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Your Favorites: 2011

… Bloated Benefits.” “Michigan School Spending Hits All-Time High.” “Superintendent to Governor: ‘Make My School a Prison.’” “GOP Senator Tries to Save SEIU Health Care ‘Employer.’” “Plagiarism Double Standards at Michigan State.” “Bringing Balance to Public Benefits.”

SEIU Takes $28M from Medicaid Fund

Michigan’s ability to provide Medicaid coverage is $28 million short over the last five years as that much money has been funneled to the SEIU in the form of “dues” taken from home health care aides who were forced into the union, according to The Washington Times. Capitol Confidential broke the story, …

That's Not How We Roll

Andy Stern was a leader in what is supposed to be a democratic movement, but reveals a jarring admiration for authoritarianism.

Last week, former SEIU President Andy Stern revealed his preference for dictatorial governance in an article he wrote for The Wall Street Journal. Stern was once considered an innovative leader in the union firmament, which likes to portray itself as the model of democracy in action. For such an influential …

'Forced Unionization' Brings In $28 Million For SEIU ... And Climbing

The overwhelming majority of the money can be used for almost anything the union desires

… used for almost anything the SEIU desires, including advertising, … checks and passed on to the SEIU so far is as follows: 2007: … I used words that Ken Cole (SEIU lobbyist) seemed to think were … here with the MQC3. They (the SEIU) have absolutely no credibility … there was no response from SEIU Healthcare Michigan or the …

Stealth Unionization One Step Closer to Ending

Senate committee approves House Bill 4003

… their subsidy checks and sent to the SEIU. Under that scenario, the Michigan … Mystified GOP Senator Tries to Save SEIU Healthcare ‘Employer’ SEIU Healthcare Michigan Lives on Without … Workers Vote to Bolt from 'Corrupt' SEIU

NLRB 'Ignores' Rules To Rush Union Elections

… and Congress, it currently has only three members. They are: Craig Becker, associate general counsel of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU); Mark Gaston Pearce, NLRB chairman; and Brian Hayes, Republican labor policy director for the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. …

Reactions to Forced Unionization

Tea Party groups call practice 'immoral'

… the most recent member of the SEIU to claim the union's only interest … declaring 'Support Senator Kahn and SEIU. Take money from the elderly … has provided is more dues for SEIU, more union campaign contributions … themselves and gives it to the SEIU. And what training is he talking … the national news media, one SEIU representative claimed the …

Dues and Don'ts

Should all businesses be forced to pay dues to the Chamber of Commerce?

… demonstrates just how far they’ll go to defend these forcibly extracted dues. For example, after Michigan Capitol Confidential broke news last week that the SEIU was removing hundreds of dollars in “dues” annually from the subsidy of a struggling couple who look after their own disabled children, Fox Business …

SEIU Scheme Leads Detroit Newscast

… the Mackinac Center Legal Foundation, explained during the newscast that a shell corporation was set up during the Granholm administration for the SEIU to organize against, and the “dues” are taken out of subsidy checks home health care aides, including family members, receive to care for the disabled. …

Illegal Union Scheme Story Hits National TV

… of a mother and father from Michigan who receive state aid to take care of their disabled adult daughter and son and are forced to pay dues to the SEIU under an illegal unionization scheme was detailed on Fox Business today. The story was broken by Michigan Capital Confidential Nov. 9. When asked …

Parents Forced to Pay Union Dues, Lawmaker Rakes In Health Care Money

Father: "Considering the dues money we're sending them, maybe they should come over and babysit our kids so we could have one night out.”

… Employees International Union (SEIU). This deduction is the result … Kahn received $2,500 from the SEIU in 2010. However, a review … treasurer. Last month, the SEIU and DMC staged a rally together … allegedly belonging to the SEIU. The only impact it's having … GOP Senator Tries to Save SEIU Healthcare ‘Employer’ SEIU …

Free-Market Library

… Debt A different look at how bringing public-sector benefits into balance with the private sector could save Michigan $5.7 billion annually. The SEIU and Home Health Aides Home health aides, who often care for disabled family members, were forced into a union and now have part of their state subsidy …

Forced Unionization Scheme Still Collecting Cash – Lawmakers Mystified

… kept the dues flowing to the SEIU. Judy Hendrixson, a home health … said she was amazed that the SEIU dues are still being taken … checks.” Hendrixson, a former SEIU union representative, said … employee union was illegal. Next, SEIU took advantage of the fact … basis of this election, the SEIU started receiving $6 million …

Minnesota Governor Should Look to California, Not Michigan, on Unionization of Child Care Providers

… support Gov. Brown’s 2010 gubernatorial run. The SEIU sponsored the legislation along with the American … campaign, he was endorsed by the 30,000-strong SEIU Minnesota. The SEIU and AFSCME PACs also contributed heavily to his …

GOP Senator Tries to Save SEIU Healthcare ‘Employer’

… become dues-paying members of SEIU Healthcare Michigan. The union … effectively runs the program for SEIU and passes the union dues from … pointed questions about the SEIU (Note: parenthetical statements … supposed to collect union dues for SEIU? (MQC3 basically runs the program for SEIU and passes the union dues from …

Hired Guns Getting Scott Recall Gravy

… Strategies, which received $10,308.36, not counting the $2,291 that was paid to political consultant Joe DiSano of Main Street Strategies. Former SEIU political director Vaughn Thompson of Haslett (near East Lansing) was paid $6,479.46 from recall campaign coffers and Buda got $5,987.50. Buda is a …


… board member Vera Perry said, according to The Journal. Board trustee David Davenport pointed out that district employees who are represented by the SEIU are now paying 50 percent toward their insurance premium, up from 10 percent, The Journal reported. “I say they can take a cut like I took one,” warehouse …

Flint nixes two administrative pay hikes

… for having to do more work and not getting the pay.” Board trustee David Davenport pointed out that district employees who are represented by the SEIU are now paying 50 percent toward their insurance premium, up from 10 percent, The Journal reported. “I say they can take a cut like I took one,” warehouse …

Health Care Workers Vote to Bolt from 'Corrupt' SEIU

… Employees International Union (SEIU) to try to get Saginaw health … voted themselves out of the SEIU Healthcare union last week. … was 47 in favor of leaving SEIU to 22 for staying. One vote … Manor workers became the first SEIU members outside of California … assistant at Luther Manor, the SEIU Healthcare put on two barbecue …

SEIU Healthcare Michigan Lives on Without 'Employer'

… government “employer” for members of SEIU Healthcare Michigan and with … bargaining agreement since 2006. The SEIU takes union dues from the Medicaid … preparing to close its doors. SEIU “Remains in Force” It appears … regardless of the MQC3’s existence, SEIU Healthcare Michigan will remain … 30, Steinke deferred to the SEIU Healthcare Michigan, saying …

Michigan Health Care Workers Seeking Exit from Scandal-Ridden SEIU Affiliate

Leader of rival union accuses local SEIU boss of spending $5,420 on pizza, but just $8,800 on collective bargaining

… Employees International Union (SEIU), but say they have obstacles … vote themselves out of the SEIU Michigan Healthcare union. … spokesman for the employees. “But SEIU keeps filing charges and finding … care workers claim that their SEIU representatives dragged their … They also argue that when the SEIU negotiators finally arrived …

GOP Lawmaker Recall: 95 Percent of Reported Spending Thus Far Goes to Lansing-Area Consultants

… described Thompson as a consultant. However, as recently as 2010, Thompson was the political director for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). According to CAGO's filing, the recall committee still had $11,596 on hand at the end of the period covered in its statement. ~~~~~ See also: …

Michigan Creeps Closer to Obamacare 'Exchange'

… Michigan Association of Heatlh Underwriters Scott Hummel -- Michigan Association of Insurance Agents Kay Harless -- NAIFA - Michigan Marge Faville -- SEIU Healthcare Michigan Tameshia Bridges -- PHI Jeffrey L. Brown -- Oakland County Mental Health Authority John Roy Castillo -- Cristo Rey Community Center …

Commentary: How Unions Run Government … And Democrats

… . . One source tells MIRS that unions involved include the Michigan Education Association (MEA), United Autoworkers (UAW), AFL-CIO, Carpenters and SEIU. The Laborers and AFSCME were not involved. “It would also entail more coordination from groups sympathetic to Democrats, like the Michigan Association …

The SEIU in Michigan: Home Health Aides

… part of a nationwide push to increase membership using government subsidies as a source for union dues, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) organized Michigan's home health aides. As a result, tens of thousands of the state's independent, private-sector workers found themselves belonging …

Are You Kinda Republican, Really Republican or Really, Really Republican?

SEIU's in-depth survey

… rather than as political in nature. Like all government employee unions, SEIU draws much of its funding from taxpayers, under the guise of union dues … agreements. The interesting and at the same time sobering thing about this is how SEIU leaders see their members through a strictly partisan political lens. The …

‘My House Was Placed in a Union!’

Legislation to halt ‘stealth unionization’ takes a step toward the governor’s desk

… Unionization Minority Rules: Most Members of Child Care Union Didn't Vote Themselves In Axed State Agency Mysteriously Operational GOP Senators, SEIU Taxpayer Giveaways, Campaign Cash and More, OH MY!

Interlocal Agreements — Good Intent, Bad Practice

… Employees International Union to organize against and create the 55,000-member SEIU Healthcare Michigan. The SEIU takes union dues from the Medicaid subsidies paid to home care workers (as …

Interlocal Agreements – Good Intent, Bad Practice

… provided a so-called public “employer” for the SEIU to create the 55,000 member SEIU Healthcare Michigan. The SEIU takes union dues from the Medicaid subsidies paid …

Community College Never Heard From Erstwhile 'Partner' in Forced Unionization Scheme

… Unionization Minority Rules: Most Members of Child Care Union Didn't Vote Themselves In Axed State Agency Mysteriously Operational GOP Senators, SEIU Taxpayer Giveaways, Campaign Cash and More, OH MY!

DHS Finishes Off Forced Unionization Experiment

… Unionization Minority Rules: Most Members of Child Care Union Didn't Vote Themselves In Axed State Agency Mysteriously Operational GOP Senators, SEIU Taxpayer Giveaways, Campaign Cash and More, OH MY!

State Senator Kicks Open Right-to-Work Door

… valuable as an economic tool than eliminating the unpopular Michigan Business Tax and its surcharge. Phillip Thompson, executive vice president of the SEIU Local 517 M which represents Michigan public employees, said they don’t support right-to-work. "We are opposed to any of this type of legislation …

A Public Employee Union Response

… Phillip Thompson Executive Vice President Michigan Public Employees, SEIU Local 517M These types of news articles—in Wisconsin as well as the recent … productive conversations between elected officials and public workers. It is SEIU’s sincere desire that Governor-elect Snyder takes a much more constructive …

The Conservative Evolution of Randy Richardville

The future majority leader of the Michigan Senate wants his critics to know that he is no liberal

… supported union legislation. As a recent example, he co-sponsored Senate Bill 731, legislation that would transfer $6.6 million in taxpayer money to the SEIU government employee union. It did it by creating a government "employer" for about 42,000 individuals who are hired by elderly or disabled Medicaid …

Government Unions: The Real Wealth in American Politics

… spending this campaign season. One-hundred-percent of SEIU cash to federal candidates went to Democrats. (However, in Michigan's state government, the SEIU has also found some Republican friends). Rounding … Michigan politics. The total spending for AFSCME, SEIU and the NEA thus far this year has been $175.5 …

I'm Just a Bill

… creating a shell government "employer" (the "Michigan Quality Community Care Council") that transfers some $6.6 million in Medicaid money annually to the SEIU union (considered the "union dues" for these workers). HOUSE BILL 5305 Increase marriage license and earmark more to "family counseling" Introduced …


… $800, 000," Oct. 12, 2010 Taylor School District, "Master Agreement between The Board of Education of Taylor School District and Local 26M Division of SEIU Local 517, Dec. 8, 2008 - June 30, 2010." FURTHER READING: Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Michigan School Databases, "Michigan School District …

Taylor announces concessions

… $800, 000," Oct. 12, 2010 Taylor School District, "Master Agreement between The Board of Education of Taylor School District and Local 26M Division of SEIU Local 517, Dec. 8, 2008 - June 30, 2010." FURTHER READING: Mackinac Center for Public Policy, Michigan School Databases, "Michigan School District …

National Media and the Stealth Unionization Case

… Unionization Minority Rules: Most Members of Child Care Union Didn't Vote Themselves In Axed State Agency Mysteriously Operational GOP Senators, SEIU Taxpayer Giveaways, Campaign Cash and More, OH MY!    

Questionable MSU Scholarship Hurts Policy Debate

… Then last October, MSU professor Charles Ballard did a little moonlighting, producing a study paid for by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), although one had to carefully read the fine print to recognize that it was not an official university product. Co-written with graduate student Nicole …

The Public Employee Union Problem

… than 98 percent of that going to Democrats. The SEIU, AFL-CIO and United Steel Workers have all promised … employees." At the same time, a union subsidiary of the SEIU pushed GOP Senators into coming up short on a vote … approximately $6.6 million in taxpayers' money to the SEIU in the form of 'dues.' The end game for these …

Union Lawyer Admits in Court that Stealth Unionization Is a 'Slippery Slope'

… Unionization Minority Rules: Most Members of Child Care Union Didn't Vote Themselves In Axed State Agency Mysteriously Operational GOP Senators, SEIU Taxpayer Giveaways, Campaign Cash and More, OH MY!

Can Michigan Become a Right-to-Work State?

… Mississippi Example Strings May Be Attached When a Politician Has the Union Label Why a Democrat Voted Against a State Employee Pay Hike GOP Senators, SEIU Taxpayer Giveaways, Campaign Cash and More, OH MY! Recent Developments in Union Corruption Cases Analysis: Government Employee Political Clout Obstructs …

Small Biz vs. Big Labor

… unionization. The bill transfers some $6.6 million in Medicaid money annually to the SEIU union, considered the "union dues" for these workers.  The Mackinac Center … didn't return a message left at his office. ~~~~~ See also: GOP Senators, SEIU Taxpayer Giveaways, Campaign Cash and More, OH MY! Deadline Looming: Day … July 2 Weekly Roll Call Report

… creating a shell government "employer" (the "Michigan Quality Community Care Council") that transfers some $6.6 million in Medicaid money annually to the SEIU union (considered the "union dues" for these workers). Note: A lawsuit filed by the Mackinac Center is pending regarding a similar arrangement imposed …

Union PAC Money and Michigan's Members of Congress

… ~~~~~ See Also: Strings May Be Attached When a Politician Has the Union Label Why a Democrat Voted Against a State Employee Pay Hike GOP Senators, SEIU Taxpayer Giveaways, Campaign Cash and More, OH MY! Recent Developments in Union Corruption Cases Analysis: Government Employee Political Clout Obstructs …

Critics Say Congressman McCotter Supports Bailout of Union Pensions

… remove any incentive for multiemployer pension plans to reorganize their plans responsibly. The Teamsters, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and Laborers International unions are on the list of "significantly underfunded" multi-company pensions eligible for bailouts under the Pomeroy bill, …