Results 201 to 250 of 433

Supreme Court Rules Unionization Schemes Involving Home-Based Care Providers Are Illegal

Mackinac Center represented workers similar to those in Illinois who were forced to pay union dues simply because they got state money

… that the 'dues skim' that the SEIU set up in Michigan was unconstitutional." … the country. In Michigan, the SEIU Healthcare Michigan orchestrated … was disbanded last year. The SEIU, however, went to great lengths … positions to delay action. The SEIU also tried to get its scheme locked … points. Earlier this year, the SEIU was fined nearly $200,000 for …

Worker freedom and individual liberty

… as “dues skim” involving the SEIU.[28] The union worked with … government subsidies. The SEIU and Granholm administration … and forced to pay dues to the SEIU. These caregivers received … were not state employees, the SEIU launched a ballot initiative, … the union, workers fled the SEIU in droves. By 2020, SEIU Michigan …

Reactions to Forced Unionization

Tea Party groups call practice 'immoral'

… the most recent member of the SEIU to claim the union's only interest … declaring 'Support Senator Kahn and SEIU. Take money from the elderly … has provided is more dues for SEIU, more union campaign contributions … themselves and gives it to the SEIU. And what training is he talking … the national news media, one SEIU representative claimed the …

Gov. Snyder Could Replace Board That Helped Facilitate Forced Unionization Of Home-Based Caregivers

If Proposal 4 passes, constitutional amendment would lock in current union-stacked board

… options," she said. In 2005, the SEIU targeted Michigan's share of … long-term care facilities. The SEIU pulled off its scam by taking … the mail. As a result, the SEIU has been taking money from … million has been taken by the SEIU. "I would hope the governor … are not state employees. The SEIU took the issue to federal court …

Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Health Care Money

Father: "Considering the dues money we're sending them, maybe they should come over and babysit our kids so we could have one night out.”

… Employees International Union (SEIU). This deduction is the result … Kahn received $2,500 from the SEIU in 2010. However, a review … treasurer. Last month, the SEIU and DMC staged a rally together … allegedly belonging to the SEIU. The only impact it's having … GOP Senator Tries to Save SEIU Healthcare ‘Employer’ SEIU …

State Government Employee Unions Prosper in Midst of Recession

… Michigan Corrections Organization, SEIU Local 526M, was the only union to report … employees in its bargaining unit. Another SEIU local, 517M, was a big winner, adding … +$214,527.72 MI Corrections Org./SEIU 526M $4,959,645.28 $4,840,725.89 -$118,919.39 SEIU 517M $2,433,129.78 $2,721,664.04 +$288,534.26 …

Union Activists Protest Opposition to Coerced Union Dues

U.S. Supreme Court to consider case next week

… Service Employees International Union (SEIU). From 2005 to 2013, the SEIU had a dues skimming scheme by which … by sending its press release on behalf of SEIU Michigan. “We’re protesting the Mackinac … home-based caregivers on behalf of an SEIU affiliate in 2013, its membership dropped …

How the Forced Unionization of Day Care and Home Health Care Providers Took Place

Anatomy of a Scam: Dues continue to flow

… Employees International Union (SEIU). Union dues have been extracted … taxpayers to the coffers of the SEIU. House Bill 4003 was designed … not of their own making. “SEIU has not responded once to our … Kahn, [R, Saginaw] has been a SEIU spearhead against these distressed … election? Zac Altefogt of SEIU Healthcare Michigan (the branch …

Union Loses $4.2 Million After Dues Skim Ends

… Employees International Union (SEIU) targeted the assistance checks … cold shoulder. As a result, SEIU Healthcare Michigan, the union … Department of Labor, membership in SEIU Healthcare Michigan dropped … the home care. In 2005, the SEIU perpertrated a forced unionization … “home health care workers” and SEIU Healthcare Michigan was created …


… a neutrality agreement with SEIU prior to the union’s organizing … statement, Mayhew detailed how the SEIU hosted a question and answer … exclusive representation by SEIU,” she said. “We were told by … exclusive representation by the SEIU.”[41] When the union received … and other tactics used by the SEIU against Kaiser Permanente employees …

Practical and Political Aspects of the New Model

… dues and agency fees by the SEIU in the unionization of in-home … unionization in 2003. In 2006, the SEIU was reportedly the biggest … re-election campaign.[92] The SEIU has asserted that political … caregivers in Michigan. In the SEIU’s federal lawsuit against the … discontinuing the dues collection, the SEIU’s attorney cited political concerns …

The ‘Unionization’ of In-Home Caregivers in 2005

… Relations Commission certified the SEIU as the union that would collectively … January 2005, the MQC3 and the SEIU presented a petition to MERC … that both the MQC3 and the SEIU consented to MERC’s “jurisdiction” … in-home caregivers to approve the SEIU as their representative union. … 19, 2005, MERC certified the SEIU as the collective bargaining …

Kansas Agencies Stops Helping Pro-ObamaCare Union

… were responding to an open records request by the SEIU, a union that represents health care and government … suggests a fair amount of skepticism towards the SEIU, which has given Sebelius and her PAC over $130,000. … clue?) Americans for Tax Reform, no friend of the SEIU, says follow the money. See also Bob Weeks, blogger …


Winter 2011-12 Edition

… Health Care Workers Vote to Bolt from 'Corrupt' SEIU Subsidized Green Energy Company Struggles, Lays … Looking Like a Done Deal GOP Senator Tries to Save SEIU Healthcare ‘Employer’ Despite Deficit, Some Dearborn … 'Forced Unionization' Brings In $28 Million For SEIU ... And Climbing I'm Just a Bill

The Legislature Acts to End the Dues Collection

… that required the in-home caregivers to pay the SEIU’s union dues and agency fees. The MQC3, however, … the new law went into effect, the MQC3 and the SEIU entered into an extension of the existing collective … under “The Relationship Between the MQC3 and the SEIU.”

Forced Unionization Scheme Still Collecting Cash – Lawmakers Mystified

… kept the dues flowing to the SEIU. Judy Hendrixson, a home health … said she was amazed that the SEIU dues are still being taken … checks.” Hendrixson, a former SEIU union representative, said … employee union was illegal. Next, SEIU took advantage of the fact … basis of this election, the SEIU started receiving $6 million …

Dues and Don'ts

Should all businesses be forced to pay dues to the Chamber of Commerce?

… demonstrates just how far they’ll go to defend these forcibly extracted dues. For example, after Michigan Capitol Confidential broke news last week that the SEIU was removing hundreds of dollars in “dues” annually from the subsidy of a struggling couple who look after their own disabled children, Fox Business …

Supreme Court Ends ‘Dues Skim’ Nationwide

… decades-long membership slump. SEIU began organizing caregivers … arrangement was quite simple: SEIU would convince a state agency … of the Medicaid payments to SEIU in the form of union dues, … caregivers greatly enriched SEIU. We exposed a similar scheme … the program, but not before SEIU skimmed $34 million away from …


… 16 Paul Pringle, “SEIU Official Steps aside in Inquiry,” … “Congress Scrutinizes L.A. Local of SEIU,” Los Angeles Times, Aug. 29, … 18 Paul Pringle, “SEIU Alleges Misuse of Funds,” Los … Richard Winton, “Former Leader of SEIU Local Is Indicted,” Los Angeles … and Hailey Branson-Potts, “Ex-SEIU Local Exec Convicted of Stealing …

Mackinac Center Legal Foundation

… Sherry Loar is a home daycare provider in Petoskey, Michigan. With the Legal Foundation’s help, she managed to fight and win her case against the SEIU. Read her story. < 1 / 3 > “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It’s a wonderful feeling knowing you guys were there, and I was not fighting this battle …

The Continued Collection of Monies From In-Home Caregivers

… payments received by in-home caregivers.[48] On May 29, 2012, however, the SEIU sued Gov. Richard Snyder, State Treasurer Andy Dillon and Department of … on grounds that the state’s failure to continue withholding money for the SEIU voided the union contract and therefore violated the U.S. Constitution’s …

Mackinac Center Heroes

Profiles of a few of the Michiganders we’ve helped over the years

… and Robert Haynes were caring for their disabled adult children when the SEIU unionized them against their will. Although the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation … state to pass legislation ending the dues skim, and voters rejecting an SEIU effort to reinstate it.

Stealth Unionization One Step Closer to Ending

Senate committee approves House Bill 4003

… their subsidy checks and sent to the SEIU. Under that scenario, the Michigan … Mystified GOP Senator Tries to Save SEIU Healthcare ‘Employer’ SEIU Healthcare Michigan Lives on Without … Workers Vote to Bolt from 'Corrupt' SEIU

Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Asks MERC to Reverse Forced Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers

Seeks return of $3 million in skimmed ‘dues’

… caregivers were not public employees. The SEIU and the MQC3 signed a contract extension … union attorney told the court that the SEIU needed the money for political purposes. … includes a legal challenge against SEIU Healthcare Michigan and the Michigan … a conflict of interest because the SEIU gave the MQC3 $12,000 to continue operating …

Voters Reject Special Interest Power Plays

Proposals 2-6 soundly defeated

… double-digits. As was Proposal 4, the SEIU scheme that allowed the union to take … collective bargaining agreement between the SEIU and Michigan Quality Community Care Council expires in February. The SEIU has taken more than $32.7 million from … created non-profit organization, the SEIU reportedly spent more than $5 million …

Attorney General Orders Home Health Dues Skim to End

Illegal scheme continued despite law explicitly stating providers are not government employees

… have been paying dues in the first place.” The SEIU was able to skim the so-called “dues” under a scheme … funds but did receive operating expenses from the SEIU. CapCon also reported that the MQC3 is being operated … unemployment insurance. Wright cautioned that the SEIU is trying to pass a constitutional amendment to …

U.S. Supreme Court Agrees to Decide if Forced Unionization Violates Constitution

Illinois scheme was focus of MCLF amicus brief

… to pad the political coffers of AFSCME and the SEIU. “We were in the middle of a similar legal battle … in Michigan ended last March, but not before the SEIU was able to skim more than $34 million in “dues” … meant to help our most vulnerable residents. The SEIU had tried to enshrine the scheme in the Michigan …

Not Much Mystery Behind $9 Million Raised for Prop 4

Proposal 4 supporters expect voters to believe that the union is spending $9,593 per name for a registry

… million into Proposal 4.  The SEIU is trying to stay out of the … forced into the union. The SEIU wants the scheme to continue … registry is essential. "If the SEIU is bankrolling this, it isn't … into the constitution. The SEIU orchestrated the forced unionization … caregivers ever since. So far the SEIU has taken more than $32 million from …

U.S. Supreme Court Rules Home-Based Caregivers in Nine States Free from Union Dues Skim

Mackinac Center Legal Foundation filed two briefs at the High Court regarding the case

… through in Michigan with the SEIU’s stealth unionization of caregivers … caregivers in Michigan saw the SEIU skim more than $34 million … came to an end last March. The SEIU tried to enshrine its scheme … by 12 percentage points. The SEIU was later fined $199,000 — … 4. “It’s very telling that SEIU Healthcare Michigan’s membership …

Return of union dues skim threatens home health workers

Shady proposal would hurt caregivers, deprive patients

… Care Council. This allowed the SEIU to attempt to unionize them. … was held. Despite this, the SEIU was selected to act as home … was highly profitable for the SEIU. From home healthcare workers … the Care Council in 2011. The SEIU, refusing to concede, funded … made clear. In under a year, SEIU lost tens of thousands of members, …

Home Health Care Bill Signed Into Law

… Commission on the Aging. The SEIU then applied to the Michigan … $5,000 contribution from the SEIU the day after Opsommer’s bill … its home page to tally the SEIU’s take from home health care … unemployment insurance and since the SEIU was helping keep its doors … release. Not surprisingly, the SEIU filed a federal lawsuit challenging …

By the Numbers: The Dues Skim

… Amount of money annually siphoned even after the dues skim was ruled unconstitutional 84% — Percentage of home care givers who opted to leave the SEIU once given a choice

That's Not How We Roll

Andy Stern was a leader in what is supposed to be a democratic movement, but reveals a jarring admiration for authoritarianism.

Last week, former SEIU President Andy Stern revealed his preference for dictatorial governance in an article he wrote for The Wall Street Journal. Stern was once considered an innovative leader in the union firmament, which likes to portray itself as the model of democracy in action. For such an influential …

The Effect of Proposal 4 on the Unionization of In-Home Caregivers

Proposal 4, however, would enshrine in the state constitution collective bargaining power for the SEIU or any subsequent union representing in-home caregivers. The many legal objections to, and laws against, the previous unionization would be removed, at least prospectively. The provisions of Public …

By The Numbers

Workers for Opportunity

… the Mackinac Center is working with through Workers For Opportunity 8% — AFSCME national has experienced a 8% drop in total dues/fee payers 5.2% — SEIU national has experienced a 5.2% drop in members/fee payers 2.8% — National Education Association national has experienced a 2.8% drop in total dues/fee …

A Public Employee Union Response

… Phillip Thompson Executive Vice President Michigan Public Employees, SEIU Local 517M These types of news articles—in Wisconsin as well as the recent … productive conversations between elected officials and public workers. It is SEIU’s sincere desire that Governor-elect Snyder takes a much more constructive …

Michigan Forces Business Owners Into Public-Sector Union

… Union, better known as the SEIU. Fourteen states have now enabled … Corp. granted a for-profit SEIU subsidiary, the SEIU Member Action Service Center, … because it categorized the SEIU subsidiary as a business and … just before the 5,000 member SEIU local 517M granted the state …

News Release: State Government Paid $17.6 Million to Unions in 2008, According to Documents Secured by FOIA Request

“Agency fee” clause means state taxpayers contribute to unions, Mackinac Center analyst says

… $5,838,655.20 Michigan Corrections Organization (SEIU Local 526M) $4,959,645.28 SEIU Local 517M $2,433,129.78 Michigan State Employees … a modest portion of their activities, but both SEIU and AFSCME records show political spending making …

A New Model of Public-Sector Union Organization

… 1980s in California under the direction of the SEIU. Many organizers credit Craig Becker, then a law … successful unionization of this kind involved the SEIU organizing in-home caregivers in Los Angeles County … majority of participating caregivers rejected both the SEIU and AFSCME affiliate, and these caregivers were …

Medicaid Dues Skim May Come To An End, After All

Friends, relatives of disabled individuals among those swept into public sector unions

… Department of Community Health ended a contract with the SEIU that had been established during the term of former … from Medicaid checks to union coffers, usually the SEIU or the American Federation of State, County and … “According to a report by the U.S. Department of Labor, SEIU Healthcare Michigan’s membership fell from 55,265 …

Line 5 is a Textbook Example of Environmental Versus Labor Concerns

The debate has reinforced the blue-green divide

… “Blue-Green Divide.” For example, some unions — like the SEIU — appear to have put politics over the needs of … building trades union may be concerned, but the SEIU’s decision to put politics over the workers they … million on politics and lobbying. In contrast to the SEIU, the Michigan-based Operating Engineers Local 324 …

Michigan home health workers would be protected from dues skim if right-to-work is repealed

Home health care workers are one group of people who would not be affected by right-to-work’s repeal

… to the Service Employees International Union, or SEIU, in what is now known as a “dues skim.” The SEIU was permitted, during the administration of former … says, to learn that she won’t be forced to pay the SEIU, even if lawmakers repeal right-to-work. That’s …

Exemptions, Navigators and New Members

Big Labor's payback from Obamacare

… was quoted in the bestselling book, "Shadow Bosses," that "Obamacare is an SEIU and AFSCME membership 'net,' … designed to eventually capture 21 million … more as salesmen to lobby the public to support the new health care law. SEIU President Mary Kay Henry told the Reuters Summit in October: "We're running …

Courage, Conviction Help Take Down Forced Unionization Schemes

… really got people fired up," she said of the scrolling money calculator posted on the Michigan Capitol Confidential website that tallied the money the SEIU took from home-based caregivers during the seven years the scheme was active here.  She's now hoping to get "skim trackers" scrolling in Minnesota, …

Interlocal Agreements – Good Intent, Bad Practice

… provided a so-called public “employer” for the SEIU to create the 55,000 member SEIU Healthcare Michigan. The SEIU takes union dues from the Medicaid subsidies paid …

Prop 4 Op-Ed in Detroit Free Press Ungrounded

… one important thing missing from Hoyle's column — the words "union" and "SEIU." Since every reported dime to gather signatures and run this campaign … a constitutional amendment isn't bad a bad return on investment — if the SEIU wins.

No Provisions for Higher Pay or Improved Work Conditions

… collective bargaining regulation of MERC. [‡] If Proposal 4 were approved, the SEIU would remain the home help providers’ certified union if a collective bargaining agreement between the MQC3 and the SEIU were in force at the time Proposal 4 was adopted. (See Proposal 4 of 2012, …

Top 25 of 2014

Our most popular offerings of the year

… Obamacare Making Sense of the Complicated Ballot Language for Proposal 1 SEIU Membership Drops 80 Percent After Dues Skim Ends Legislators Block Low-Cost … Haven’t Paid Dues; Some Teachers Say Union Intentionally Misled Members SEIU Allowed to Keep Millions in ‘Dues’ Money it Siphoned Away from Medicaid …

Even After Right-to-Work, Unions Still Big Political Spenders in Michigan

… This data comes from state and federal campaign spending reports. The SEIU’s affiliated super PAC, United We Can, made almost $1.3 million in independent … the Michigan Democratic Party and $68,000 to Gov. Whitmer’s campaign. The SEIU Michigan State Council made a $25,000 contribution to Gov. Whitmer’s campaign. …