Results 1 to 10 of 263

Will the Legislature Reinstitute the Odious Dues Skim?

… last two decades was the dues skim. It allowed the politically … than everyday lobbying. The skim began in 2005 and the Mackinac … stopped being forced to pay union dues and SEIU membership plummeted, … During the last year of the dues skim, the Legislature appropriated … the reasoning behind the dues skim, it was a sleazy maneuver …

Time for Labor Unions to Collect their Own Dues

The on-going SEIU dues skim must end

… nominee Tom Price. “End the dues skim once and for all.” Harris, … place, the union directly skimmed a portion of the Medicaid … What should be done? The dues skim operates in government programs … funds to collect so-called dues or fees on behalf of labor … convenience of a government-collected dues deduction. Much like every …

Media Cite Center on Supreme Court Case

SEIU-type dues skim outlawed

… stealth unionization of caregivers and the ensuing dues skim.” Wright also told the Detroit Free Press that … ongoing litigation aimed at returning some of the dues money” skimmed by the SEIU, and he was cited by Fox News on the …

SEIU Tries to Continue Dues Scheme

Leaked document maps out 'dues skim' plan

… Employees International Union on how the union hopes to continue its "dues skim" against home-based caregivers is interesting, but more significant is … representing some of those forced to be in the union, maintains that the skim was illegal because the caregivers are not state employees — they work for …

Trump Administration Can Protect Funds Intended for Disabled and Low-Income

Study explains how to stop the union ‘dues skim’ of federal money

… help. These funds are being skimmed away by unions claiming that they’re entitled to these dues. Ensuring that money from federal … recommends ways to end this “dues skim” and increase support for … families. How to Stop the ‘Dues Skim’ of Federal Home Health Care … ongoing, national problem of dues skimming and recommends how to end …

Home Health Caregivers Might Find Relief from Union Coercion at Supreme Court

Mackinac Center joins groups to call an end to the union dues skim

In Michigan, the dues skim against home-based day care providers … Silverson ended in 2011. A similar skim against home health caregivers … that this case would end dues skims nationally. It has not. … process can escape paying union dues. Attempts to decertify these … FIOA laws. To help end the dues skim nationally, the Mackinac …

Mackinac Center Applauds Federal Change Ending Dues Skimming

Unions can no longer skim an estimated $200 million in dues from home health care workers

… cannot automatically deduct union dues from home health care providers, a … to “unionize” home caregivers and skim money from their paychecks. The SEIU … estimated $200 million every year is skimmed from the paychecks of home health … Center learned a decade ago of unions skimming funds from those caring for society’s …

George Will Cites CapCon in Washington Post

SEIU dues skim highlighted ahead of SCOTUS case

Washington Post columnist George Will cites Michigan Capitol Confidential and its coverage of the SEIU dues skim that took $34 million from Michigan’s most vulnerable residents in a column today about a U.S. Supreme Court case involving a similar scheme in Illinois. The Mackinac Center Legal Foundation …

Wright Discusses Supreme Court Visit on WJR

Illinois union scheme similar to SEIU dues skim

… present for oral arguments in Washington, D.C., Tuesday in Harris v. Quinn. The stealth unionization scheme in question in the case is similar to the dues skim inflicted upon home-based care givers in Michigan, during which the SEIU took $34 million from Michigan’s most vulnerable residents.

SEIU Fined for Campaign Finance Violations

Union dues skim took $34 million from Medicaid

… Service Employees International Union, which took $34 million in forced dues from home-based caregivers as part of its dues skim, has received the second biggest campaign finance violation fine in state …