Tesla is taking its fight to sell vehicles directly to consumers in Michigan to the courtroom.
According to an article published by USA Today and the Detroit Free Press, the electric automaker is suing Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette and Gov. Rick Snyder over a 2014 state law requiring manufacturers to sell vehicles through dealerships. Tesla, much like Apple, wants to sell directly to consumers.
A bill introduced this year by Rep. Aaron Miller, R-Sturgis, would allow Tesla to sell vehicles in Michigan by allowing direct-to-consumer sales.
Jarrett Skorup, a policy analyst with the free-market think tank Mackinac Center for Public Policy that supports changing the law, said that people should be able to freely sell goods, and supports Tesla’s position that it should be able to sell vehicles in Michigan without interference from dealerships.
Tesla argues in the lawsuit that Michigan’s law violates the Fourteenth Amendment’s due process and equal protection clauses.
Michiganders wishing to purchase a Tesla may only do so by going to another state. Illinois, Indiana and Ohio all have galleries where consumers may buy a vehicle directly from the company.
Read the full article in USA Today here.
Read the full article in the Detroit Free Press here.
Read more about the ban on Tesla’s sales in Michigan here.
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