Results 1 to 50 of 791

Michigan’s May Tax Proposal

Proposal 1 would raise taxes $2 billion

… into effect if approved. Proposal 1 would increase the sales … Tax Credit. Overall, the proposal will increase state taxes … Bureau of Labor Statistics, Proposal 1 would increase the tax … per gallon in taxes under Proposal 1, a 4 percent increase. A breakdown …

Not Much Mystery Behind $9 Million Raised for Prop 4

Proposal 4 supporters expect voters to believe that the union is spending $9,593 per name for a registry

… pumped nearly $9 million into Proposal 4.  The SEIU is trying to … picture in the push to get Proposal 4 passed, but the ballot initiative … raising almost $9 million for Proposal 4 with the money coming from Home … said Home Care First is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization, which … to nursing homes. What the proposal backers didn't say was that …

Proposal 4: A Legal Review and Analysis

Proposal 4 of 2006, which will appear on the November ballot, is a proposed state constitutional amendment that would alter state law regarding eminent domain, the legal theory that permits the government to take private property for public use if the government pays just compensation.

Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining proposals 1 through 5.) Proposal 1 on the ballot is a referendum … affirm or reject Public Act 4 of 2011. A "yes" vote keeps the … arise. What opponents of Proposal 4 would really seem to prefer …

Proposal 4 Ads: Fact or Fiction?

Are the ads in favor of Proposal 4 (2012) telling the truth? The Mackinac Center for Public Policy analyzes these claims with Senior Legal Analyst Patrick Wright.

An End Finally in Sight for the SEIU Dues Skim

Voters overwhelmingly reject the forced unionization scheme

With Proposal 4 soundly defeated, the forced unionization of … union contract expires. Proposal 4 lost by a wide margin. Gov. … Voters clearly saw that Proposal 4 was about more than safe, affordable home care that Proposal 4 supporters promoted in misleading … percent of voters said no to Proposal 4, while 44 percent wanted …

Law Enforcement Does Not Universally Support Proposal 4

State sheriff's association says it's wrong for special interests to meddle with State Constitution

Backers of Proposal 4 are trying to create the impression that … enforcement leaders support Proposal 4. That's not so. Michigan's … Schuette, is opposed to Proposal 4. So is the Michigan Sheriff's … "Bill Schuette's position on Proposal 4 is crystal clear,” said … officials to support the proposal. And they've been advertising …

Commentary: Proposal 4 Excludes Caregivers From Getting State Employee Benefits

SEIU wants forced unionization locked into state constitution but only to take money from caregivers

… Union and supporters of Proposal 4, which would lock the forced … are being taken care of. Proposal 4 is a money grab, plain and … vulnerable residents if Proposal 4 passes. Gov. Rick Snyder … will all end in February if Proposal 4 fails. Fearing that possibility … Michigan has denounced this proposal, supporters of the unionization …

Families Forced Into SEIU Scheme Relieved and Thankful After Proposal 4 Defeat

Robert Haynes: 'It took ordinary people like us to bring attention to what was really happening.'

… thanks to the defeat of Proposal 4, they should soon be free … $9 million being spent by Proposal 4 supporters. Aside from a … organized effort against Proposal 4. The Hayneses take care … hear the real stories of Proposal 4 because the ads in favor of the proposal were so misleading. "We'd …

Gov. Snyder Could Replace Board That Helped Facilitate Forced Unionization Of Home-Based Caregivers

If Proposal 4 passes, constitutional amendment would lock in current union-stacked board

… control over the situation if Proposal 4 were to pass in November. Proposal 4, which Gov. Snyder opposes, … According to the wording of Proposal 4, those on the MQC3 board before … governor doesn't act and the proposal passes, he would no longer … behind the effort promoting Proposal 4. He also heads Home Care …

What Would Proposal 4 Do?

… Senior Investigative Analyst Anne Schieber, describing the effects of Proposal 4 (2012) should it pass. The so-called "Collective Bargaining" proposal would continue an illegal dues skim from Medicaid checks geared towards …

Making Sense of Michigan's Ballot Proposals

Chart explains supporters, opponents and what the six proposals mean for Michigan

… November with six statewide proposals that could reshape the state's … getting the most attention is Proposal 2, which would enshrine collective … unions could rollback if the proposal passes. The unions also … Gov. Jennifer Granholm. Proposal 4 would allow the SEIU to … approve the proposal. Prop 4 supporters say it would provide …

Proposal 4: Eminent Domain

Mackinac Center Commentaries and Interviews Proposal 4 News Release Proposal 4: A Legal Review and Analysis “The Frank Beckmann … Articles Detroit Free Press ELECTION 2006: Proposal 4 would limit land grabs SVSU Valley Vangaurd …

The Provisions of Proposal 4

… will be asked to consider Proposal 4, a state constitutional … in the Michigan Senate. Proposal 4 would amend the constitution … a court of record."[2] Proposal 4 would change Article 10, … which they appear in the proposal. † The Fifth Amendment did … for the majority of the year.[4] As in the current law of eminent …

Analysis of the Provisions of Proposal 4

… the various elements of Proposal 4 and relates them to the … Residences The first of Proposal 4’s provisions would provide … homes. If this provision of Proposal 4 were to be placed in one … value placed on the home. Proposal 4 shifts the balance towards … Provisions of Proposal 4," the proposal would incorporate in the …

Introduction: The Provisions of Proposal 4

… will be asked to consider Proposal 4, which would amend Michigan’s constitution. If Proposal 4 is approved, the new amendment … basic care. Specifically, Proposal 4 would: Allow in-home caregivers … training for in-home caregivers[4] – Create a registry of in-home … by the Legislature.”[8] Proposal 4 was initiated by “Citizens …

Commentary: Prop 4 Supporters Promise Programs That Already Exist

Home-based caregiver proposal would lock SEIU unionization scheme into state constitution

… from the unions telling people what Proposal 2 won’t do instead of what it will … recovery. Monette then says that Proposal 4 ensures that will continue. Guess … continue without the passage of Proposal 4. The federal Home Help Program has … care already exists in Michigan. Proposal 4 does nothing to keep people any …

Putting School Funding Inequity in Perspective

Proposal A put a solid funding floor under even the poorest school districts

… off-kilter as it was when Proposal A passed in 1994,” asserting … properties lagged far behind. Proposal A capped local millage rates … the deal made to advance Proposal A, lawmakers agreed that … the 2014-15 school year. Proposal A’s plan has mostly worked. … grow by roughly $300, or about 4 percent. If the state used this …

The Importance of Collective Bargaining in Proposal 4

As indicated above, Proposal 4 has a number of provisions. Granting … fundamental to understanding the proposal’s primary effects. The primacy … indicated by the title of the proposal as it will appear on the … the other provisions of Proposal 4 will follow.  [*] See the … the complete language of Proposal 4.

Hospital SEIU Members Say Home-Based Caregivers Get 'No Benefit' From Proposal 4

'They don’t receive sick time. They don’t get vacation time. They can’t file a grievance'

… its seven-year forced unionization alive with Proposal 4, don't like what their union has been up to. … affiliate, SEIU Healthcare Michigan, is using Proposal 4 to try to keep the dues flowing by locking the … doing is unfair." ~~~~~ ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers …

Which Ballot Proposals Are 'Grassroots'?

… international bridge ballot proposals are not a grassroots effort. If you think a proposal on the November ballot requiring … tax-limitation group, you’re wrong. Proposal 5 is another maneuver by … not discuss the other four proposals on the ballot. Proposal … a California-based environmental lobbying group.  Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based …

Media Resoundingly Rejects Prop 2, Prop 4

Only two weekly newspapers support either of the union-backed plans to alter the state constitution

As Election Day looms, Proposal 2 and Proposal 4 are without any serious … newspapers have endorsed it.  Proposal 4, which would lock the forced … readers to vote "no" on Proposal 4. The SEIU has taken more … letter-to-the-editor on Nov. 4 in the Midland Daily News saying …

Michigan Ballot Proposals

… compiled analysis and commentary on the following proposals expected to appear on the statewide ballot in … post additional material regarding these ballot proposals as Center analysts develop new content in the … Election Update! "25 x 25" Amendment voted down Prop 4: Election Update! "Home-Based Caregiver Unionization" …

Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers

Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers Election … the Nov. 6, 2012 election, Proposal 4 was voted down, meaning … Center analysis indicates Prop 4 would do the following: Prop … Center Publications on This Proposal Viewpoints Ballot Proposal … Studies An Analysis of Proposal 4 of 2012: The Unionization …

Prop 4 Not About Home Care

… So why do proponents of Proposal 4 maintain that the SEIU is … since for over 30 years? Proposal 4 is about taking money from … report, the group pushing Proposal 4 — Citizens For Affordable … no money spent opposing Proposal 4. The issue here is simple: … news advertisement against Proposal 4, just the occasional opinion …

Archive of webinar on Michigan's Ballot Proposals

… onfused about the ballot proposals? Hear specific information … policy experts on each of the proposals in this 1-hour webinar which … Oct. 30. Each of the ballot proposals was explained and viewers … Hosted by Manny Lopez Proposals 1 & 3: James Hohman Proposal 2: F. Vincent Vernuccio Proposal 4: Patrick Wright Proposals …

Appendix: Ballot Description of Proposal 4

PROPOSAL 06-4[85] A PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO PROHIBIT GOVERNMENT FROM TAKING PRIVATE PROPERTY … existing rights of property owners. Should this proposal be adopted? Yes o No o

An Analysis of Proposal 4 of 2012: The Unionization of In-Home Caregivers

… Public Policy recently published “An Analysis of Proposal 4 of 2012: The Unionization of In-Home Caregivers,” which addresses Proposal 4 on the Nov. 6, 2012 ballot. The policy brief … vulnerable residents. A line-by-line review of Proposal 4 shows that it would not provide any programs …

Proposal 4 Would Place “Reasonable and Significant Restrictions” on Michigan’s Use of Eminent Domain

Kelo-style takings for economic development would be explicitly prohibited; the proposal would also close a potential loophole involving “blight” takings

… 989-430-3912 MIDLAND — Proposal 4 of 2006, a proposed state … of a new Center study on Proposal 4, noted, "While the Michigan … London ruling last year, Proposal 4 would strengthen Hathcock’s … According to Wright’s study, Proposal 4 would place prohibitions … most significant feature of Proposal 4 is a provision involving …

Appendix: The Ballot Summary and Text of Proposal 5


… this subsection and subsection (4). Subject to subsection (5), … manner prescribed in subsection (4) as necessary to reflect the … of the projected shortfall. (4) Subject to subsection (5), if … proration under this section. (4) (6) Except for the allocation … MAXIMUM FOUNDATION ALLOWANCE. (4) FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER …

Prop 4 a 'Money Grab'

Proposal 4 supporters are trying to use the Michigan Constitution to “whitewash a sordid history,” Mackinac Center Legal Foundation Director Patrick Wright … Morning Sun and The Oakland Press. “We think this is a money grab.” The proposal would give constitutional protection to the forced unionization of home-based …

Proposal 1 of 2012: The Referendum on Public Act 4

… Policy recently published “Proposal 1 of 2012: The Referendum on Public Act 4,” which addresses Proposal 1 on the Nov. 6, 2012 ballot, … control will diminish if Proposal 1 passes and Public Act 4 is nullified. Public Act 4 had …

Proposal 2 of 2018

An Explainer and Key Arguments

… Michigan if voters approve Proposal 2. The Nuts and Bolts of Proposal 2 Proposal 2 would do the following: … 13-member commission, made up of 4 Democrats, 4 Republicans and 5 people who …

More Money for Preschool Not the Answer

Proposal to boost great start funding doesn't add up

… part of her first budget proposal, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer wants … subsidize preschool enrollment for 4-year-olds who are "educationally … office services. Whitmer's proposal to increase GSRP funding … subsidize preschool for all 4-year-olds. With Whitmer's newly … eligible, nearly 60 percent of all 4-year-olds statewide. Of those …

Proposal 2 Would Declaw Emergency Managers in Proposal 1

… the November ballot, some proposals are bound to impact others. The best example is how Proposal 2 impacts Proposal 1, if both issues pass. Proposal 2, which elevates union collective … approve or reject Public Act 4 of 2011, the state’s emergency …

Proposal 1: What It Is and How It Affects Taxpayers

Club Mid

… Michigan voters will vote on Proposal 1, a constitutional amendment … approved. A large piece of the proposal is raising the sales tax … other moving parts to this proposal, and the Mackinac Center’s … will be spent and how this proposal might affect the typical … WHEN: Friday, April 17, 2015 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. WHERE: …

The 100-Word Proposal 4 Summary Appearing on the Ballot

PROPOSAL 12-4 A PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE STATE CONSTITUTION TO … IN-HOME CARE WORKERS This proposal would:  Allow in-home care … employment. Should this proposal be approved?

Center Work on Prop 4 Cited

Proposal 4, which would amend the Michigan Constitution to force home-based caregivers into a union permanently, is receiving more media scrutiny thanks … from them. The Midland Daily News in an editorial today simply calls the proposal “Really bad news.”

Proposal 4 Would Lock Forced Unionization of Home-Based Caregivers Into Michigan Constitution

Center attorney: ‘Dubious arrangement pursued for the sole purpose of allowing the SEIU to pad its political coffers’

… 989-631-0900 MIDLAND — If Proposal 4 passes on Nov. 6, the forced … disabled included in this proposal, only the legalization of … A line-by-line review of Proposal 4 shows that it would not … taxpayer cost savings. “If the proposal’s backers truly wanted to … on this and other ballot proposals, please see …

Voters Reject Special Interest Power Plays

Proposals 2-6 soundly defeated

… constitution were soundly defeated. Proposal 2, which would have enshrined … landslide 58%-42%, as did Proposals 3 through 6. F. Vincent … by double-digits. As was Proposal 4, the SEIU scheme that allowed … Although the money to support Proposal 4 was paid through a committee … Standard – No 63%, Yes 37% Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based …


… under a structure commonly known as Proposal A. Policymakers designed the system, … discrepancies between school districts. Proposal A’s greater dependence on using state … this vision of a dynamic upgrade to Proposal A would expand the reach of educational … direct” their children’s education.[4] To the greatest extent possible, state …

The Effect of Proposal 4 on the Unionization of In-Home Caregivers

Proposal 4, however, would enshrine in the state constitution collective bargaining power for the SEIU or any subsequent union representing in-home caregivers. The many legal objections to, and laws against, the previous unionization would be removed, at least prospectively. The provisions of Public …

Prop 4 Op-Ed in Detroit Free Press Ungrounded

… two opposing views about Proposal 4 — the home-based caregivers … article in support of the proposal is from Dohn Hoyle, who is Prop 4 spokesman and executive director … points made by Hoyle: "Proposal 4 ensures seniors and people … stop this. "Importantly, Proposal 4 will ensure that those looking …

While Helping Out Injured Ex-Wife, Man Forced Into Union

Proposal 4 would ensure that people like Richard Nottage remain unionized public employees

… constitution if voters approve Proposal 4 on the Nov. 6 ballot. Supporters … They also are claiming that Proposal 4 would create a registry … not being talked about by Prop 4 supporters is the continuation … temporary basis. Language in Proposal 4 would ensure that Michigan's … to vote for an inner-union proposal to reduce the amount of dues …

Prop 4 Would Put Union Scam in Constitution

… the state about the ballot proposals on the Nov. 6 ballot. We'll … day this week explaining Proposals 1 through 5.) Monday: Proposal 1 a Referendum on PA 4 Tuesday: Proposal 2: More Power … Cost Taxpayers Billions Proposal 4 is the third of three major …

Center Experts Address Props 1, 2 and 4

… recently discussed several ballot proposals on television, radio and in print … Business Saturday evening, discussing Proposal 2. James Hohman, assistant director … affiliate in Detroit, discussing Proposal 1. Patrick Wright, director of the … Foundation, was cited by MLive on Proposal 4, then discussed the same issue Monday …

The New Public Employer-Employee Relationship Under Proposal 4

Proposal 4’s new Article 5, Section 31(5) and Article 11, Section … caregivers under MERC.[*] Proposal 4, having made in-home caregivers … This provision means that Proposal 4 would not grant in-home … action by the Legislature. Proposal 4 continues to permit Medicaid … individual provider.”[66] The proposal also reaffirms that in-home …

Father Taking Care of His Disabled Adult Kids Called An 'Idiot' by Proposal 4 Spokesman

The Arc Michigan Executive Director Dohn Hoyle resorts to name-calling against Robert Haynes because Haynes doesn't support forced unionization scheme

… adult children and are opposed to Proposal 4, came in response to statements … spokesman for the group supporting Proposal 4, has refused repeated requests for … unprecedented dues skim work. On May 4, 2010, Robert Haynes sent the following … Haynes Family. ~~~~~ See also: Proposal 4: The Unionization of Home-Based …

Study Finds Rejecting Proposal 1 Will Not Preserve Local Control, but Will Affect Powers Given to State-Appointed Managers of Local Governments in Financial Crisis

Center analyst: The additional powers of Public Act 4 will save taxpayers in distressed communities more than $100 million annually

… Public Policy finds that if Proposal 1 is defeated and Public Act 4 of 2011 is nullified, local governments … emergency managers in Public Act 4 want to argue that this law infringes … insolvent. Even without Public Act 4 or Public Act 72, a court may … is appointed under Public Act 4, state financial review teams …

Free Press Live Chat on Prop 4

… chat hosted by the Detroit Free Press about Proposal 4 on Tuesday. Wilcox authored the Center’s recent policy brief on Proposal 4, which would enshrine in the state constitution … their loved ones. Wilcox discussed the ballot proposal with Dohn Hoyle, executive director of Arc Michigan. …