Results 301 to 400 of 3526

Right-to-Work: Resistance Is Feudal

Unions and Their 'Fundamental Privilege'

… about the prospects for a right-to-work bill. Richardville replied that right-to-work, which guarantees individual … own opinion of the union's work, would not be a top priority: …

On the Case: Right-to-Work

Legal Corner

… The passage of Michigan’s right-to-work law made headlines locally, … sought to weaken and challenge right-to-work at every opportunity. Senior … opportunities to either defend right-to-work or broaden its impact. …

Capitol Protesters Fined $500 Each For Trying To Storm Senate Chamber

Most of arrested right-to-work protesters had SEIU 'dues skim' connections

… in Lansing over the state's right-to-work law. As part of a plea agreement, … protests over the then-pending right-to-work bill, the forced unionization, … Most of the Arrested Anti-Right-to-Work Protesters Have SEIU …

Grand Rapids Press Recognizes Importance of Right-to-Work in Michigan's Future

Very much a live issue

… on the likely effects of a right-to-work law on Michigan’s economy as … Mackinac Center studies. Right-to-Work allows individual workers to … withhold support from unions, right-to-work makes unions more responsive …

A 'Date' With Destiny

Reed's call for right-to-work published exactly 17 years before bills passed

… has a long history of support for right-to-work policies that stretches back more than … Michigan Legislature passed three right-to-work bills, which could be finalized and …

Wage Law: The “Right to Work

… dues and make Michigan a "Right to Work" state. Right to Work means that every worker can … Virginia, employees working in Right to Work states enjoyed a 42 …

Center Scholar, Study Cited

… General Assembly last week that “right-to-work states have higher rates of … 2002 study, “The Effect of Right-to-Work Laws on Economic Development,” … greater accountability that right-to-work has on unions.

Some Tea Partiers Gunning For Republican Senate Majority Leader

Sen. Richardville out of sync on 'right-to-work' and 'forced unionization'?

… Richardville's stated opposition to right-to-work legislation. Sen. Richardville's … Senate have already voted for a right-to-work measure while serving previous … ties — has also voted for right-to-work measures in the House. …

VIDEOS: Union Intimidation, Vandalism at Michigan Capitol Over Right-to-Work

… approaching a small group of right-to-work supporters gathered on the … Snyder's decision to push for right-to-work legislation that lets workers … pointed fingers and chanted at right-to-work supporters before physically …

Right-to-work laws defined

… the precise legal effect of right-to-work laws. Simply put, right-to-work prevents unions from forcing … package that made Michigan a right-to-work state, reads as follows: …

Teachers Union Said They Were Done Losing Members (They’ve Lost 17K Since)

MEA membership is down to 90,000 from 117,000 before right-to-work

… after Michigan had become a right-to-work state, the state’s largest … teachers who exercised their right to not pay dues and in some … the decline. In 2012 (before right-to-work), the union had 117,265 members. …

National Right-to-Work

The Union Opt-Out Effort in Michigan and Across the Country

… er since Michigan became a right-to-work state seven years ago, the … promoting and defending the right of people to work without being forced to pay … AFSCME that they also have the “right to work.” No government worker …

Lawsuit Filed Against Teamsters For Extra Fee Imposed On Right-to-Work Employees

Lawyer: Price of union monopoly 'is that they have to represent all workers equally'

… dues is in violation of the right-to-work law passed in December. Teamsters … employees. "I was waiting for [right-to-work] for a long time," said Fred … being active, I saw the lack of work that they were doing for us." …

Study: Right-to-Work Is Powerful Economic Development Tool

… outlaw compulsory unionism via "right-to-work" laws are enjoying the benefits … study entitled "The Effect of Right-to-Work Laws on Economic Development" … economic data from states with right-to-work laws and those without, …

Indiana Right-to-Work Bill Still Stalled

MCPP Senior Investigative Analyst Anne Shieber covers debate

… the ongoing debate over the right-to-work bill under consideration in the Indiana House. The right-to-work bill, which would ensure that … crossed party lines to show up to work.

Heritage Foundation Touts Center on Right-to-Work

Extensive interview with Joe Lehman

… Foundation, about the Center’s role over the past 20 years in bringing right-to-work to Michigan. Lehman earlier detailed those efforts in an interview with …

Governor: Bill Will Be Introduced To Make Michigan 24th Right-To-Work State

'When it arrives on my desk, I plan on signing it'

… Michigan the nation's 24th right-to-work state.  "When it arrives on … However, unless a state has a right-to-work law, employees in companies … people to have the choice. "Right-to-Work states have higher …

Legislation Announced to Make Michigan the 24th Right-to-Work State in the Nation

‘Historic day for both Michigan and the nation,’ says labor policy expert

… Great Lake State the 24th right-to-work state in the nation, announcing … worker freedom.” Extending right-to-work protections to employees in … financially support them. “Right-to-work does not affect collective …

Research on the Economic Effects of Right-to-Work

… analyzed the differences between right-to-work and non-right-to-work states on several occasions.[*] … recent data suggests that right-to-work states perform better …

The right-to-work debate

Many of the objections to right-to-work can be traced to a fundamental misunderstanding of the policy itself. Right-to-work does not prohibit or interfere … join the union and pay dues. Right-to-work simply prevents a union …

Mackinac Center Secures Teacher’s Right to Work

… freedoms under Michigan’s right-to-work law. The contracts states that … time during the school day to work on union business. Neuman opted … who represent the union to work on union business at employer … the union under Michigan’s right-to-work law. In this case, …

Center Analyst in Investor's Business Daily

… Business Daily about the effects of right-to-work laws on states. Read more about right-to-work protections for employees here.

Union Violates Teacher's Right to Leave His Union

… even though unions do a lot of work, I wasn’t benefiting from it… … union. After Michigan became a right-to-work state in 2013, teachers like … Wyoming Michigan For the MEA, right-to-work becoming law meant the end …

Michigan Senate passes public sector right-to-work repeal; Whitmer to sign

In consecutive weeks, Michigan House and Senate pass repeal efforts

… Michigan Senate on Tuesday approved a right-to-work repeal bill in a party-line vote. House Bill 4004, a repeal of Michigan’s right-to-work law in the public sector, will headed …

Voices of Right-to-Work: The Mackinac Center Investigates

History is unfolding in Michigan as the state's new right-to-work law goes into effect. Union members and non-union members are determining how the law …

Public sector right-to-work

… public sector employees had right-to-work protections, but that changed … workers had a First Amendment right to opt out of paying agency … for employees to waive this right and pay a public sector union. … of both the nature of the right being abandoned and the consequences …

Wages Rise in Right-to-Work States

… 2013.) Simply put, wages in right-to-work states are growing faster than in non-right-to-work states. More than just having higher wage growth, workers in right-to-work states are also making …

Despite Right-To-Work Laws, Unions Find Ways Make Workers Keep Paying

Michigan courts shut down one such tactic, but unions try others

… effective date of Michigan’s right-to-work law, which says that nobody … signed a union form. People who work in government offices face … prerogative granted by the right-to-work law. For example, a Teamsters …

How Right-to-Work Affected Michigan’s State Employee Unions

See the status of five of the state's top unions

… affected when the state passed a right-to-work law that went into effect in … allowed to leave under the right-to-work law. The data cover 2013-18 … Civil Service Commission. Right-to-work has had different effects …

Health Care Workers Having Trouble Finding Union That Plays Fair

Union member: 'Thank God that Michigan is now a right-to-work state'

The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation has gone … God that Michigan is now a right-to-work state where it's about the … Taubman, attorney for the Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. …

High Court Should Strike Agency Fees

U.S. Supreme Court decision could bring right-to-work to public sector

… effect of making all states right-to-work. But in the dissent, Justice … that if employees had the right to refuse agency fees, many … determining what counts as work related to representing workers, … precipitously after the state’s right-to-work law went into effect …

Right-to-Work on the National Stage

Tales from the Road: Part II

… citizens all came out to hear how right-to-work was accomplished in Michigan.  … Institute, are attempting to put right-to-work for government employees on … a strong argument against right-to-work and the benefits of …

Fears of Right-to-Work Proving False

… battle of Michigan becoming a right-to-work state, opponents predicted … income growth and population — right-to-work states are far outperforming non-right-to-work states. My colleagues …

Union Posts Names of Non-Members, Urges Shunning

UAW local 412 tells members to not work with their colleagues

… have chosen to exercise their right to not support the union financially under Michigan’s right-to-work law. In a recent newsletter, … comment. In response to the right-to-work law, unions in many workplaces …

University Union Wants Contract Through 2023 To Avoid Right-to-Work Law

Western Michigan University's professors' union trying for 9-year extension

… would give union members the right to not pay dues or fees as … that try to circumvent the right-to-work law. Rep. McMillin said he … allowed. That's the date when the right-to-work laws take effect. WMU Spokeswoman …

Union Conservatives On Right-to-Work

The founder of Union Conservatives, Terry Bowman is a Michigan UAW member and is now working on protecting the state's new Freedom-to-Work law. He discusses the challenges ahead and how his organization plans to meet them.

Bipartisan Senate Panel To Investigate Possible MEA Right-to-Work Violations

Teacher: '[Since dropping union] I have been subjected to intimidation, bullying and even threats to ruin my credit rating'

… taken to avoid the state's right-to-work law. Allegations against the … also granted employees the right to opt out of union membership. … when they exercised their right to opt out of their Michigan … violation of the Freedom to Work Act," he said. "The teachers …

Right-to-Work Gives Teachers a Choice

Unions aren't the only option if employees want protection

As Michigan transitions to a right-to-work state, the main benefit for teachers and others is that they will not be forced to financially support a union …

II. The Nature of the Right-to-Work Debate

Right-to-work is a labor law term used to describe state laws … Utah, Virginia, and Wyoming. A right-to-work law secures the right of employees to decide for …

The Pure Michigan COVID-19 Virus: Why Invite it for a Visit?

Lawmakers shouldn't waste millions on a program that doesn’t work

… shows that the program does not work. A 2016 Mackinac Center study … that Pure Michigan doesn’t work, the program has and continues … Michigan. If officials are right about the program, and if they are right in saying that travel and close … millions on a program that doesn’t work while hypocritically discouraging …

Union Steward Paid $100K By Taxpayers Attends Rally Advocating Against Them

It’s Easy To Attend Rallies When You're Paid

… response to the legislature taking up a right-to-work bill, Maryanne Levine, the president … workers’ salaries and take away their right to strike," Levine quoted Hitler as … released from her duties as a teacher to work for the union. That's the perk of being …

When Will Right-to-Work Come to Michigan?

An interview with Rep. Mike Shirkey

… R-Clarklake, is expected to introduce right-to-work legislation in the Michigan … With Indiana moving toward right-to-work status, the issue appears to … interview. Have you introduced the right-to-work legislation? “No, …

VIDEOS: Union Right-to-Work Protest Goes Violent

'Worker freedom' tent ripped down; filmmaker punched in the face

… union members resorted to violence at the State Capitol as they protested right-to-work bills that were being voted on in the House. Early Tuesday, union members …

Right-to-Work in Illinois?

President Joseph G. Lehman explains how

… Lehman wrote this commentary about Michigan’s experience in becoming a right-to-work state and how other states can do the same for “Compass,” the magazine of …

Benefits of right-to-work

… rchers regularly assess the variety of economic effects associated with right-to-work laws. The law’s positive impact on job and industry growth and other metrics …

Kersey Cited on Right-to-Work for Teachers

… the Legislature to extend right-to-work protections public school teachers. … supports what is being called, “right-to-teach,” he would rather see right-to-work granted to all employees.

Majority of States Now Right-to-Work

How The Mackinac Center Spreads Worker Freedom in Other States

… majority of states have approved right-to-work laws, under which unions cannot … veto, bringing the count of right-to-work states up to 26.  What’s remarkable … echoes Michigan’s passage of a right-to-work law in 2012, despite …

Right-to-Work Case Will Be Reargued

… employees throughout the country right-to-work. Nearly 40 years ago, the Supreme … due to the Mackinac Center’s work in exposing the home day care … Bureau to determine what impact right-to-work has had on union membership. …

Right-to-Work States Gain Union Members While Other States Lose Hundreds of Thousands

RTW states added 39,000 members while forced unionism states lost 390,000 members

The 22 states that were right-to-work saw an increase in the number … of Labor Statistics. The right-to-work states had an overall increase … 39,000 union members while non-right-to-work states lost 390,000, …

Working for Right-To-Work

The meaning behind the numbers

… I am sure about: I want my work to change people’s lives for … policy, and every project I have worked on contributes to that goal. … case was a major victory for right-to-work efforts, but it was not the … workers will follow. The right-to-work fight started long …

Union: No Photo Needed to Vote, but Bring ID If You Want to Leave the Union

IBEW throws up obstacles for workers exercising right-to-work

… photo identification in order to exercise his right under Michigan's right-to-work law to quit the union. The charges were reported …

Freedom to Work: A New Right-To-Work Effort in Michigan

… grassroots coalition called "Michigan Freedom to Work" held a news conference June 30, 2011, at several … Michigan to the list of states that have enacted right-to-work laws. These laws allow workers to choose whether …

Right-to-Work Should be Judged on Economic Data

Corporate welfare inquiries not a good barometer of success

… Shirkey, R-Clark Lake, discussed Michigan’s new right-to-work law as being successful based on business … An econometric examination of the effects of right-to-work laws in different places over different …

Mackinac Center Files Brief with U.S. Supreme Court to End Union Agency Fees

Move would extend right-to-work status to all government employees

… that could extend virtual “right-to-work” status to government employees … precipitously after Michigan’s right-to-work law went into effect two years … said. “Our experience with right-to-work here in Michigan gave …

College Admits Cooperating With Unions To Sidestep Right-to-Work Law

Macomb Community College locks workers into unions; re-opens contract that was approved just four months ago

… expressly to circumvent Michigan's right-to-work law. In addition, the memo … the impact of the new law [right-to-work]. Macomb has been approached … contracts before March 28 (when the right-to-work law goes into effect) …

Michigan Capitol Confidential Vote History

… on whether TO RESTRICT THE RIGHT of shareholders to sell their own stock.    April 2010 "Right to Work" - Lawmakers voting on an amendment SUPPORTING RIGHT-TO-WORK zones. "Dept. of State Cost-Saving" …

Union Claims About RTW Flawed

Right-to-work opponents have long claimed that such laws are … Detroit News with the moniker right-to-work (for less). But his claims … workers’ average annual pay in right-to-work states was $4,476 less …

House labor committee approves right-to-work repeal; full House to consider bill

Spring break deadline leads to rushed hearing, says committee chair Haadsma

… Legislature’s repeal of Michigan’s right-to-work law is being hurried through … Michigan had dropped under right-to-work. “Many people have unfortunately … “people we talk to” support right-to-work repeal. “I can get …

Facts On Right-to-Work In Michigan and How Workers Can Get Out Of Their Union

New website launches highlighting worker freedom in the state

Michigan officially is a right-to-work state and as soon as current … workers can exercise their right to not pay dues or agency fees … featuring "fast facts" about right-to-work vs. non-right-to-work states, …

Michigan Capitol Confidential Election 2014 Coverage

… about keeping Michigan on the right track,” Sen. Mike Kowall said. … abortion. And Michigan became the 24th right-to-work state in the face of tremendous … been repealed in 2012, when right-to-work was passed. I proudly voted …

Governor Still Needs Legislators Even When They Are Suing

The state would be better if they work together to pass budgets

… in court, they still need to work together to keep the state … that the governor needs to work with them to keep the state … sides reacted negatively. Some right-leaning voices treated the … and when they can get back to work. They want to know what the … The governor may not want to work with the Legislature. They …

Right-to-Work Inches Ahead in Indiana

A dispatch from Indianapolis

… that would make Indiana a right-to-work state moved to the floor of … each, decided to show up for work, ending their walk-out Monday, … terms of economic competition, right-to-work states fare better than those …

The Key Barriers Promoting Inequality

Some agreement between the left and the right

… live. In 1960, regardless of a woman’s income level, many fewer children were born out of wedlock, attendance at religious institutions was higher, a work ethic was shared across income levels, and family life and civil society were more valued. Today, increasingly, there is a split. Those who are in …

Right-to-Work States Outpacing Michigan

… on WJR AM760. Kersey discussed the "Right-to-Work Dashboard," a new feature on the Center's … economic data and shows that states with right-to-work laws are performing better than Michigan …

Mike Bouchard and Right-to-Work Legislation

Principled or pragmatic, either way it's a good move

… Mike Bouchard’s embrace of right-to-work. The Oakland County sheriff … of Michigan voters support right-to-work in principle (that includes … Bouchard’s decision to support right-to-work involves political …

Teamsters threatened us for not authorizing paycheck deduction, nurses allege

Grand Blanc hospital employees file unfair labor charge with federal labor board

… Jacob Comello of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. … demanding money from me when right-to-work was in force,” Wells told the … knew that I was defending my right to pay nothing at all to Teamsters …

Right to Work Isn't the Only Option

‘One or none’ also gives workers, unions choice

Even with Michigan’s right-to-work law, workers do not have full … nonmembers. In Michigan, unlike non-right-to-work states, workers do not need … they want it or not. But right-to-work isn’t the only option …

Grand Rapids/Belmont Right-to-Work in a Townhall Forum Sponsored by Americans for Prosperity

… professor of economics, as they discuss right-to-work in a townhall forum sponsored by Americans … visit

By the Numbers: Right-to-Work

… Statistics Find out more about the Mackinac Center’s work on right-to-work, by visiting

Union Rushes Contract To Avoid Right-to-Work; 'Put This Whole Nightmare Behind Us!'

Dearborn Public Schools voting on contract days before law kicks in

… contract is avoiding the state's right-to-work law. Michigan's right-to-work law goes into effect on March … and not trying to avoid the right-to-work law, the union president …

Brighton Right-to-Work in a Townhall Forum Sponsored by Americans for Prosperity

… professor of economics, as they discuss right-to-work in a townhall forum sponsored by Americans … visit Note: This is not …

Midland/Auburn Right-to-Work in a Townhall Forum Sponsored by Americans for Prosperity

… professor of economics, as they discuss right-to-work in a townhall forum sponsored by Americans … visit Note: This is not …

Legal Expert: Reopening School Union Contracts Makes Them Subject To Right-to-Work

… contracts to avoid the state's right-to-work law, but some have since reopened … could give union members the right to leave the union. That's … with their unions days before right-to-work became effective.  Michigan …

MEA Memo Outlines Regrets and Possible Ways To Fight Right-to-Work Law

Union President: '[Recalls] are the least appealing of all the options'

… plans to fight Michigan's new right-to-work law. Cook also discusses why … Senate who were attempting to work with them." Sen. Jones said … effort affected efforts to pass the right-to-work law. Cook also discussed three …

Research Shows Right-to-Work Laws the Right Way to Go

… Indiana is now America’s 23rd right-to-work state. Michigan may need to … Research shows that states with right-to-work laws arguably are better off … seems to demonstrate that right-to-work status can be a powerful …

Professionalizing the Teaching Profession

… would represent a form of “right-to-work” for teachers. Even if that … he now essentially supports right-to-work for public school teachers, … have to recruit and do their work off campus.” Under current …

Worker Freedom Advocates Lobby Legislators in Lansing

Event held to urge a right-to-work vote and show support for legislators who vote 'yes'

LANSING — Right-to-work supporters were straightforward and … to state lawmakers Tuesday: Right-to-work is an issue that needs to be … take a vote." The "Freedom To Work" event was the first of a number …

CMU, Ferris State Protecting Worker Rights

Some universities not agreeing to lengthy agreements that force faculty, others to pay dues or fees after right-to-work law goes into effect

… have averted the state's new right-to-work law. The Ferris State University … members from exercising their right to decide if they want to pay … becoming the nation's 24th right-to-work state late last year. Some …

Making Michigan Right-to-Work: Encouraging School Districts to Follow the Law

When Michigan’s right-to-work law was passed in December 2012, … school district unions have worked to avoid and circumvent the … local union tried to avoid right-to-work. Incredibly, Wyoming union …

At Least 54 School Districts Have Contracts Dodging Michigan's Right-to-Work Law

… contracts that dodge the new right-to-work law. Michigan's law was passed … which created a window for unions to work with public school administrators … agreed to regardless of the right-to-work law, it is not included in …

Right-to-Work Law Gives Workers Reason to Celebrate on Labor Day

Fast food protests highlight tired tactics of the past

… conditions they've chosen to work in. They demanded $15 an hour … good, $30 an hour is better, right? Or $60? Of course not, and … in the responsibility of a work environment, learn to communicate … Additionally, states that have right-to-work laws, which don't force union …

Commentary: Right-to-Work Will Keep Michigan Competitive

… soon become America's 23rd right-to-work state: Legislation is under … information on the influence of right-to-work laws comes from a 1998 study … states where one state had right-to-work protections and the …

Most Michigan Voters Think Right-to-Work Is a Winner

Overwhelming support for choice in unionization

… of Michigan voters support right-to-work, according to multiple polls … most recent polling result on right-to-work in Michigan. The survey, commissioned … percent of likely voters support right-to-work. Opposition among Michigan …

State Hired More Employees To Administer SEIU 'Dues Skim' Than Oversee Right-to-Work Law

'Where were they when the unions were running around creating fake employers so they could siphon off money?'

… with the headline: "Michigan right-to-work law creates at least two jobs; … enactment of the state's new right-to-work law. It quoted one union official … people I represent doing the work of two or three people. … For …

Two Right-to-Work States in One Month

… later by the Show-Me State.  Right-to-work simply means that unions cannot … in 28 states now have this right, thanks to the law.  The Mackinac … that year, the Center has worked with local think tanks, elected … every state that has become right-to work. Jim Waters, president …

Right-to-Work Laws Improve Economic Well-Being

Michigan’s right-to-work law — which took effect earlier this … time. The cumulative effect of right-to-work appears to have dramatically … to our model, states with right-to-work laws enjoyed an annual …

Indiana Right-to-Work Bill Slows Down

… POLIS — Indiana becoming a right-to-work state still appears inevitable, … of the House version of an right-to-work bill (House Bill 1001) until … unions from the effects of the right-to-work measure. It now appears …

Three Cheers for Michigan House Democrats

Questioning MEDC transparency is the right thing to do

… advertisement under the “Pure Michigan” label that featured Michigan’s new right-to-work legislation. This is not the first time Democrats in Lansing have complained …

Michigan Already Benefitting from Right-to-work

… to discuss Wisconsin’s new right-to-work law at The Heritage Foundation. … Economic Policy Institute that right-to-work reduces wages. According to … the cost of living between right-to-work and non-right-to-work …

What a Right-to-Work Law Would Mean for Cities

… voters will be presented with a right-to-work ballot initiative or constitutional … and their employees? While a right-to-work law would not have a large, … their financial situations. Right-to-work protections would not …

Has the Overton Window Shifted on Right-to-Work?

… lawmakers passed the state’s right-to-work law, which kept workers from … possible completely invert? Right-to-work was clearly outside the Overton … legislative committee that right-to-work was a good policy. …

Should Michigan Become a Right-to-Work State?

… prospect of Michigan becoming a "right-to-work" state in the recent campaign, … Engler has a secret agenda for right-to-work," they charged. Governor Engler … Michigan should not adopt the right-to-work principle. The union …

Seminal Academic Research on Right-to-Work Impact

… tried to isolate the impact of right-to-work to measure its influence on … teasing out the effects of right-to-work laws from other confounding … prior to its adoption of a right-to-work law and other state-specific …

These Teachers Earning More Under ‘Right To Work For Less’

Their union is getting less, though

… Press headline that read “Right To Work For Less,” a pair of letters … condemned the state’s just-passed right-to-work law. Teacher salary data is … Public Schools, read, in part: “Right-to-work legislation will have …

Should Michigan Become a Right-to-Work State?

… freedom of those very workers. Right-to-work, in its broadest application, … of labor.  It is his legal right and no one can or dare question his exercise of that legal right."  Unfortunately, that right is no longer respected everywhere …

What Does the Repeal of Right-to-Work Mean?

Letter from the president

… Legislature repealed Michigan’s right-to-work law in March. It’s a big setback. … four points to note about right-to-work repeal: It is one step back … state. And we must reinstate right-to-work as soon as possible. …

State Senator Kicks Open Right-to-Work Door

… John Proos has opened the right-to-work “can” that Gov. Rick Snyder … municipalities in Michigan to create right-to-work zones. It is Senate Bill 120. … R-Troy, has also introduced a right-to-work zone bill in the Michigan …