Results 201 to 263 of 263

Stealth Unionization Scheme Bleeds Medicaid

… family is being diverted to the coffers of the Service Employee International Union. The Hayneses are not alone. Under this arrangement, the SEIU has skimmed nearly $29 million from 56,000 Michigan home health care providers, most of whom are self-employed or family members caring for loved ones. In 2005, …

Case Ends; Forced Unionization Still a Threat

Attorney: Policymakers should ensure it can't happen again, end similar scheme affected home health care providers

… unionized, allowing $6 million annually to be skimmed from a program meant to aid developmentally disabled … legal options for seeking reimbursement of the dues money illegally taken from day care providers are … of several Michigan clients seeking repayment of dues money.

Court of Claims Tosses MEA's Right-to-Work Lawsuit

State Capitol was closed when union protesters pushed past guards, impeded medical workers

… passed at 7:30 p.m. "This frivolous waste of union members' hard-earned dues money was a futile attempt to turn back the clock to the now-discredited … Violent Most of the Arrested Anti Right-to-Work Protesters Have SEIU 'Dues Skim' Connections 'We'll Be at Your Daughter's Soccer Game'

The Legislative Clock is Ticking

It's time for free-market reformers to act

… enacted significant collective bargaining reforms and banned the SEIU’s “dues skim” of day care providers. The Legislature kept up a good pace of reform … and equipment, banning the use of government resources to collect union dues and, famously, enacting the nation’s 24th right-to-work law. Since then, …

The Legislative Clock is Ticking

It’s time for free-market reformers to act

… enacted significant collective bargaining reforms and banned the SEIU’s “dues skim” of day care providers. The Legislature kept up a good pace of reform … and equipment, banning the use of government resources to collect union dues and, famously, enacting the nation’s 24th right-to-work law. Republicans …

Free-Market Library

… were forced into a union and now have part of their state subsidy checks skimmed off for union dues. A Meritorious Idea Oscoda Public Schools has come up with a revolutionary …

Count of Proposed Government Expansions and Limitations in State of the State Address Available Wednesday Night

Mackinac Center policy experts available to comment on Gov. Snyder’s remarks

… using a shell employer known as the Michigan Quality Community Care Council, has “organized” self-employed home health aides for the purpose of skimming dues from their ailing and disabled clients’ Medicaid subsidy checks. The state House passed a bill to end this practice last summer, but it has not …

Arc Michigan Exec's Name-Calling Goes Against Group's Own Pledge

Dohn Hoyle, who also is Prop 4 spokesman, called parent caregiver Robert Haynes 'an idiot'

… year from the Medicaid money of the elderly and disabled in Michigan as "union dues." The union has taken more than $32 million to date from people who mostly … after reading a story in Michigan Capitol Confidential about the union skimming money from home help providers. ~~~~~ See also: Father Taking Care …

The Price Tag on the Ballot Proposals

Constitutional changes would cost billions to Michigan taxpayers, citizens

… disposable personal income in 2025, when the proposal is fully implemented. Proposal 4. Voting “yes” on Proposal 4 would constitutionalize the SEIU dues skim, costing home-based caregivers $6 million annually. Proposal 5 and Proposal 6 have uncertain price tags. As Michael LaFaive explains in his literature …

U.S. Supreme Court Agrees to Decide if Forced Unionization Violates Constitution

Illinois scheme was focus of MCLF amicus brief

… caregivers in Michigan ended last March, but not before the SEIU was able to skim more than $34 million in “dues” from Medicaid checks meant to help our most vulnerable residents. The SEIU …

Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Gala

… award. The parents of two adult children with cerebral palsy, the Hayneses were the public face of the Center’s lengthy battle to end the SEIU’s “dues skim” and stealth unionization scheme that took $35 million away from Michigan’s Medicaid recipients. “I’m declaring that we’re not settling for what …

What Should the Next Legislature Do?

… since enacted into law, including significant net tax relief, cuts to corporate welfare, greatly expanded school choice, bans on unseemly union dues-skimming schemes, and of course the nation’s 24th right-to-work law. This isn’t the entire Mackinac Center agenda, but it would be a good next step. Hopefully …

A Jarrett of All Trades

Meet Jarrett Skorup, Vice President for Marketing and Communications

… things. The proposals would have elevated union contracts above state law, mandated more industrial wind turbines, and allowed a union to keep skimming dues from Medicaid payments to home health care workers. Jarrett gave more than 30 speeches around the state warning about the effects of these proposals. …

Union Electrician and Wife: 'The SEIU Never Did Anything For Us'

Milliron family says they don't think the SEIU should be able to lock its forced unionization into the state constitution

… spent her life taking care of her son, Ronnie, and knew that the union could provide nothing to make his life better. So when she noticed that union dues were being deducted from the Medicaid dollars the family was getting to take care of their quadriplegic son, she took action.  And won. Unlike the …

Home Health Care Ballot Initiative Would Usurp Power From the Governor

SEIU-backed proposal would lock union perks into the state constitution

… International Union to continue receiving dues money from the Medicaid checks of people … the federal Home Help Program as a dues-producing source. Under the federal … labeled as “home health care workers.” Dues started being deducted from their Medicaid … Intact - It's All About the Money 'Dues Skim' Ballot Proposal Proponents Cloud …

Right-to-Work Law Means Less Money For Union Political Power Grabs

… constitution was where membership dues often went. For example: In … International Union and continued the skimming of tens of millions of dollars … they tend to lower the cost of dues and spend less time and money … strongly many of their forced dues payers felt about certain issues … on political issues. When dues payers can truly choose whether …

2021: Labor Policy In Review

Worker freedom continues to advance

… requires those that wish to have union dues deducted from their paychecks confirm … word that an employee wishes to have dues withheld from his or her pay. SEA … employees to leave a union and stop paying dues at any time, and thereby prevents schemes, … as wide-ranging as reimposing the dues skim on home health care workers and …

The Public Employee Union Problem

… Act, private-sector unions are allowed to extract dues and fees from workers if the employer is a unionized … and condition of employment; third, union takes dues (read: taxpayer money) and starts the cycle all … to be forced to pay money to the SEIU. The "dues skim" lead to a legislative fight, an attempted ballot …

Interlocal Agreements — Good Intent, Bad Practice

… Healthcare Michigan. The SEIU takes union dues from the Medicaid subsidies paid to … County and Municipal Employees. Union dues were skimmed from subsidy checks sent to day care … over the illegal withholding of those dues, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder effectively …

MCQ3 Response To 'Forced Unionization'

… Michigan Capitol Confidential reported about the 'dues skim' from Michigan home health care providers to … the vast majority's only involvement is to have dues extracted from their checks that is then sent to … your home health care workers are having union dues extracted from Medicaid checks? Also, how many …

Hospital SEIU Members Say Home-Based Caregivers Get 'No Benefit' From Proposal 4

'They don’t receive sick time. They don’t get vacation time. They can’t file a grievance'

… the majority (more that 44,000) of those paying dues to the union are home-based caregivers who take … Michigan, is using Proposal 4 to try to keep the dues flowing by locking the scheme into the state constitution. … Home-Based Caregivers Infighting at the SEIU SEIU Dues Skim All About Politics

10 Years of Victories: The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Celebrates … and Looks Forward

… employee that could be unionized and forced to pay dues. It took over a year and a half for us to prevail, … Service Employees International Union was skimming dues from the governmental aid the Haynes received … employees and should not be forced to pay union dues and fees. Without citing our work, the Supreme …

MCLF Defends Home-Based Day Care Workers

… diversion of so-called "union dues" from state subsidy checks … from low-income families. The "dues" were funneled to a government-employee … notified by mail that they were dues-paying members of the newly … mechanism for collecting “union dues” was through child care subsidy … owners stopped having dues “skimmed” out of their paychecks to …

25 Reforms in 2011

… loyalty. This new law clears things up. 20. No more dues for the illegal day care and home health care union. The … day care providers and the home health care "dues skim" are over. The latter "skim" resulted in $7 million annually being funneled …

How CapCon Uses Transparency Laws to Hold Government Accountable

… law is vital to performing our mission. In just the last year, CapCon has used FOIA requests to break the following stories and more: The SEIU “dues skim,” which has taken more than $30 million from home health care workers, many of them taking care of their own relatives. The multi-million dollar …

All Five Constitutional Amendments Soundly Defeated

Emergency manager law repealed

… voters Tuesday, including two that received heavy union backing that would have locked collective bargaining for government union employees and a dues skim that has taken $32 million from Michigan’s most vulnerable residents into the state constitution. “Today, the voters of Michigan sent a clear message,” …

Democrat Mark Schauer Receiving the Big Donations in Gubernatorial Race

But despite appearances, political race contributions reflect typical pattern

Though Michigan’s gubernatorial candidates differ on issues like right-to-work, the SEIU dues skim and government regulations, the apparent contrast between their campaign finance reports could come as a surprise to many. Lists of campaign contributions to former Congressman Mark Schauer, the Democratic …

Mackinac Center Attorneys Keep Local Governments Honest

… right-to-work, or win a big high-court case, such as one that involves a union skimming the dues of home care workers. But they have been less effective at making sure that …

Worker Freedom for Public Employees Likely Heads to State Courts

… budgeting matters are political. Due in large part to the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation’s work exposing the home day care and home caregivers dues skims, in 2014, the Supreme Court refused to extend Abood to allow agency fees to be imposed on those types of workers. Instead the court actively questioned …

What the Mackinac Center is Thankful for in 2019

Freedom, fairness and fiscal responsibility

… caregivers. The White House thanked the Mackinac Center for our “fantastic report,” which provided a roadmap for the federal government to end the dues skim. A host of bills moving through the Legislature gets rid of unnecessarily licensing regulations and will make it easier for people to find work. …

Looking at 2019 with Gratitude

… caregivers. The White House thanked the Mackinac Center for our “fantastic report,” which provided a roadmapfor the federal government to end the dues skim. A host of bills moving through the Legislature gets rid of unnecessarily licensing regulations and will make it easier for people to find work. …

A National Leader

Mackinac Center’s Michael Reitz wins Overton award

… state, secured historic pension reform, expanded educational options for students, eliminated wasteful corporate subsidies, killed the abhorrent SEIU dues skim in Michigan and ended Gov. Whitmer’s attempt to govern by emergency indefinitely. Working with these fine people — it’s the best job I ever had. …

Why We Need ‘Impact Journalism’

Letter from the president

… there’s a causal relationship between one or more news stories and a move in policy in our preferred direction. Examples include ending the SEIU dues skim against vulnerable people, changing a legacy media false narrative regarding then-Gov. Rick Snyder’s education budgets, ending corporate welfare …

The Best of the Best: CapCon's Top 10 Stories of 2014

Police seize property; religious discrimination in school contracts; Obamacare piles on disabled family’s burdens

… business tools and equipment. 10. SEIU Membership Drops 80 Percent After Dues Skim Ends Once they were free to choose for themselves whether to pay dues money to the SEIU union, most home-based caregivers in Michigan quickly …

Victory for Mark Janus

How the Mackinac Center's years advancing worker freedom in Michigan have paid off across the country

… unions to forcibly collect fees or dues from public employees. But last month, … to choose between paying full union dues or, if they resigned from the union, … generally around 75 to 80 percent of full dues. Though Janus does not affect private … money from home health aides in a dues-skim operation had been reversed by legislation, …

A Look at Unions in Michigan, Five Years After Right-to-Work

Most of state’s largest unions have seen a collapse in members and political spending

… whether to be members and pay dues to unions. Since then, nine … loss in union membership and dues. Below is a summary of union … membership; we only count full, dues-paying, voting members). Political … Operating Engineers 324 had 15,007 dues payers in 2012, but it was … Legislature ending the “dues skim” (automatic unionization), …


… News, April 1, 2022), 28 A brief summary of dues skim and its connection to right to work can be found here: Jarrett Skorup, “How Right-to-Work and the End of the 'Dues Skim' Killed the SEIU in Michigan” (Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Nov. …

Interlocal Agreements – Good Intent, Bad Practice

… Healthcare Michigan. The SEIU takes union dues from the Medicaid subsidies paid to … by the UAW and AFSCME. These union dues were skimmed from a federal day care subsidy grant … over the illegal withholding of union dues from private day care providers’ subsidy …

GOP Senator Tries to Save SEIU Healthcare ‘Employer’

… expiration date — and collect dues for a government-sector union. “The union dues are still being withheld and … preserve it for the sake of skimming ‘union dues’ from independent contractors.” … contractors were compelled to become dues-paying members of SEIU Healthcare …

Lehman Debates Union Power Grab

… private home day care, called her a government worker, and started taking dues from her. And the SEIU is still skimming $30 million and counting from parents like Rob and Pat Haynes, who care …

President Joseph G. Lehman Debates 'Protect Our Jobs' Ballot Proposal at the Mackinac Policy Conference

UAW President a Debate No-Show

… private home day care, called her a government worker, and started taking dues from her. And the SEIU is still skimming $30 million and counting from parents like Rob and Pat Haynes, who care …

‘Protect Our Jobs’ Would Protect the 3 Percent at the Expense of the 97 Percent

… claim home-based day care owners were government workers, and started taking dues from them. Some $4 million was taken before the scheme ended after an 18-month … battle led by the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation. And the SEIU is still skimming $30 million and counting from people, including parents, who care for …

Proposal 2 Could Protect Teachers Who Are Drunk, Dealing Drugs in the Classroom

Bay City contract shows what can happen when local union provisions overrule state laws

… employee unions is the inherent conflict of interest of unions extracting dues to pay officials to set worker compensation — and this is exacerbated at … assaulting students; and A conspiracy between a union and elected officials to skim more than $32 million from disabled poor people’s Medicaid checks. The …

Unions, Government Entities Team Up to Keep Information From Citizens

… money. Transparency laws are important. In just the few years we have used FOIA requests to break dozens of major news stories. Exposing the SEIU “dues skim,” where the union teamed up with the administration of former Gov. Jennifer Granholm to take more than $32 million from home-based caregivers — most …

Interview with Bob Gallant, Mackinac Center Supporter

… It should be their choice. I’m glad the Mackinac Center lets people know they now have a choice. When I heard about the organization that was skimming dues from hard-working people that were simply taking care of their loved ones in their own homes, I found that despicable. Giving people the choice …

Right-to-Work Case Will Be Reargued

… sure that unions were financially viable to act as a bargaining agent. Perhaps due to the Mackinac Center’s work in exposing the home day care dues skim, the Supreme Court had begun to question the assumptions behind the Abood ruling. Just two years ago, in Harris v. Quinn, the Supreme Court chose …

How We Use FOIA to Hold Government Accountable

Happy ‘Sunshine Week’ 2017

… people affected had no idea they were even in a union. Nevertheless, unions skimmed tens of millions of dollars in dues from government subsidies meant for the poor and disabled before legislators …

Donor Profile: Dr. Lou and Mary Jane Zako

… effective and have a national impact, while not losing touch with its supporters. Finally, they take pride in the Center’s work in uncovering the dues-skim that took money from health aides. It is for these reasons and many others that the Zakos are members of the Mackinac Center Legacy Society. They …


… combination of back property taxes and dues to state and national affiliates, according … reported. The $1.5 million in late dues to the state and national affiliates … The union also has seen a drop in dues of about $1 million annually as membership … made a number of budget cuts and skimmed and trimmed the fat," Patrick told …

Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Scores Two Victories Over Union Coercion

… virtually indistinguishable from union dues. Worse, Day remembered the work rules … stopped collecting illegal “union dues” from federal day care subsidies. … be forced into a union that could skim “fees” from her stipend and jeopardize … and led to over $1,000,000 in annual dues going to union coffers. Yet there …


… the union should "change its ways, not raise its dues." The editorial stated, "The union's quest for … Press, "MEA should change its ways, not raise its dues," May 17, 2004 … to uncover the extent of the operation, which skimmed $3 million from construction contracts in the …

Minnesota Governor Should Look to California, Not Michigan, on Unionization of Child Care Providers

… members. Similar to private child care provider unions in other states, union dues would be skimmed from government child care subsidy checks. There are two vastly divergent …

GOP Fumbles: On Verge of Giving MEA Huge Pension Win

… R-Saginaw, well-known to CapCon readers as the politician who for 10 months prevented the Senate from enacting a House-passed bill to end a notorious SEIU "dues skim" of home health care aides. Along with 11 other Senate Republicans, Sen. Kahn voted for the transformational reform on May 17 before voting against …

Government Entities Stymie FOIA Requests To Hide Information

Michigan Legislators pushing for change

… FOIA bills. ~~~~~ In the past few years, Michigan Capitol Confidential has used FOIA requests to break the following stories. Exposing the SEIU “dues skim,” where the Service Employees International Union created a scheme during the administration of former Gov. Jennifer Granholm to take more than $34 million …

State's Corporate Welfare Agency Has a History of Secrecy

… whether the interlocal agreement required prior approval by the Legislature. With a few notorious exceptions (such as the home health care provider dues skim created later by Gov. Granholm), most interlocal agreements are unremarkable devices used to avoid red tape in certain government services, such …

Love for Life and Liberty

A Donor Spotlight of Dr. John & Martha Pafford

… the charge on. John and Martha think that the sound research and voice the Mackinac Center provides has made wins like right-to-work, ending the dues skim, and advancing school choice possible by networking individuals and providing them with intellectual ammunition. In the end, protecting and enlightening …

CapCon Interview with Founding Editor Ken Braun and Mackinac Center President Joseph G. Lehman

On its fifth year anniversary, a history lesson

… ended the SEIU’s unconscionable skimming of so-called dues dollars from Medicaid recipients without … Gov. Snyder pulled the plug on the skim. Our success laid the groundwork for … Supreme Court, which outlawed similar skims nationwide. You could even make a …