Results 1 to 100 of 1146

Michigan’s May Tax Proposal

Proposal 1 would raise taxes $2 billion

… into effect if approved. Proposal 1 would increase the sales … Tax Credit. Overall, the proposal will increase state taxes and spending by $2 billion in 2016, of which about … Bureau of Labor Statistics, Proposal 1 would increase the tax … per gallon in taxes under Proposal 1, a 4 percent increase. …

New Study Explains ‘Voters Not Politicians’ Ballot Proposal in Plain English

Proposal 2 could completely overhaul the redistricting process in Michigan

… and the changes offered by Proposal 2, the constitutional amendment … by the state Legislature. Proposal 2 would change that, explicitly … similar commission to what Proposal 2 would create. That original … federal laws, however.” Proposal 2 would replace this defunct … to submit redistricting proposals for the commission to review. …

Proposal 2 of 2018

An Explainer and Key Arguments

… Michigan if voters approve Proposal 2. The Nuts and Bolts of Proposal 2 Proposal 2 would do the following: … test. Arguments in favor of Proposal 2 1. Statistical tests suggest … gerrymandering could have occurred. 2. Redistricting rules should be …

Behind the Campaign to Lure Businesses to Support Proposal 2

… nearly 600 businesses as Proposal 2 supporters. While that is … operating in Michigan, the ones Proposal 2 has managed to recruit come … after a store owner told a Proposal 2 recruiter he would not support … recall signing a paper from a Proposal 2 recruiter, but had difficulty recalling what Proposal 2 is actually about. One owner …

Proposal 2 Power Grab Demands Review of Government Unionism

… that Michigan voters have resoundingly defeated Proposal 2, it is appropriate for lawmakers to review the … the equivalent of a ballot initiative tantrum. Proposal 2 would not just have rolled back recent reforms; … Even though it was defeated, it’s likely that Proposal 2 has already cost Michigan jobs, as investors …

Michigan Can Bring Privacy Into the 21st Century via Proposal 2

Ballot proposal would require a search warrant before accessing electronic data

… respected by law enforcement when they vote on Proposal 2. This ballot proposal would require law enforcement to acquire a search … Legislature, it passed and has become Michigan Proposal 2: Search Warrant for Electronic Data Amendment. …

Voters Avert Disaster by Rejecting Proposal 2

… have good cause to be worried. Proposal 2’s failure indicates the unions miscalculated … with a labor-friendly inoculation; Proposal 2 would have empowered government … Michigan voters strongly rejected Prop 2, refusing to be the test-case for locking … down this election). Rejection of Prop 2 will only come as a surprise to those …

Voters Reject Special Interest Power Plays

Proposals 2-6 soundly defeated

… were soundly defeated. Proposal 2, which would have enshrined … landslide 58%-42%, as did Proposals 3 through 6. F. Vincent … Barack Obama fared well while Proposal 2 was defeated. “It shows … Democrats voted against Prop 2. … The defeat is a major setback … trend that is gaining momentum.” Proposal 2 supporters spent more than …

Prop 2 Means More Arbitrary Teacher Placements

'Last In, First Out' would be reinstated

… teacher performance when making layoff, recall and placement decisions. If Proposal 2 passes, however, union contracts will likely supersede and nullify this … seniority like this might not occur very often. But what will happen often if Proposal 2 is passed is that school districts will revert back to ignoring performance …

Proposal 2 Is Not Simply About Collective Bargaining

… constitutional ballot initiative Proposal 2 was merely about establishing … membership. The lawyer for Proposal 2, Andrew Nickelhoff, said, … immediately” with the passage of Proposal 2, including laws dealing … their tone insisting that Proposal 2 is simply about basic rights … “conditions of employment.” Proposal 2 is local government and …

Unions Rig Proposal 2 Business 'Support' List

Workers trained to coerce, intimidate business owners for their support; ignored some requests

… bankrolling and supporting Proposal 2 have touted the business … recruiting "took kit" that Proposal 2 supporters provide after … small, knew little about the proposal and better, that operated … union customer base.  The Proposal 2 website listed 597 businesses … came into the shop seeking Proposal 2 support.  Kilwins was not …

Everything You Need to Know, Except the Cost

May tax proposal will cost $2 billion

… story about the May 5 tax proposal with the headline: “Michigan … Everything — except, what the tax proposal will cost if approved. That’s $2 billion, which the article never … $500 million in taxes the proposal will impose. ForTheRecord … approve: How much? It's a net $2 billion tax increase.

Only Two Counties Voted for Proposal 2

Many voters in counties near cities or schools under emergency oversight supported Prop 1

… gan voters' rejection of Proposal 2, a ballot initiative that … counties, all but two rejected Proposal 2 on Tuesday.  In fact, 64 … Michigan counties — rejected Prop 2 by more than 60 percent. Ottawa … overwhelmingly against the proposal, with more than 75 percent … counties that voted for Prop 2 were Genesee and Wayne counties. …

Proposal 1 Will Cost Average Michigan Household Up to $525 a Year in Extra Taxes

May 5 proposal will hike taxes by $2 billion

… more in taxes in 2016 if Proposal 1 is approved by voters on … will have about $500 less if Proposal 1 is approved. Taxpayers … spending priorities in the proposal.” Proposal 1 is complex. It would make … constitutional changes. It would raise $2 billion, of which $1.3 billion …

Predators Back In the Classroom? It Could Happen

Proposal 2 would overrule state laws mandating certain protections

Supporters of Proposal 2 say an ad claiming the union-backed … Education Association, says Proposal 2 would not change the background … will be fair game under Proposal 2. “It can happen," said … spokesman for the anti-Prop 2 group, Hands Off Our Constitution. … memo reportedly said that Proposal 2 would overturn prohibited …

Ballot Proposal Backers Weighing Strategy

$2 billion tax hike vote on May 5

… session. All told, that deal is a $2 billion tax hike, which is considerably … believe the May 5 ballot proposal has little chance of passing. … those trying to “sell” the proposal will be starting out in a hole. Yet, polling ballot proposals is a tricky business and … fact. The centerpiece of Proposal 1, which is what the measure …

Proposal 2 Would Declaw Emergency Managers in Proposal 1

… the November ballot, some proposals are bound to impact others. The best example is how Proposal 2 impacts Proposal 1, if both issues pass. Proposal 2, which elevates union collective … struggling to pay their bills. Proposal 2, however, would strip emergency … managers in Public Act 4. But Proposal 2 would eliminate one of those …

Proposal 2 of 2018: An Explainer and Key Arguments

… currently practiced in Michigan and in other states. It also explains Proposal 2 and how redistricting would work if it is passed. Finally, it presents an equal number of arguments for and against the proposal.

Review of Environmental Bond Fund Uncovers Inflated Costs, Misplaced Priorities

Results Bear Directly on Ballot Proposal 2

… another major environment-related bond measure, Proposal 2, which would authorize the state to borrow $1 … infrastructure. A well-reasoned decision on Proposal 2 will depend in part, say experts, upon knowing … $675 million Clean Michigan Initiative (CMI) as Proposal C in 1998, with 63% in favor. "The Clean Michigan …

Proposal 2: More Power for Government Unions

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … Referendum on PA 4 Today: Proposal 2, The 'Collective Bargaining' Amendment A “yes” vote on Proposal 2 would allow government union … law could change that. If Proposal 2 is adopted, passing a right-to-work … employer to the union. If Proposal 2 passes, other solid labor …

Raw Soundbites for Media Use Proposal 2

Mackinac Center Labor Policy Director F. Vincent Vernuccio answers frequently asked questions about Proposal 2.

Making Sense of Michigan's Ballot Proposals

Chart explains supporters, opponents and what the six proposals mean for Michigan

… November with six statewide proposals that could reshape the state's … getting the most attention is Proposal 2, which would enshrine collective … unions could rollback if the proposal passes. The unions also … former Gov. Jennifer Granholm. Proposal 4 would allow the SEIU to … Michigan if voters approve the proposal. Prop 4 supporters say it …

BREAKING NEWS: 'Protect Working Families' Lists Proposal 2 Business Supporters Without Their Knowledge

… Families" website promoting Proposal 2, lists 598 small businesses … wife's business supports Proposal 2. The Proposal 2 supporter's website lists … business was listed on a Proposal 2 website at all. And some … that block was that the Proposal 2 supporter who walked that …

Proposal 2 Is Not Good For Government Union Workers

...or taxpayers, as Illinois shows what can happen when unions get nearly everything they want

… that the main supporters of Proposal 2, which would guarantee public … happen in this state if Proposal 2 gives those unions the power … school employee unions pushing Proposal 2 have touted dozens of laws … workers. ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 2: The 'Collective Bargaining' … Billion in Savings Lost Under Prop 2

Proposal 2 Could Protect Teachers Who Are Drunk, Dealing Drugs in the Classroom

Bay City contract shows what can happen when local union provisions overrule state laws

… Michigan voters approve Proposal 2 on Nov. 6, insane government … systems and more. But if Proposal 2 is enshrined in the state … at the bargaining table, (Proposal 2) would overturn that.' "  … provision unenforceable, but Proposal 2 would wipe that out. If … The relevant provision of the proposal reads, “No existing or future …

Whitmer’s Prop 2 rollout ‘weakens the integrity of our elections’

Implementing legislation goes far beyond mandate of last year’s voting referendum

… July 18 that will implement Proposal 2 requirements and more. … overwhelmingly in favor of Prop 2, expanding voting rights,” she … heard in every election.” Proposal 2, a Michigan constitutional … well beyond the mandates of Proposal 2, and further weakens the … ongoing costs to implement Proposal 2. Therese Boudreaux is a …

Union Member Says Proposal 2 is an 'Over-reaching Power Grab'

Terry Bowman is UAW Ford worker and founder of Union Conservatives. He says Proposal 2 will negatively affect Michigan's job market.

Proposal 2 of 2022

A constitutional amendment to change Michigan election procedures

… Michigan voters will decide whether to approve Proposal 2 and amend the state constitution. This policy … changes in detail but takes no position on the proposal. It provides an analysis of the practical effects … election law and practice. It also describes how Proposal 2 would interact with another citizen-initiated …

SEIU 'Dues Skim' and U-M Research Assistant Bills Brought On Proposal 2

Issues brought to the forefront by the Mackinac Center cited by UAW President as reasons for ballot proposal

… key role in bringing about Proposal 2. That's what United Auto … in a recent interview. Proposal 2 on the 2012 ballot was a … In the wake of the ballot proposal's defeat, Michigan became … led to the unions putting Proposal 2 on the ballot. Excerpts … later became Proposal 2 on March 2. That was actually before Gov. …

NYT: Prop 2 'An Embarrassing Loss for Labor'

… Times reports that the failure of Proposal 2 is “an embarrassing loss for labor … The Times also pointed out that Proposal 2 received about 600,000 fewer votes … Caller noted that the rejection of Proposal 2 “was a major defeat for teachers’ … Obama Democrats voted against [the proposal].”

The Nuts and Bolts of Proposal 2*

Proposal 2 would modify or amend 11 different sections of the Michigan Constitution.[†] … branches of Michigan’s government. Proposal 2 would add language to these sections … commission. The most significant changes Proposal 2 would produce are in Article IV … These are Art. IV § 1-6, Art. V § 1, 2 and 4, Art. VI § 1 and 4.

Arguments in Support of Proposal 2

… redistricting process contained in Proposal 2 may be a better safeguard … neither major political party. 2. Rules for redistricting should … to sue in federal court. Proposal 2 would replace the redistricting … redistricting process. 3. Proposal 2 would provide needed transparency … redistricting process envisioned by Proposal 2 includes important requirements …

Arguments in Opposition to Proposal 2

1. Proposal 2 relies heavily on poorly defined concepts Many terms in Proposal 2 do not appear to be clearly … orientation and religion. Yet, the proposal is silent about which ones … defined concepts and others, Proposal 2 may inadvertently grant … continually challenged in court. 2. Partisanship will prevail Proposal …

Analyzing the Provisions of Proposal 2

A review of Proposal 2 shows it would modify or nullify the legislative measures described above. Indeed, a section-by-section analysis of Proposal 2 will show that its effect is extremely broad, as unions would be given …

Proposal 2 of 2012: An Assessment

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy recently published “Proposal 2 of 2012: An Assessment,” which addresses Proposal 2 on the Nov. 6, 2012 ballot, also referred to as the “collective bargaining” …

Which Ballot Proposals Are 'Grassroots'?

… international bridge ballot proposals are not a grassroots effort. If you think a proposal on the November ballot requiring … tax-limitation group, you’re wrong. Proposal 5 is another maneuver by … not discuss the other four proposals on the ballot. Proposal … employee union AFSCME. Proposal 2: The 'Protect Our Jobs' …

Growing Equity in Core Funding

… over time. Before the passage of Proposal A in 1994, districts received much … schools doubled from 29% the year Proposal A passed to 59% today, while local … 2019-20 foundation allowance amount, and 2) Calculating state aid membership from … (Michigan House Fiscal Agency, Jan. 2020), 2, The amount …

Proposal 2 Would Allow Government Union Contracts to Invalidate Existing and Future State Laws

Center analysts estimate at least $1.6 billion in taxpayer savings lost annually

… 989-631-0900 MIDLAND — If Proposal 2 passes on Nov. 6, government … Center study released today. “This proposal would fundamentally change … unions try to pursue. “Proposal 2 is the most important ballot … state and local laws under Proposal 2 would be numerous; there … retained during school layoffs. Proposal 2 would also make it impossible …

Proposal 2 Would Cost Taxpayers $1.6 Billion Per Year, New Analysis Says

'Protect Our Jobs' initiative will be voted on in November

If Proposal 2 were to pass this November, it would cost taxpayers … savings would be due to Proposal 2 superseding Gov. Rick Snyder’s … F. Vincent Vernuccio. "Prop 2, the ‘Protect Our Jobs’ constitutional … One estimate found that if Proposal 2 was adopted, it could impact … $894,707 in savings. "If it (Proposal 2) passes, the sky is the …

The Complete Language of Proposal 2

The language that Proposal 2 would insert in the Michigan Constitution appears below. Z The proposal would add a new Section 28 … laws of the United States. (2) As used in subsection (1), to … either party to agree to a proposal or make a concession. (3) … federal law permit. The proposal would add the following to …

Vernuccio Discusses Prop 2 in Marquette County

… morning with host Dan Adamini on WRUP FM98.3 in Marquette, discussing Proposal 2 on the Nov. 6 ballot. For information on this and other ballot proposals, please see

MEGA 2 Hearing Demonstrates Desperation

New corporate welfare proposal gets hard sell in tax committee

… wonder Stamas and others worked so hard to distance this corporate welfare proposal from MEGA. Furthermore, despite assurances to the contrary, previous … which fiscal favors to a favored few corporations will be delivered. The proposal itself is another “jobs” program that stands on the shoulders of MEGA …

Appendix: The Ballot Summary and Text of Proposal 5


… fiscal years THAT FISCAL YEAR. (2) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER … OR ITS SUCCESSOR AGENCY. (3)(2) The appropriations under this … 11g, 11j, 22a, 26a, 31d, 51a(2), 51a(12), 51c, 53a, and 56 shall … 11g, 11j, 22a, 26a, 31d, 51a(2), 51a(12), 51c, and 53a, by that … sections 11f, 11g, 26a, 51a(2), 51a(12), 53a, and 56, on an …

'Protect Working Families' Lists Proposal 2 Business Supporters Without Their Knowledge

… businesses" including his wife's business supports Proposal 2. The Proposal 2 supporter's website lists less than 600 and … some had no idea their business was listed on a Proposal 2 website at all. And some businesses that actively …

Archive of webinar on Michigan's Ballot Proposals

… onfused about the ballot proposals? Hear specific information … policy experts on each of the proposals in this 1-hour webinar which … Oct. 30. Each of the ballot proposals was explained and viewers … Hosted by Manny Lopez Proposals 1 & 3: James Hohman Proposal 2: F. Vincent Vernuccio Proposal …

Media Muddles Magnitude of May Tax Hike Vote

It's $2 billion

… be collected if voters approve a May 5 ballot proposal, according to a Mackinac Center for Public Policy … one example, when a letter-to-the-editor on the proposal from reader Howard Bouwens Jr. of Laketown Township … found here. ~~~~~ See also: Michigan's May Tax Proposal Projections Show Schools Get More Even With …

Appendix: Ballot Language of Proposal 2

Proposal 18-2 A proposed constitutional amendment to establish a commission … self-identify as affiliated with the 2 major political parties; and 5 who self-identify … commissioner compensation. Should this proposal be adopted? [ ] YES [ ] NO

News coverage

Reports on the proposal and related items.

… grows for clean water issue Prop 2 Poll shows 52% of voters support … 24, 2002 Sikkema: Back Proposal 2 for cleaner waters … Free Press , Oct. 14, 2002 PROPOSAL 2: Confusion may sink cleaner-water … Nature-lover editor timid on Proposal 2 … Free Press , Aug. 30, 2002 Proposal would aid clean water goals …

$1.6 Billion in Savings Lost Under Prop 2

Proposal 2, the “Protect Our Jobs” constitutional amendment, … cost to taxpayers should Prop 2 pass. Prop 2 gives government unions an increased … certain, however, is that Prop 2 will supersede several laws that … exhaustive accounting of Prop 2's possible financial burdens. …

Collective Bargaining a 'Right' to Coerce

… stuff. The union-funded Proposal 2 would amend the Michigan … to coerce another group. Proposal 2 would label that power a … this exercise. Language in Proposal 2 limits its effect on private-sector … not chosen to do so, and Proposal 2 would prohibit it from ever … employers, and these are what Proposal 2 is really all about. In …

Media Resoundingly Rejects Prop 2, Prop 4

Only two weekly newspapers support either of the union-backed plans to alter the state constitution

As Election Day looms, Proposal 2 and Proposal 4 are without any serious … in the state has endorsed Proposal 2, which would allow union … newspaper endorsements through Nov. 2 and confirms the lack of support. … have all come out against Proposal 2. De Leeuw said the Lansing …

Proposal 1 of 2015: An Analysis

… asked to approve or reject Proposal 1 of 2015. The proposal would raise $2 billion by increasing the state’s … changes that are tied to the proposal include boosting the state’s … taxes in 2016 if voters pass Proposal 1.

Vernuccio on Prop 2 in Forbes

Labor Policy Director F. Vincent Vernuccio writes in Forbes today that Proposal 2 is an attempt by government unions to write themselves special privileges into the Michigan Constitution. If the amendment passes, taxpayers stand to lose $1.6 billion a year and some 170 state laws could be overturned …

Prop 2: An End to Teacher Tenure?

Certification requirements could also be ignored

Proposal 2, a ballot measure that Michigan voters will consider … bargaining table, the passage of Proposal 2 would likely result in a rollback … demote tenured teachers. If Proposal 2 passes, school officials … Nickelhoff, attorney for the proposal, responded: “We can guess at how [Prop 2] might affect existing legislation …

Commentary: Unions Ducking the Truth With Proposal 2 Ad

Excessive union contracts have bankrupted cities, school districts

… essence tell viewers that Proposal 2 is a harmless plan even … the state's constitution. Proposal 2 supporters don't want voters … want people to know that Proposal 2 would benefit only union … want people to know that Proposal 2 would take away worker freedoms … want you to know that if the proposal fails, nothing changes. …

Labor Expert in Chicago Tribune

Labor Policy Director F. Vincent Vernuccio told the Chicago Tribune that the defeat of Proposal 2 is “a major setback for organized labor across the country,”

Mackinac Analyst on Frank Beckman Show

James Hohman talks about Proposal 1 study findings

… James Hohman discusses his Proposal 1 study on "The Frank Beckman … AM760. The May 5 ballot proposal raises revenue to fix the … taxed. The study shows the proposal will cost taxpayers $2 billion and the average household … price for 2015 of $2.39, Proposal 1 would increase the price …

Nearly 80 Percent of School Districts Appear in Violation of Michigan's Merit-Pay Law

Most union contracts still refuse to reward good teaching; Problem may grow worse if Proposal 2 passes

… failure of school districts to implement this reform might grow worse if Proposal 2 passes this November. The proposal would constitutionally empower government unions and school boards to …

Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining proposals 1 through 5.) Proposal 1 on the ballot is a referendum … law. The wording of this proposal — and thus whether to vote … to Oakland County and saved $2 million annually while increasing …

Proposal 2 Under Federal and Michigan Labor Law

Proposal 2 is best understood by first examining which workers … Act[1] and the Railway Labor Act.[2] States have limited power to … unionization (passed in 1939), Proposal 2 would have little effect … private-sector employees. Hence, Proposal 2’s practical effects would … Revised May 23, 2012, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3. In November 1978, state …

Vernuccio on Prop 2 in Huffington Post

… in the same publication by Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon that if Proposal 2 fails law enforcement personnel would no longer receive proper training … skills to protect the public and themselves is disingenuous at best.” Proposal 2 would, Vernuccio goes on, overturn some 170 laws and cost Michigan taxpayers …

Vernuccio Cited in Investor's Business Daily

… Investor’s Business Daily on the slate of ballot proposals Michigan voters will face Nov. 6. Vernuccio said Proposal 2 in particular is “an absolutely unprecedented … annual taxpayer savings could be wiped out if Prop 2 passes.

State, National Media Turn to Mackinac Center Analysts and Research for Details, Comments on Proposal 2

Mackinac Center research on Proposal 2 received national and state media attention … Patrick J. Wright, explaining that Proposal 2 would give a “mandate to unions … Lansing. The Center’s study on Proposal 2 was released earlier today. For … information on the Nov. 6 ballot proposals, please see …

Michigan Press Association and Mackinac Center Joint Statement on Proposal 2 and the Freedom of Information Act

‘Chilling effects on citizens’ right to know’

… the public warning about the implications that Proposal 2 would have on government transparency. If passed … students two times before they are fired.  “If Proposal 2 is adopted it will become harder to discover … affects Michigan citizens directly,” Young said. “Proposal 2 offers a change to the constitution that could …

Does Prop 2 render National Popular Vote unconstitutional in Michigan?

Before Congress or the U.S. Supreme Court, National Popular Vote faces a roadblock: The Michigan Constitution

… Michigan voters last year in Proposal 2. Proposal 2 passed in Nov. 2022 by a … wrote in its analysis of Proposal 2022-2: The proposal would add a provision to …

Poll Suggests Strong Turnout for May 5 Ballot Proposal

79 percent of respondents say they know how they’ll vote

… Analyst 989-430-6131 MIDLAND — Proposal 1 has gained interest among … Policy and conducted April 1, 2, and 4, approximately one month … Policy James Hohman analyzed Proposal 1 of 2015 and found that it would raise $2 billion by increasing Michigan’s … they planned to vote on the proposal. When you have that kind …

Proposal 2 Would Further Curtail Legislative Control of Election Procedures

Mackinac Center releases analysis on the Promote the Vote ballot petition

MIDLAND, Mich. — Proposal 2 of 2022 would reduce the Michigan … without taking a position on Proposal 2. It puts these changes in … It also explains how the proposal would interact with a different … appear on the 2024 ballot. Proposal 2 amends a section of the … difficult to say what effect Proposal 2’s provisions will have on …


… under a structure commonly known as Proposal A. Policymakers designed the system, … discrepancies between school districts. Proposal A’s greater dependence on using state … this vision of a dynamic upgrade to Proposal A would expand the reach of educational … schools and other “means of education.”[2] The constitution requires that both …

How the Chicago Teacher Union Strike Affects Michigan

Michigan Ballot Proposal Could Nullify State's No Strike Law

… Beek said. "Unfortunately, [Proposal 2] the union-backed 'Protect … these reforms at risk." Proposal 2 will be on the Nov. 6 ballot. … soon come to Michigan if Proposal 2 passes. "The union bosses behind this deceptive proposal are telling parents it will … is the coalition opposing Proposal 2. ~~~~~ See also: CapCon …

Impact and How They Voted on May 5 Sales Tax Increase Ballot Measure

Who voted “yes” and who voted “no” for $2 billion tax increase

… be collected if voters approve a May 5 ballot proposal, based on figures projected by Michigan's legislative … it is projected to collect around an additional $2 billion each year, of which $1.2 billion will go … package it represents a net tax increase of around $2 billion. Passed 23 to 15 in the Senate on December …

UAW President Bob King Admits Proposal 2 Was About Right-to-Work

… much for union claims that Proposal 2 on the 2012 ballot wasn't … voters soundly rejected Proposal 2 in November, 58 percent … discussed enough. And when Proposal 2 was defeated, they claimed the proposal hadn't been about right-to-work. … announcement of the proposal on March 2. Then he started talking about …

Michigan Press Association Questions Prop 2

… has joined the Mackinac Center in expressing concern over the impact Proposal 2 could have on Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act, according to the … it hard to report vital news that affects Michigan citizens directly. Proposal 2 offers a change to the constitution that could have chilling effects …


Prop 2 Would Protect Union Bosses at the Expense of Qualified Teachers

… to eventually end these "last in/first out" and "dance of the lemons" policies that weaken the overall quality of Michigan's teacher corps. If Proposal 2 passes, however, it's expected that most school districts will revert back to the pre-reform status quo. And for all the talk about how collective …

Center Experts Address Props 1, 2 and 4

… recently discussed several ballot proposals on television, radio and in print … Business Saturday evening, discussing Proposal 2. James Hohman, assistant director … affiliate in Detroit, discussing Proposal 1. Patrick Wright, director of the … Foundation, was cited by MLive on Proposal 4, then discussed the same issue …

Despite Rampant Tenure Abuses, Proposal 2 Would Wipe Out Slight Reform

Teachers caught with drugs, assaulting students, engaging in sex crimes and distributing alcohol to minors were all protected

… affiliate, believes that passing Proposal 2 “would restore dignity” … positive impact on children."  Proposal 2 guarantees the ability of … nullified by the passage of Proposal 2. Greenwood believes "none" … administrators or taxpayers. Proposal 2 would wipe out even this … kids. ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 2: The 'Collective Bargaining' …

Vernuccio in L.A. Times, New York Times

… Times and The New York Times this week about union political spending Proposal 2, a union-backed initiative that would impact some 170 state laws and … taxpayers at least $1.6 billion annually. “Besides the presidential race, Proposal 2 is probably going to be the most significant thing on the ballot nationally,” …

UAW Video Shows Political Influence

Proposal 2 on Michigan’s Nov. 6 general election ballot, once … the governor. This radical proposal and a campaign ad promoting … ballot. However, this year’s Proposal 2 will be on the ballot, and … (“paycheck protection”). While Proposal 2 primarily affects law overseeing … institutional gain. Should Proposal 2 pass, union bosses like …

Key Word Missing from Prop 2: Mandatory

… term “collective bargaining” is used in the Proposal 2 ballot language as if everyone knows exactly … leaving out “mandatory,” the ballot language in Proposal 2 is misleading in another way: It does not explain … primacy over the other three branches. Under Proposal 2, provisions of government employee collective …

Election RECAP

Mackinac Center analysts’ personal takeaways on ballot proposals

… ballot were defeated, but Proposals 2 and 4, both heavily backed … the presidential election, Proposal 2 was organized labor’s first … on November ballots. The proposal would have upheaved representative … went so far as to call the Proposal 2 defeat “an embarrassing … was the sound defeat of Proposal 2, discussed elsewhere in …

Prop 2 Supporters Putting Out Questionable Info

The proponents of Proposal 2 have been less than forthright lately in their bid to lock into the Michigan … not agree to be on the list and disagree with Proposal 2. One company called immediately to have its … should have the facts when voting on ballot proposals that would overhaul the state's political sys …

Union Members Down, Money For SEIU Up

'Dues skim' contributes to higher union funding

… Michigan filed its annual (LM-2) disclosure report with the Office … $11,974,800. Meanwhile, the LM-2 reports show that Healthcare … constitution through a ballot proposal. Only part of the $11,974,800 … disclosures in the union's LM-2 reports over the past four years … fee rate” section of its LM-2 reports for 2010 and 2011. Other …

Michigan Ballot Proposals

… compiled analysis and commentary on the following proposals expected to appear on the statewide ballot in … post additional material regarding these ballot proposals as Center analysts develop new content in the … Election Update! "Emergency Manager" law repealed Prop 2: Election Update! "Collective Bargaining" Amendment …

Prop 2 Supporters Misled on Other States

The proponents of Proposal 2 made the rounds claiming that collective … constitutions and therefore Proposal 2 was nothing new or radical. … agencies, their grievances and proposals through representatives of … Article 13, Sections 1 and 2 of Hawaii’s Constitution allow … with Michigan’s now failed Proposal 2, the states that put private-sector …

Prop 2 Supporters Change Name

… a name? Plenty if you’re Proposal 2. The unions behind the proposal to change the state constitution officially … Working Families.” We know Prop 2 would apply mostly to government … appeal even if the ballot proposal still does not reach a broader … lost to taxpayers under Prop 2. "The fact that they’re changing …

Labor Expert on Fox Business, in Washington Times

Labor Policy Director F. Vincent Vernuccio was cited in both an editorial and a story in The Washington Times Monday about Proposal 2, including its cost to taxpayers and the reforms it would undo, then appeared on Fox Business Channel to discuss union election spending under the Citizens United Supreme …

Vernuccio Discusses Prop 2 on 'The Big Show'

… Monday on “The Big Show” with host Michael Patrick Shiels discussing Proposal 2 that will be on the Nov. 6 ballot. You can read more of Vernuccio’s analysis of the proposal here, here and here.

Core Support: The Foundation Allowance

… to the number of students served. Created by Proposal A, the foundation allowance guarantees a floor … adjustments made as data and estimates are updated. Proposal A has greatly narrowed the gap in per-student … October and February counts of the current year; 2) Sparsely populated districts with fewer than 1,550 …

Center President Addresses Ballot Proposals

… Saginaw discussing the two ballot proposals Michigan voters will address today. … constitution," Lehman said regarding Proposal 1. "The legislators and the governor … afford." Lehman has written more about Proposal 1 here. Proposal 2 would prohibit convicted felons …

State taxpayers fund local infrastructure projects

Eight local governments get a piece of 2025 budget

… enough money for a project, it will submit a bond proposal or ask the state for a handout. The 2025 state … million for sidewalk improvements New Baltimore: $2 million for a breakwater project Oak Park: $2 million for water and road infrastructure Bay City: …

Prop 2 Would Change at Least 170 Laws

… is reporting that proponents of Proposal 2 claim the constitutional amendment … by the amendment. The lawyer for Proposal 2, Andrew Nickelhoff, didn’t contradict … issues at the bargaining table, [Proposal 2] would overturn that.' "  In short, if Proposal 2 were to pass, a local bargaining …

Love it or Hate it, Voters are Aware of Proposal 1

Poll suggests substantial turnout on May 5

… side in the battle over the Proposal 1 sale tax increase on the … The poll, conducted April 1, 2, and 4, consisted of robocalls … know how you’ll vote. Press 2 if you’re still gathering information. … landlines. ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 1 Will Cost Average Michigan … Taxes Michigan's May Tax Proposal Policy Brief: Proposal 1 …

Prop 2 May Put FOIA on Ice for Media, Others

… Detroit News on Sept. 27, 2012.) Proposal 2 on the Nov. 6 Michigan ballot would … on government operations. Under Prop 2, nothing would prevent state or local … is entirely possible that under Prop 2 government officials might be tempted … employee unions and the public. Proposal 2 could make discovering what government …

Vernuccio Talks Prop 2 on Fox Business

… Vincent Vernuccio was on “After the Bell” on Fox Business Tuesday afternoon, discussing the crushing blow organized labor took with the defeat of Proposal 2 last week. Vernuccio also talked about the ramifications of the election on “The Tony Conley Show” on WILS AM1320 in Lansing and wrote about it …

Michigan lawmaker pitches $2B transit proposal

Wayne State University professor calls plan another boondoggle

… Arbor, tweeted a plan last week to use $2 billion in taxpayer funds for transit … was not a tax increase. Morgan’s proposal could leave taxpayers with the bill … transportation nonprofit supports Morgan’s $2 billion increase in transit spending. … service for transit riders. The new proposal also comes as Michigan roads are …

Vernuccio in The Daily Caller

Labor Policy Director F. Vincent Vernuccio writes about Proposal 2 in The Daily Caller, explaining how it would undo reforms and cost taxpayers as much as $1.6 billion annually and override some 170 state laws.

Governor’s Budget Downgrades Charter Schools

Whitmer’s school aid proposal picks winners and losers

… parts. First, she wants nearly $2 billion more to spend between … Whitmer put forward a 2023 proposal that would spend 8% more … one could look at this last proposal as progress. The last time … take the governor’s budget proposals seriously when they treat … enrich the system, her budget proposal is treating some families’ …

Constitutional Convention Won’t Fix Michigan’s Problems (Michigan Capitol Confidential)

… Problems"). Michigan voters on Nov. 2 will face Proposal 1, which will ask whether … convention in the first place. Proposal 1 will be on the ballot because … they disapprove by more than 2-to-1 when told the cost could … started with. The passage of Proposal 1 would set a process in …

Constitutional Convention Won’t Fix Michigan’s Problems

On Nov. 2, Michigan voters will face Proposal 1, which will ask whether … convention in the first place. Proposal 1 will be on the ballot because … they disapprove by more than 2-to-1 when told the cost could … started with. The passage of Proposal 1 would set a process in …