Results 41 to 60 of 433

Commentary: Prop 4 Supporters Promise Programs That Already Exist

Home-based caregiver proposal would lock SEIU unionization scheme into state constitution

… does not mention the $32 million the SEIU has taken from the Medicaid checks … because they are not state workers. The SEIU took the issue to federal court and … 44,000 people were unionized in the SEIU scheme, but the union was able to sign … continue lining the pockets of the SEIU at the expense of Michigan’s most vulnerable …

SEIU Affiliate’s Revenue Cut in Half After 'Dues Skim' Ended

SEIU Healthcare Michigan dues collection went from $11.3 million to $5.4 million

… enabled the exploitation ended. SEIU Healthcare Michigan reported … back to the mid-2000s when SEIU moved to grab a share of the … of Gov. Jennifer Granholm, SEIU was allowed to carry out the … into the union's coffers. SEIU Healthcare Michigan's required … after dues and fees, most of SEIU Healthcare Michigan's remaining …

The Economic Opportunity Institute

A progressive think tank. Seventeenth in a series.

… we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was … money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report: The Economic Opportunity … In 2010 it received $125,000 from SEIU, funds that according to the union … Foundation The Atlas Project SEIU Healthcare Michigan Ballot Initiative …

Will the Legislature Reinstitute the Odious Dues Skim?

… practical impact (other than the SEIU cashing in)  isn’t standing … firsthand that lawmakers and the SEIU are back to using the same … mistakenly) getting invited to an SEIU rally on the steps of the Capitol. … spoke with reporters as the SEIU looked on. A common theme … forced to pay union dues and SEIU membership plummeted, funding …

SEIU Healthcare Michigan

A political amoeba. Seventh in a series.

… for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that … might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. SEIU Healthcare Michigan, like many … with a bewildering array of SEIU entities, all of whom partake in … union's extremist politics. The national SEIU organization transferred close …

SEIU Sues State, Governor to Keep Home Health Care 'Dues Skim' Money Flowing

… the U.S. Constitution. The SEIU has taken more than $30.4 million … and handing it over to the SEIU. Earlier, the legislature passed … a government employee. The SEIU was taking dues under a complicated … caring for loved ones. The SEIU Healthcare Michigan Union representatives … General Orders State To Stop SEIU 'Dues Skim' How the Forced …

SEIU: Go on strike against your family members

The SEIU represents hundreds of thousands of health care workers and is now encouraging them to march … Michigan, 75 percent of those home-care aid workers the SEIU is urging to strike are taking care of a relative … country were formerly forcibly unionized by the SEIU. That ended this summer when the U.S. Supreme Court …

'Dues Skim' Ballot Proposal Proponents Cloud Issue With Mistruths

Campaign repeatedly engages in falsehoods to lock in millions for the SEIU

… Granholm was governor, the SEIU held a little-known election … participants and sent to the SEIU ever since. This flow of dues … health care dues skim." The SEIU has taken more than $31 million … eventually end the “skim,” the SEIU is resorting to a ballot proposal. … it to Michigan voters, the SEIU will pretend that the proposal …

The Atlas Project

SEIU beneficiary ‘putting progressives on the path to victory.’ Fifth in a series.

… Senate. While we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was meant to help … where that money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. The Atlas Project received … Action Fund, Emily's List and the Sierra Club. SEIU would appear to be especially pleased with its …

SEIU Sues Its Own Members for Banquet Hall They Paid For

Taylor school employees decertify, so union retaliates

… decade-old merger between the SEIU’s Taylor and Lansing affiliates. … merger. Because of the merger, SEIU Local 517M of Lansing is technically … nearly 400 signatures to the SEIU headquarters in Washington, … “We had planned on staying SEIU — just dissolve the merger,” … and represent ourselves.” SEIU Local 517M did not respond …

SEIU Members Protest SEIU Healthcare Michigan

Three members of the SEIU Healthcare Michigan say home-based caregivers get "no benefit" from the SEIU.

Jobs with Justice

A national network of local coalitions. Fourteenth in a series.

… Senate. While we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was meant to help … where that money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report: Jobs with Justice was the recipient … New Foundation The Atlas Project SEIU Healthcare Michigan Ballot Initiative Strategy …

Pennies on the Dollar

… health care worker checks and handing it over to the SEIU as union dues, thus ending a union scheme that … member in their own home. Since late 2006, the SEIU has skimmed more than $30 million from taxpayers … basement and receives thousands of dollars from the SEIU to maintain its quasi functions. (Check out Jack …

Supreme Court Takes One Step Away from Forced Unionization

A blow to SEIU's recruitment scheme

… decades-long membership slump. SEIU began organizing caregivers … arrangement was quite simple: SEIU would convince a state agency … of the Medicaid payments to SEIU in the form of union dues, … caregivers greatly enriched SEIU. The Mackinac Center for Public … the program, but not before SEIU skimmed $34 million away from …

The Brave New Foundation

Leftist media outlet took in $250,000 from SEIU. Fourth in a series.

… Senate. While we wait for the Senate to act, the SEIU continues to siphon money that was meant to help … where that money might be going, drawn from the SEIU's 2010 LM-2 report. The Brave New Foundation describes … were treated as charitable donations. Overall in 2010, SEIU made more than $3.6 million in "contributions, …

SEIU Dues Skim Continues

Millions of dollars in “dues” will continue to be skimmed by the SEIU from the subsidy checks home health care workers receive, many of whom are family … Beckmann Show” on WJR AM760. Wright also told The Detroit News that the SEIU is taking about $500,000 a month away from the home health aides. You can …

Capitol Protesters Fined $500 Each For Trying To Storm Senate Chamber

Most of arrested right-to-work protesters had SEIU 'dues skim' connections

… ven people with ties to the SEIU Healthcare Michigan, the union … part of a plea agreement, the SEIU Healthcare Michigan staff members … incident has not been tied to SEIU Healthcare Michigan. One of … Joshua Kersting, the son of SEIU Healthcare Michigan President Marge Faville. The other six SEIU Healthcare Michigan staffers …

MCLF Joins Supreme Court Brief

… receives for caring for her quadriplegic brother in the form of “dues” to the SEIU. Thousands of Michigan residents are fighting the same battle against a forced, illegal unionization that made them SEIU members, which has funneled some $28 million to the union over the last …

Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Files Amicus Brief in U.S. Supreme Court Case

Illinois scheme similar to Michigan SEIU ‘dues skim’

… unconstitutional.” Home-based caregivers in Michigan saw the SEIU skim more than $34 million in “dues” from Medicaid … until the scheme came to an end last March. The SEIU also attempted to enshrine its stealth unionization … voters defeated it by 14 percentage points. The SEIU is now under investigation for its role in the …

SEIU Election Battle Hinges On Home-Based Caregivers

Union member: 'I was born in the Mideast ... I've never seen an election that was messed up like this'

… tion Day is approaching for SEIU Healthcare Michigan, the union … caregivers. But even as the SEIU "dues-skim" nears an end, a … election is at issue. Current SEIU Healthcare Michigan President … in Muskegon, is no longer in SEIU Healthcare Michigan. Last year, … employees at the facility gave SEIU Healthcare Michigan the boot …