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Indiana Right-to-Work Coverage

… ~~~~~ Articles Indiana Is A Right-to-Work State BREAKING: Indiana House Passes Right-to-Work Bill, Measure To Become Law … Debate Indiana Dems Lose On Right-to-Work Bill and Run Again …

Vernuccio in Washington Times

Wisconsin at work on right-to-work

… the effects stemming from right-to-work passage in Michigan and Indiana. … Michigan as the nation’s 25th right-to-work state. Earlier this week on … labor committee in support of right-to-work legislation.

The Intellectual Firepower Against Right-to-Work

Who's who on right-to-work

… ny opponents of a Michigan right-to-work law cite figures generated … condition of employment. The right-to-work law in Michigan prohibits unions … cited by supporters of the right-to-work law in Michigan has …

UAW Flier Short on Facts

Union right-to-work myths dispelled

… has put together a flier on right-to-work "facts" that it is handing … than their counterparts in right to work for less states." Fact: Unions … numbers to use. Other anti-right-to-work groups list the number …

Manufacturing Employment Share 20% Higher in Right-to-Work States

New study examines impact of right-to-work laws at the county level

MIDLAND, Mich. — Right-to-work states have seen a significant … employment compared to non-right-to-work states, according to a new … study provides a look at how right-to-work laws have influenced …

West Virginia House Vote Could Tip National Scale on Right-to-Work

State poised to become 26th right-to-work state

… Virginia the nation’s 26th right-to-work state, allowing workers to … membership rate — which became right-to-work in 2012. F. Vincent Vernuccio, … of the economic trends in right-to-work states, and has been …

Vernuccio, Lehman Wall Street Journal Op-Ed

The Mackinac Center and right-to-work

… Mackinac Center has played over the past 25 years in making Michigan a right-to-work state, and what it means for Michigan's future.

Public Safety Workers in Michigan Now Enjoy Right-to-Work

Janus v. AFSCME decision gives right-to-work to police and firefighters in Michigan

… longer excluded from Michigan’s right-to-work law, due to last month’s U.S … their jobs. Michigan became a right-to-work state in 2013, meaning workers … firefighters in Michigan now have the right to choose whether they want …

The Human Side of Right-to-Work Legislation

These are real people who have been hurt by forced unionization

… gets closer to becoming a right-to-work state, the focus often is on … moral one. In our state, right now, tens of thousands of people … SEIU. If Michigan becomes a right-to-work state, no union could ever …

Watch Vernuccio Discuss Labor Reform at Heritage

Panel discussion on right-to-work and wages

… panelist for their event "Do Right-to-Work Laws Really Reduce Wages? Examining … contrasted Michigan and other right-to-work states against without right-to-work policies: The full …