. Clair, spoke about the future of school choice to a group of school reform activists.  § The event began with the screening of “The Ticket.” The short film shows the many ways school choice is provided. “Different kinds of children thrive under different kinds of educational environments,” Bowdon said. …

MEDC’s Pure Michigan Puffery: Part I

Agency claims about success deserve more scrutiny

… numbers are generated. This is important, given that the MEDC has a reputation for puffing up its own job claims and has championed other programs (film subsidies and broadband deployment) with studies whose claims fall apart upon careful examination. Here’s the reality: The net returns on Michigan’s …

Some Greens Rejoice Over Environmental Effects of COVID-19 Restrictions

There is no “silver lining” to impaired human well-being

… swans, fish, and dolphins are effectively fake news. As National Geographic explains, the videos of dolphins swimming in Venetian canals were actually filmed at coastal areas in Sardinia, an area where dolphins are known to regularly congregate. The swans, also seen in Venetian canals, were common before …

‘This is my home and I’m going to fight for this thing’

Matt Paprocki on making a difference in Illinois policy

… we’re not talking to the middle, the moderates, the people who don’t think about politics in their day-to-day life,” Paprocki says. Using media like film is a way to get to people advocates would normally not be able to reach on school choice issues. “What we have to show is how it helps the poor and …


… American Education. (153) As one part of the examination, students watch a film, The Dead Poet’s Society, and are asked to comment on it; the questions, … it clear that students are expected to affirm the slanted message of the film, namely that traditional education is an evil and oppressive experience …

An Ethical Business Climate, or a Business Climate of “Ethics”?

… engaging in "inappropriate" business practices after seeing a 10‑minute film. The film showed stunningly dressed Mary Kay women from Texas at a sales convention …