US Route 10, which spans from Ludington to Bay City, is often considered where Michigan’s “Up North” begins. The stretch I drive most often is between Midland and Bay City, where US-10 meets I-75. The scenery is mostly farmland, but if you pay attention, the drive tells an important story about Michigan’s economy. Several prominent buildings that stick out among the corn fields show how the state’s economic strategies have shifted.
Four years ago, on March 24 at 12:01 a.m., Gov. Gretchen Whitmer put the entire state of Michigan into lockdown. She granted herself unilateral control of all social movement and activity, from Copper Harbor to Coldwater and everything in between. This was a grand and risky experiment, unprecedented in state history.
Editor’s Note: This is an updated version of an article from Dec. 15, 2009, written shortly after Dr. Borlaug passed away. It features a new introduction and is written to honor the man who would have been 110 years old on March 25, 2024.
In the winters, I spend my time officiating high school wrestling. Last year, while going through my pre-meet duties, I noticed a wrestler with the last name Borlaug. I asked him if he knew who Norman Borlaug was and was delighted to learn that wrestler was his great-nephew.
New energy laws will force Michigan residents to pay the equivalent of almost two additional mortgage payments each year.
What will people get in return? An energy policy that will have no measurable impact on the climate and make electricity less reliable.
Michigan’s economy is lagging behind that of the typical state right now, but our challenges go back many years. I hope these six charts help give a richer look at where Michigan stands and what lawmakers ought to do.
The first is a spotlight on auto and auto parts manufacturing jobs in Michigan compared to the number of auto jobs in the rest of the country.
Michigan’s budget since the COVID-19 pandemic has ramped up beyond what taxpayers can afford. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s latest budget keeps Michigan at those elevated, unsustainable levels. Legislators should correct this.
Lawmakers shouldn’t have a state budget that increases the state budget faster than the average taxpayer’s ability to pay for it. The question is: What is a good measure of how much taxpayers can afford? Spending an amount people can easily manage would keep the state government affordable, but spending more could be catastrophic, as it crowds out people’s opportunities to thrive.
Michigan taxpayers just gave $16 million to seven private railroad companies. The state transportation department chose the recipients as part of an initiative called the Michigan Railroad Enhancement Program, which was launched last year. This is one of three programs that provide taxpayer-funded favors to select railroad companies.
While the federal policy debate can look stultified, some states are making huge changes. Over the past few years, Montana lowered taxes, conducted a Red Tape Relief Initiative, redid its housing regulations and more. I speak with Frontier Institute CEO Kendall Cotton about it for the Overton Window podcast.
Each year since 2008, the Mackinac Center has estimated the degree to which cigarettes are smuggled in and out of the Great Lake State, as well as other states. Our latest estimate is that 17.1% of all cigarettes consumed in Michigan in 2022 were a function of tax evasion and avoidance.
Should the state lower its debt payments into the school retirement system? Lawmakers are pondering it.
Over the course of several decades, the state accidentally made school employees the state’s largest creditors. They’ve promised $35 billion more in retirement benefits than they’ve set aside. In contrast, the bondholders who willingly lent the state money are only owed $25 billion.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s recent call for free community college for high school graduates is the latest part of her plan to have 60% of state residents have a degree or post-secondary certificate by 2030, up from about 50% today. But it will likely cost tens if not hundreds of millions each year and lead to disappointment for taxpayers and students alike.
Tax policy in Michigan makes no sense. It’s a seesaw that favors those who back the winning candidate in a general election. Members of each party work to deliver preferential tax treatment for supporters and buy favorable, job-related press coverage.
The way to bring down housing costs is simple: Increase the supply. It’s the most basic lesson in economics – demand for a product increases prices unless supply increases to meet it. If you want to bring prices down, you must increase supply.
There are other factors, but that principle is consistent across the literature on housing. But Michigan’s bureaucrats and elected officials, while occasionally talking the talk, have done very little to increase the supply of housing. Most of their actions have been the opposite – proposing laws that would only make it more expensive to build.
People skeptical of government overreach often look at a policy proposal and ask whether it reduces the amount of money the government has. If so, then it limits the government’s power and is a good idea.
Would that it were so simple.
It is good to have a healthy suspicion about public spending. Limited-government advocates ought to notice, however, that even a proposal that reduces government revenue can increase government power.
Lawmakers in Michigan are considering bills that would impose rent control on mobile home operators. Five bills before the Senate create many new regulations, including restrictions on owners of manufactured housing communities. Instead of determining their rental rates independently, they would have to submit any rent increases above the inflation rate to a state board for approval.
The cost of housing has increased, and it’s hard for builders to respond to demand for affordable homes. In many cities, all but the most expensive kind of housing has been banned. M. Nolan Gray, research director for California YIMBY — that’s Yes In My Back Yard — talks about the challenge of building modest housing for the Overton Window podcast.
Michigan lawmakers are debating and may repeal a little-known law called the Educational Instruction Access Act. The law was enacted in 2017 and owes its existence to school officials in Detroit who tried to prevent a charter school from using one of their vacated buildings — one they had already sold. All the law does is prohibit school districts from blocking a different school from using their former buildings.
Michigan is making big wagers while playing a very weak hand in the renewable energy game. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last year signed legislation making Michigan one of the 23 states that will attempt to achieve a net-zero carbon dioxide emission goal through legislative fiat.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer created the Growing Michigan Together Council last summer. It was charged with recommending reforms to grow Michigan’s population.
Populations rise and fall across states over time. There are only a few factors that impact the rate of change of a state’s population, but inbound migration from other states is a big one. For a number of reasons, people choose to move to or from particular states. Michigan’s population has been, at best, stagnant when it comes to this type of migration.
Charter schools outperform conventional public schools in Detroit despite getting less money. And many are performing as well as the best open enrollment schools in Michigan. Their success at doing more with less should be rewarded, but that’s not the case.
Michigan became the first state in decades to repeal its right-to-work law by legislative action, which took effect Feb. 13. With the repeal in place, anyone who works at a company with a union contract, at least in the private sector, must join or pay fees to a labor union or be fired. The repeal comes at a time when union membership numbers are the lowest ever officially recorded.
Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the Traverse City Record-Eagle on February 11, 2024.
Despite no independent evidence of their success, film production subsidies are once again on the docket in Lansing. House bills 4907 and 4908, championed by northern Michigan Rep. John Roth, would create a tax credit for up to 30% of production expenses. The company that qualifies for the credit could then sell it at a discount to another.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer wants to take $670 million out of the state’s pension debt payments and spend it elsewhere. Michigan legislators should be careful. Underfunded pension debts have a long history of wreaking havoc with state budgets. Lawmakers, employees, unions and citizens should all want to catch up on what taxpayers owe to public retirees.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer reiterated her plan to continue expanding taxpayer-paid preschool to all four-year-olds in her State of the State address and budget proposal last week. But her PreK for All plan will do nothing more than subsidize preschool for wealthier families. It’s a waste of time and money for the state to pay the bills of people who don’t need help.
The Growing Michigan Together Council, a task force Gov. Gretchen Whitmer charged with drafting recommendations to reverse Michigan’s population decline, suggests normalizing the concept of super-seniors at the high school level.
Super-seniors are college students who stretch four years of a baccalaureate degree over five or six.