Results 1 to 100 of 433

Americans United for Change

SEIU gives advocacy group $300,000. Twelfth in a series.

… we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was … money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report: Americans United … Change received $300,000 from the SEIU in 2010, all of it designated as "political … Foundation The Atlas Project SEIU Healthcare Michigan Ballot Initiative …

Are You Kinda Republican, Really Republican or Really, Really Republican?

SEIU's in-depth survey

… rather than as political in nature. Like all government employee unions, SEIU draws much of its funding from taxpayers, under the guise of union dues … agreements. The interesting and at the same time sobering thing about this is how SEIU leaders see their members through a strictly partisan political lens. The …

Center in Wall Street Journal Consecutive Days

Cited on SEIU scheme, Detroit bailout

… Independent voters are overwhelmingly opposed to the bailout. The second, Tuesday’s editorial, is about the 80 percent drop in membership seen by SEIU Healthcare Michigan now that its stealth unionization scheme has ended. 

Infighting at the SEIU

Union behind Proposal 4 facing lawsuit that was filed by its own employees

… on the inner workings of the SEIU Healthcare Michigan, the union … constitution. The case, Jolliffi vs SEIU Healthcare Michigan, is about … can take place by mail, as SEIU Healthcare boss Marge Faville … recording secretary of the union. SEIU Healthcare Michigan has approximately … those who were forced into the SEIU under the scheme orchestrated …

Time for Labor Unions to Collect their Own Dues

The on-going SEIU dues skim must end

… organizations — primarily the SEIU — still siphon an estimated … in private sector unionism, SEIU sought to regain ground by … government-administered aid program. SEIU entrapped workers any way it … children, decided to stand up to SEIU. The Legislature banned the practice but not before SEIU collected $34 million from …

Union Behind Michigan ‘Dues Skim’ Facing More Corruption Allegations

SEIU Healthcare Michigan has a history of problems

… the ongoing saga surrounding SEIU Healthcare Michigan. This union is not new to scandals. SEIU Healthcare Michigan secretly … forced to belong to the union, SEIU Healthcare Michigan membership … been breaking away from the SEIU and repeatedly alleging corruption … almost unanimous vote, claiming SEIU Healthcare Michigan was spending …

SEIU's Vicious Circle

… this morning. Spencer discussed his latest story, which outlines how the SEIU is paying for a shell corporation to remain open after it was defunded by … are not state employees and therefore cannot be forced into a union, the SEIU continues the money grab, which has amounted to some $30 million over the …

Media Cite Center on Supreme Court Case

SEIU-type dues skim outlawed

… several other states is “similar to what we went through in Michigan with the SEIU’s stealth unionization of caregivers and the ensuing dues skim.” Wright … ongoing litigation aimed at returning some of the dues money” skimmed by the SEIU, and he was cited by Fox News on the same issue. Wright discussed the ruling …

How Right-to-Work and the End of the 'Dues Skim' Killed the SEIU in Michigan

Membership, revenue and political spending plummet

… choice about supporting the SEIU, they responded by opting out … Jennifer Granholm worked with the SEIU to “organize” home caregivers. … “government employees” so that the SEIU could claim to be representing … annually from Medicaid recipients. SEIU Healthcare-Michigan then tried … choice. If they believed the SEIU was doing a good job “representing” …

'Forced Unionization' Brings In $28 Million For SEIU ... And Climbing

The overwhelming majority of the money can be used for almost anything the union desires

… used for almost anything the SEIU desires, including advertising, … checks and passed on to the SEIU so far is as follows: 2007: … I used words that Ken Cole (SEIU lobbyist) seemed to think were … here with the MQC3. They (the SEIU) have absolutely no credibility … there was no response from SEIU Healthcare Michigan or the …

SEIU Scheme Ends

A scheme that has diverted nearly $30 million from the neediest Michigan residents to the SEIU over the last six years should come to an end now that Gov. Rick Snyder has signed legislation clarifying that home health care aides are not public employees, according to the Marquette Examiner. MIRS Capitol …

Michigan Health Care Workers Seeking Exit from Scandal-Ridden SEIU Affiliate

Leader of rival union accuses local SEIU boss of spending $5,420 on pizza, but just $8,800 on collective bargaining

… Employees International Union (SEIU), but say they have obstacles … vote themselves out of the SEIU Michigan Healthcare union. … spokesman for the employees. “But SEIU keeps filing charges and finding … care workers claim that their SEIU representatives dragged their … They also argue that when the SEIU negotiators finally arrived …

Legal Analyst: 'Monitoring' SEIU

… “They recognize that there’s a movement for a legislative end to this and they have money to spend,” Wright said. For more information about the SEIU scheme, see here.

Wright Discusses Supreme Court Visit on WJR

Illinois union scheme similar to SEIU dues skim

… stealth unionization scheme in question in the case is similar to the dues skim inflicted upon home-based care givers in Michigan, during which the SEIU took $34 million from Michigan’s most vulnerable residents.

Michigan Senate Should Help End Illegal Unionization

… and sending the money to an SEIU affiliate. For the Hayneses, … dressing, pushing wheelchairs. The SEIU, however, cannot negotiate … powerless to grant these. The SEIU nevertheless receives monthly … for 30 years. He argues the SEIU is out of place here, however. … would have seen it and thought, SEIU? … I’m not in a union.”  Last …

Spencer Discusses SEIU Dues Skim

… Thursday on “The Vic McCarty Show” on WMKT 1270AM in Traverse City, discussing his recent story about the continued dues skim that has allowed the SEIU to take nearly $30 million over the last six years from Michigan’s most vulnerable families.

Wright Discusses SEIU Scheme

… Daily Drift” with host Gary Wellings on WAAM AM1600 in Ann Arbor Sunday. Wright discussed the illegal unionization of home health care workers by the SEIU and how the union has skimmed some $28 million in “dues” from those private workers. You can read more about the scheme here.

Union Members Down, Money For SEIU Up

'Dues skim' contributes to higher union funding

… Employees International Union (SEIU). Healthcare Michigan filed … Governor Jennifer Granholm, the SEIU targeted the Medicaid checks … director of communications for SEIU Healthcare Michigan, did not … MichCapCon Coverage of the SEIU Michigan Health Care Workers Seeking Exit from Scandal-Ridden SEIU Affiliate Government Incompetence …

GOP Senator Tries to Save SEIU Healthcare ‘Employer’

… become dues-paying members of SEIU Healthcare Michigan. The union … effectively runs the program for SEIU and passes the union dues from … pointed questions about the SEIU (Note: parenthetical statements … supposed to collect union dues for SEIU? (MQC3 basically runs the program for SEIU and passes the union dues from …

George Will Cites CapCon in Washington Post

SEIU dues skim highlighted ahead of SCOTUS case

Washington Post columnist George Will cites Michigan Capitol Confidential and its coverage of the SEIU dues skim that took $34 million from Michigan’s most vulnerable residents in a column today about a U.S. Supreme Court case involving a similar scheme in Illinois. The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation …

What The...?

MEDC grant to SEIU raises all kinds of questions

… the public deserves answers: SEIU is the collective bargaining … the state as employer and the SEIU as a union? Was there a quid-pro-quo involved? In 2008 the SEIU received close to $6.4 million … again this year. Hasn't the SEIU received enough from taxpayers … indicates that only 47.2 percent of SEIU dues are spent on representation. …

Connecticut Now Struggling With Caregiver Unionization Efforts

SEIU loss in Michigan not stopping the union

… comes seven years after the SEIU used a mail-in election to … result of that scheme, the SEIU has taken nearly $33 million … caregivers’ Medicaid checks. The SEIU convinced home-based caregivers … coverage. In Michigan, the SEIU’s scheme took place covertly, … been backed heavily by the SEIU in his 2010 campaign. "The …

Most of the Arrested Anti-Right-to-Work Protesters Have SEIU 'Dues Skim' Connections

Son of SEIU Healthcare Michigan president one of those facing charges

… Capitol are affiliated with the SEIU Healthcare Michigan union. … Joshua Kersting, is the son of SEIU Healthcare Michigan President … Kersting's current status at SEIU Healthcare Michigan is unclear. … Employees International Union (SEIU) affiliate a while back after … $62,131 yearly salary. The SEIU dues skim is the result of …

An End Finally in Sight for the SEIU Dues Skim

Voters overwhelmingly reject the forced unionization scheme

… and disabled in Michigan. But the SEIU's scheme should now end in February … will soon stop." Since 2005, the SEIU has taken more than $32 million from … practice of being a rubber stamp for the SEIU. The primary impact of Snyder's action … addition to the governor replacing the SEIU-friendly board members, the Mackinac …

SEIU Scheme Leads Detroit Newscast

… the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation, explained during the newscast that a shell corporation was set up during the Granholm administration for the SEIU to organize against, and the “dues” are taken out of subsidy checks home health care aides, including family members, receive to care for the disabled. …

SEIU Dues Scheme Must End

… subsidies that go to home health aides, according to the Detroit Free Press, Midland Daily News, MIRS Capitol Capsule and The Grand Rapids Press. The SEIU took more than $30 million in dues over the last six years under the scheme. Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette issued an opinion Friday saying …

‘Change that Works’

$4 million SEIU project was unabashedly political. Second in a series.

… for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that … might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. Change … of 2010. On its LM-2 report SEIU categorized its funding of CTW as political.  Many SEIU affiliated groups received … underscoring the political nature of SEIU itself. CTW's politics were …

Home Health Care Ballot Initiative Would Usurp Power From the Governor

SEIU-backed proposal would lock union perks into the state constitution

… MQC3 board. However, if the SEIU–backed proposal passes, he … was complete. In 2005, the SEIU targeted Michigan’s share of … place the framework of the SEIU scheme right into the constitution, … was less sympathetic to the SEIU’s forced unionization could … ~~~~~ See also: Why is the SEIU Involved in a Ballot Proposal? …

SEIU Healthcare Michigan is under trusteeship once again

Its second trusteeship in five years owes to ‘substantiated allegations of serious malpractice’

SEIU Healthcare Michigan is under a trusteeship for the second … The letter, available on SEIU’s website, says that new trustees … effective April 27. Their job, SEIU International President Mary … fund are not misappropriated. SEIU Healthcare Michigan was also … malpractice. In the early 2000s, SEIU locals across the country, …

E-petition site was recipient of SEIU cash. Sixth in a series.

… for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that … might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. is … payments totaling $38,500 from the SEIU. Of this, $22,500 was described … an organizing expense. The SEIU's support of, and … illustrates the extent to which SEIU has become politicized. Even in …

The Applied Research Center

‘Racial justice think tank’ gets SEIU money. Third in a series.

… Senate. While we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was meant to help … where that money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. The Applied Research Center, with … did was not described. When not consulting for SEIU, the ARC works on racial issues, advocating such …

SEIU Dues Skim Scheme Continues

CapCon also tracking public-sector pay

… Michigan Capitol Confidential reports today, however, that “dues” are still being skimmed from their paychecks. CapCon’s skim-tracker shows that the SEIU has siphoned nearly $30 million from Michigan’s most vulnerable residents since the scheme was put in place six years ago. CapCon also reports today …

Despite Law, SEIU Gets To Continue Taking Medicaid Check Money

Federal judge orders injunction against law; SEIU 'home health care dues skim' continues

… included the six month extension SEIU and MQC3 signed in April. That … state bureaucrats allowed the SEIU to pencil in MQC3 as a dummy … being unionized. To date, the SEIU has taken more than $30 million … contingent representing the SEIU who traveled to Detroit from … damage." Among the damages the SEIU would suffer, Kronland said, …

SEIU Dues Skim Explained

… City, discussing the illegal, forced unionization of home health care aides and the millions of dollars in "dues" money the scheme has funneled to the SEIU. For more information about this issue from Spencer and Mackinac Center analysts, please see here.

The Edward M. Kennedy Institute

SEIU and the legislative career of Sen. Ted Kennedy. Fifteenth in a series.

… for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that … might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report: The Edward … $250,000 charitable donation from SEIU in 2010. EMKI is in the process … Kennedy Institute is among the SEIU's less egregious beneficiaries, … minds of decision makers at the SEIU. It is one of many groups with …

Union Electrician and Wife: 'The SEIU Never Did Anything For Us'

Milliron family says they don't think the SEIU should be able to lock its forced unionization into the state constitution

… scheme orchestrated by the SEIU when Jennifer Granholm was … and I did,” she said. “The SEIU never did anything for us and … said she was forced into the SEIU in 2006 and for two years had … got any information from the SEIU after the mail-in election.  … back with Proposal 4.” The SEIU has taken more than $32 million …

SEIU Takes $28M from Medicaid Fund

Michigan’s ability to provide Medicaid coverage is $28 million short over the last five years as that much money has been funneled to the SEIU in the form of “dues” taken from home health care aides who were forced into the union, according to The Washington Times. Capitol Confidential broke the story, …

SEIU Lays Out Plan to Try and Continue 'Dues Skim'

Union blames 'right-wing forces' for end of scheme that locked 45K workers into the SEIU

… — back in. Only this time the SEIU Healthcare Michigan, an affiliate … Michigan Capitol Confidential, the SEIU Healthcare Michigan wants to … also would potentially give SEIU Healthcare Michigan President … first union officer election SEIU Healthcare Michigan had ever … to the $34 million that the SEIU improperly took," said Patrick …

SEIU Dues Skim All About Politics

… ballot is significant. Marge Faville, president of SEIU Healthcare Michigan, "a union of home health workers … bargain that they have now. The issue is over whether the SEIU can forcibly extract dues money from people who … union's own attorney has admitted as much. When the SEIU filed suit in federal court in June to block a …

Commentary: Prop 4 Supporters Promise Programs That Already Exist

Home-based caregiver proposal would lock SEIU unionization scheme into state constitution

… does not mention the $32 million the SEIU has taken from the Medicaid checks … because they are not state workers. The SEIU took the issue to federal court and … 44,000 people were unionized in the SEIU scheme, but the union was able to sign … continue lining the pockets of the SEIU at the expense of Michigan’s most vulnerable …

SEIU Affiliate’s Revenue Cut in Half After 'Dues Skim' Ended

SEIU Healthcare Michigan dues collection went from $11.3 million to $5.4 million

… enabled the exploitation ended. SEIU Healthcare Michigan reported … back to the mid-2000s when SEIU moved to grab a share of the … of Gov. Jennifer Granholm, SEIU was allowed to carry out the … into the union's coffers. SEIU Healthcare Michigan's required … after dues and fees, most of SEIU Healthcare Michigan's remaining …

The Economic Opportunity Institute

A progressive think tank. Seventeenth in a series.

… we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was … money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report: The Economic Opportunity … In 2010 it received $125,000 from SEIU, funds that according to the union … Foundation The Atlas Project SEIU Healthcare Michigan Ballot Initiative …

Will the Legislature Reinstitute the Odious Dues Skim?

… practical impact (other than the SEIU cashing in)  isn’t standing … firsthand that lawmakers and the SEIU are back to using the same … mistakenly) getting invited to an SEIU rally on the steps of the Capitol. … spoke with reporters as the SEIU looked on. A common theme … forced to pay union dues and SEIU membership plummeted, funding …

SEIU Healthcare Michigan

A political amoeba. Seventh in a series.

… for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that … might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. SEIU Healthcare Michigan, like many … with a bewildering array of SEIU entities, all of whom partake in … union's extremist politics. The national SEIU organization transferred close …

SEIU Sues State, Governor to Keep Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Money Flowing

… the U.S. Constitution. The SEIU has taken more than $30.4 million … and handing it over to the SEIU. Earlier, the legislature passed … a government employee. The SEIU was taking dues under a complicated … caring for loved ones. The SEIU Healthcare Michigan Union representatives … General Orders State To Stop SEIU 'Dues Skim' How the Forced …

'Dues Skim' Ballot Proposal Proponents Cloud Issue With Mistruths

Campaign repeatedly engages in falsehoods to lock in millions for the SEIU

… Granholm was governor, the SEIU held a little-known election … participants and sent to the SEIU ever since. This flow of dues … health care dues skim." The SEIU has taken more than $31 million … eventually end the “skim,” the SEIU is resorting to a ballot proposal. … it to Michigan voters, the SEIU will pretend that the proposal …

SEIU: Go on strike against your family members

The SEIU represents hundreds of thousands of health care workers and is now encouraging them to march … Michigan, 75 percent of those home-care aid workers the SEIU is urging to strike are taking care of a relative … country were formerly forcibly unionized by the SEIU. That ended this summer when the U.S. Supreme Court …

The Atlas Project

SEIU beneficiary ‘putting progressives on the path to victory.’ Fifth in a series.

… Senate. While we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was meant to help … where that money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. The Atlas Project received … Action Fund, Emily's List and the Sierra Club. SEIU would appear to be especially pleased with its …

SEIU Sues Its Own Members for Banquet Hall They Paid For

Taylor school employees decertify, so union retaliates

… decade-old merger between the SEIU’s Taylor and Lansing affiliates. … merger. Because of the merger, SEIU Local 517M of Lansing is technically … nearly 400 signatures to the SEIU headquarters in Washington, … “We had planned on staying SEIU — just dissolve the merger,” … and represent ourselves.” SEIU Local 517M did not respond …

SEIU Members Protest SEIU Healthcare Michigan

Three members of the SEIU Healthcare Michigan say home-based caregivers get "no benefit" from the SEIU.

Jobs with Justice

A national network of local coalitions. Fourteenth in a series.

… Senate. While we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was meant to help … where that money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report: Jobs with Justice was the recipient … New Foundation The Atlas Project SEIU Healthcare Michigan Ballot Initiative Strategy …

Supreme Court Takes One Step Away from Forced Unionization

A blow to SEIU's recruitment scheme

… decades-long membership slump. SEIU began organizing caregivers … arrangement was quite simple: SEIU would convince a state agency … of the Medicaid payments to SEIU in the form of union dues, … caregivers greatly enriched SEIU. The Mackinac Center for Public … the program, but not before SEIU skimmed $34 million away from …

Pennies on the Dollar

… health care worker checks and handing it over to the SEIU as union dues, thus ending a union scheme that … member in their own home. Since late 2006, the SEIU has skimmed more than $30 million from taxpayers … basement and receives thousands of dollars from the SEIU to maintain its quasi functions. (Check out Jack …

The Brave New Foundation

Leftist media outlet took in $250,000 from SEIU. Fourth in a series.

… Senate. While we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was meant to help … where that money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. The Brave New Foundation describes … were treated as charitable donations. Overall in 2010, SEIU made more than $3.6 million in "contributions, …

SEIU Dues Skim Continues

Millions of dollars in “dues” will continue to be skimmed by the SEIU from the subsidy checks home health care workers receive, many of whom are family … Beckmann Show” on WJR AM760. Wright also told The Detroit News that the SEIU is taking about $500,000 a month away from the home health aides. You can …

Capitol Protesters Fined $500 Each For Trying To Storm Senate Chamber

Most of arrested right-to-work protesters had SEIU 'dues skim' connections

… ven people with ties to the SEIU Healthcare Michigan, the union … part of a plea agreement, the SEIU Healthcare Michigan staff members … incident has not been tied to SEIU Healthcare Michigan. One of … Joshua Kersting, the son of SEIU Healthcare Michigan President Marge Faville. The other six SEIU Healthcare Michigan staffers …

MCLF Joins Supreme Court Brief

… receives for caring for her quadriplegic brother in the form of “dues” to the SEIU. Thousands of Michigan residents are fighting the same battle against a forced, illegal unionization that made them SEIU members, which has funneled some $28 million to the union over the last …

Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Files Amicus Brief in U.S. Supreme Court Case

Illinois scheme similar to Michigan SEIU ‘dues skim’

… unconstitutional.” Home-based caregivers in Michigan saw the SEIU skim more than $34 million in “dues” from Medicaid … until the scheme came to an end last March. The SEIU also attempted to enshrine its stealth unionization … voters defeated it by 14 percentage points. The SEIU is now under investigation for its role in the …

SEIU Election Battle Hinges On Home-Based Caregivers

Union member: 'I was born in the Mideast ... I've never seen an election that was messed up like this'

… tion Day is approaching for SEIU Healthcare Michigan, the union … caregivers. But even as the SEIU "dues-skim" nears an end, a … election is at issue. Current SEIU Healthcare Michigan President … in Muskegon, is no longer in SEIU Healthcare Michigan. Last year, … employees at the facility gave SEIU Healthcare Michigan the boot …

'Dues Skim' Proponents, State Department Struggle to Explain Health Care Scheme

Group would lock in millions for SEIU in forced unionization

… constant theme surrounding the SEIU scheme to trap unsuspecting … example, was the dummy employer the SEIU used to facilitate its forced … union dues being taken by the SEIU. Minicuci checked again and … both at the same time? The SEIU and others, including Dohn … Unionization' Brings In $28 Million For SEIU ... And Climbing Why is the …

The Human Side of Right-to-Work Legislation

These are real people who have been hurt by forced unionization

… family member who receives a Medicaid stipend. The SEIU has taken over $33 million from the elderly and … and Gov. Rick Snyder acted to end the scheme, the SEIU took legal action and then spent at least $6 million … previous experience as union members outside of the SEIU. If Michigan becomes a right-to-work state, no …

Health Care Unionization Campaign Changes Its Story — Again

Ballot proposal avoids the one issue it is about: Money for the SEIU

… for background checks. The SEIU to date has taken more than … the state constitution. The SEIU, which has been financing the … thing and one thing only — the SEIU is attempting to hijack the … them, it's time we tell the SEIU 'No, hands off our constitution.' … unionization of workers. The SEIU then provided money to operate …

Mackinac Center Video Posted at

… posted today at the “Big Government” section of about the Michigan Senate’s failure to protect thousands of home health care aides from an SEIU illegal unionization scheme. You can read more about the issue here and here.

SEIU 'Dues Skim' Days Are Numbered

Work to get caregivers their money back continues

… the contract upon which the SEIU "Dues Skim" is based will end … payments will stop." In 2005, the SEIU perpetrated a forced unionization … union. The scheme has enriched SEIU coffers by more than $33 million. … was the dummy employer the SEIU used to facilitate its forced … entity was an extension of the SEIU that did the union's bidding. …

BREAKING NEWS: Michigan Senate Stops Home Health Care 'Dues Skim'

… be ended now,” Owens said. “SEIU is concerned enough about losing … Employees International Union (SEIU). That 43,729 has now swollen … money continues to be sent to SEIU as dues. Overall, the “skim” … more than $29 million for the SEIU. A home health care worker … West Coast Scandal Roots of SEIU Forced Unionization 'Money …

SEIU Membership Drops 80 Percent

When given a choice, thousands refuse to join

… unionization scheme to force tens of thousands of Michiganders into the SEIU has ended, its membership is down 80 percent. More than 44,000 home-based … concocted during the Granholm administration have chosen not remain in the SEIU now that they have the freedom to decide.

Commentary: Proposal 4 Excludes Caregivers From Getting State Employee Benefits

SEIU wants forced unionization locked into state constitution but only to take money from caregivers

… constitutional amendment that the SEIU and its followers wrote themselves: … only for the purpose of the SEIU taking money from them. They … state employees enjoy. The SEIU will not bargain on the workers’ … and simple. Since 2005, the SEIU has taken more than $32 million … eligible for unionization. The SEIU took the issue to federal court …

SEIU 'Skim Tracker' Stops Ticking

After seven years and more than $34 million taken from home-based caregivers, union contract officially ends

The SEIU "skim tracker" has finally stopped. The scrolling money ticker had … March 4. These are the checks the SEIU was taken money from. The checks mailed … ongoing. As a result of the scheme, the SEIU took more than $34 million, mostly … Capitol Confidential Coverage of the SEIU 'Dues Skim' Voters Reject Forced Unionization …

SEIU Tries to Continue Dues Scheme

Leaked document maps out 'dues skim' plan

… people would be bold enough to make that case. The SEIU Healthcare Michigan has maintained that the Michigan … after April 2013." It is significant that the SEIU calls the MQC3 the employer of those workers because … claims it never was the employer. So why does the SEIU maintain otherwise? Because if it admits the MQC3 …

SEIU Election Legitimacy Questioned by Some Union Members

Union president's decision to allow mail-in votes to outgoing home-based caregivers upset some members

… potential legal action, the SEIU Healthcare Michigan election … Michigan were forced into the SEIU in 2005 after a mail-in election … ballot proposal pushed by the SEIU to lock the scheme into the … was significant because the SEIU Healthcare Michigan has about … that and Jolliffi isn't." The SEIU mail-in election in 2005 was …

The SEIU Dues Skim Is Over

… is not surprising that the SEIU would do everything in its … was implemented in 2005, the SEIU has collected more than $34 … Granholm administration. The SEIU, a self-described “militant” … or one of its agencies, the SEIU was able to use a novel theory … becoming law, the MQCCC and the SEIU entered into a contract extension …

Despite Collapse in Membership, SEIU Poised to Go All-In in Michigan

$150 million campaign blunted by right-to-work law

The SEIU is making a huge political investment to defeat President Donald Trump … members or paying fees to a union, SEIU Michigan has lost 51% of its members and SEIU Healthcare Michigan has lost 84% of … their unions. Since then, the national SEIU has lost 8% of its dues and fee payers, …

The Center for American Progress Action Fund

Political advocacy, among "other" things. Thirteenth in a series.

… for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that … might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report: The Center … Fund received $625,345 from SEIU during 2010. Of this amount, … administration. But unlike some SEIU beneficiaries that perform … apparently did not consult with SEIU — its union administration …

SEIU/MASC: Curiouser and Curiouser

MEDC moved fast to secure a union operation for Michigan, but did they really need to?

… ongoing examination of the SEIU-Member Action Service Center … tax credit to MASC, says that SEIU was considering locations in … Florida, it does not appear that SEIU or MASC applied for economic … Missouri. The timing of the SEIU’s application for tax credits … be highly irregular, but if SEIU waited until October 22 to …

The Relationship Between the MQC3 and the SEIU

… relationship between the MQC3 and the SEIU is questionable. As described … $22,000 in the bank, of which the SEIU had provided $12,000 — the … this relationship between the SEIU and the MQC3, the MQC3 and SEIU entered into a contract extension … conflict of interest.[*] The SEIU needed the MQC3 to keep the …

The Ballot Initiative Strategy Center

‘The progressive community’s only research and capacity-building organization focused solely on the ballot measure process.’ Eighth in a series.

… Senate. While we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was meant to help … where that money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. The Ballot Initiative Strategy … New Foundation The Atlas Project SEIU Healthcare Michigan

Families Forced Into SEIU Scheme Relieved and Thankful After Proposal 4 Defeat

Robert Haynes: 'It took ordinary people like us to bring attention to what was really happening.'

… Voters on Tuesday rejected the SEIU's plan to continue the scheme … it look like what they (the SEIU) wanted to do would be beneficial," … she thought what the union (SEIU) had been doing was ridiculous." … been around since 1981.  The SEIU's scheme took a percentage of … "Especially after they (the SEIU) had all of those ads on TV …

Confirmed: The SEIU ‘Dues Skim’ Finally Ends

Home-based caregivers no longer losing money to union

… ended the contract with the SEIU and, in turn, stopped the dues … has become a reality.” The SEIU, however, took $34,416,335.21 … was tracking the money the SEIU took. In the meantime, the … increase dues-paying members, the SEIU targeted the Medicaid checks … force the caregivers into the SEIU. Key elements of the scheme …

SEIU 'Dues Skim' Finally Grinding To A Halt

… to the union. To date, the SEIU has taken more than $34 million … who were not beholden to the SEIU. Haveman pointed out that at … announced that the contract with SEIU Healthcare Michigan (the union … said. "The only questions the SEIU attorneys have brought up involve … The Legal Foundation says the SEIU engaged in unfair labor practices. …

America Votes

Simultaneously a partner for political campaigns and a consultant on internal union affairs. Ninth in a series.

… for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that … might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. America … "consulting" and listed as part of SEIU's overhead. According to its … voter ID bill in Ohio. If SEIU's financial statements are to be taken at face value, SEIU simultaneously relies on America …

Prop 4 Not About Home Care

… According to its own website, the SEIU is an employee union that exists … Proposal 4 maintain that the SEIU is spending millions to simply … coffers. This has netted the SEIU more than $32 million since … Home Care First comes from the SEIU. According to the same report, … legal action, the days of the SEIU skimming money from caregivers …

SEIU Dues Skim Comes to an End

Union was able to extract $34 million from home-based caregivers through stealth unionization scheme

… Gov. Jennifer Granholm ended Feb. 28 when a contract extension between the SEIU and the Michigan Quality Community Care Council expired. Many of the tens … received the justice they were due.” Legal action by the MCLF against the SEIU continues. This is the third time in three years that the MCLF has played …

Wright Discusses End of SEIU Dues Skim

… Show” on WILS AM1320 in Lansing this morning, discussing the end of the SEIU dues skim. The union’s scheme funneled some $34 million from home-based … for loved ones and family members in the union. Legal action against the SEIU to recover part of the money is ongoing.

SEIU Under Investigation over Prop 4

'Dues Skim' took $35 million from Medicaid recipients

… campaign and initially hide the SEIU’s involvement. After months … all of its money came from SEIU. Michigan Capitol Confidential's … articles on the groups the SEIU set up to continue the money … increase dues paying members, the SEIU targeted the Medicaid checks … force the caregivers into the SEIU. Key elements of the scheme …

The Clean Economy Development Center

Clearinghouse for ‘green energy’ boondoggles was recipient of $100,000 in SEIU cash. First in a series.

… Senate. While we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was meant to help … where that money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. The Clean Economy Development Center received a $100,000 donation from the SEIU in April 2010. The CEDC describes its mission as …

Mackinac Center Subject of SEIU Protest

Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association at issue

… protest has been planned in front of its Midland office at 4 pm today by the SEIU of Michigan in connection to Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, … they want to support, which is the central issue in the Friedrichs case. SEIU was involved in skimming tens of millions of dollars from individuals with …

SEIU Ballot Proposal Raises Questions

Why is the SEIU involved in a ballot initiative that would seemingly have little to do with them? That … homes? This is a favorite selling point for the SEIU and its allies, but the vast majority of those … voters pass the initiative or not? Whether the SEIU continues to receive millions of dollars every …

Hospital SEIU Members Say Home-Based Caregivers Get 'No Benefit' From Proposal 4

'They don’t receive sick time. They don’t get vacation time. They can’t file a grievance'

… said, 'Yes you belong to the SEIU,' " Linebarger said. "They … Clara Leavell, were at the SEIU Healthcare Michigan headquarters … minority (about 10,000) of SEIU Healthcare Michigan members … Michigan's Home Help Program and the SEIU has taken more than $32 million … year, but the union affiliate, SEIU Healthcare Michigan, is using …

State, National Media on SEIU's Downward Spiral

Right-to-work rescues 44k from stealth unionization scheme

… Capitol Confidential story about the 80 percent decline in membership in the SEIU Healthcare Michigan union is receiving national media attention. Some 44,000 … scheme approved by the Granholm administration have chosen not to join the SEIU now that the stealth unionization has been overturned by law. Fox News, …

SEIU Membership Drops 80 Percent After Dues Skim Ends

Union loses $4.2 million in dues and fees

… caregivers no longer are part of the SEIU Healthcare Michigan, according … to pay dues or fees to the SEIU after the union orchestrated … in 2013, but not before the SEIU took more than $34 million … traditional organizing drives. The SEIU health care workers were organized … 2013. During those years, the SEIU Healthcare Michigan boasted …

SEIU Fined Almost $200,000 Over Actions Tied To 2012 Ballot Proposal Campaign

Union suffers another loss related to dues skim, which took more than $34 million from home-based caregivers

… finally ended in early 2013, the SEIU took more than $34 million … announced this week that the SEIU will pay $199,000 in penalties … filing fees already paid, the SEIU will have paid more than $205,000 … campaign to shield the fact that SEIU was virtually the only entity … suspected all along that the SEIU was trying to hide its real …

Legal Foundation Seeks End to Forced Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers

State agency asked to award $3 million back to workers that the SEIU took as dues

… The legal action against the SEIU asks the Michigan Employment … what has become known as the SEIU "dues skim" that began under … people being forced into the SEIU. To date more than $32 million has been taken by the SEIU from workers, most of whom … friends.  Those forced into the SEIU were already home-based caregivers …

'Skim Tracker' Hits $30 Million

… Under a scheme perpetrated while Jennifer Granholm was governor, tens of thousands of so-called “home health care workers” were railroaded into the SEIU. As a result, dues from the taxpayer-provided checks of those to care for homebound patients has been flowing to the union. Continuation of this practice …

GOP Senators, SEIU Taxpayer Giveaways, Campaign Cash and More, OH MY!

… taxpayer money annually to the SEIU government employee union, … campaign contribution from the SEIU on June 22, six weeks before … Senate Republicans and the SEIU for union support of former … priorities. Day observes that the SEIU endorsed Nofs on August 22nd, … of taxpayer dollars to the SEIU to receive official blessing …

GOP Senators, SEIU Taxpayer Giveaways, Campaign Cash and More, OH MY!

… taxpayer money annually to the SEIU government employee union, … campaign contribution from the SEIU on June 22, six weeks before … Senate Republicans and the SEIU for union support of former … priorities. Day observes that the SEIU endorsed Nofs on August 22nd, … of taxpayer dollars to the SEIU to receive official blessing …

Glossop Family Caregiver Wants Out of SEIU

The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation represents Steven Glossop in the case against the SEIU and MQCCC's illegal unionization of home-based caregivers. After asking to be released, dues are still being skimmed from his mother's Medicaid checks.

Muskegon Health Care Workers Get Out of SEIU

… The specific branch of the SEIU involved is Healthcare Michigan. … a September election, means SEIU Healthcare Michigan is even … were glad to be rid of the SEIU. “I'm thrilled,” said Jeff … lifted off our shoulders. “SEIU brags about being an employer-friendly … worked to breakaway from the SEIU. Zahdeh claims the SEIU was …

Muskegon SEIU Escape Vote Set For This Week

… Employees International Union (SEIU). The specific branch of the SEIU involved is Healthcare Michigan. … and outspoken critic of the SEIU and Healthcare Michigan. “The … efforts to switch unions. “SEIU was trying to negotiate my … his termination in detail. SEIU's Healthcare Michigan is currently …

'It's hard to believe the union could get away with something like this'

Ex-Teamster says it's 'thievery' that the SEIU is taking money he could use to take care of his mother

… the state, are members of the SEIU thanks to a unionization scheme … Foundation in a case against the SEIU over unfair labor practices. The legal … about $3 million. In 2005, the SEIU pulled off a forced unionization … provide home care. To date, the SEIU has taken more than $32 million … the forced unionization. The SEIU later took the issue to federal court …