July 2024

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August 2024

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August 13, 2024
How to Get Michigan Growing Again
How to Get Michigan Growing Again
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September 2024

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September 11, 2024
Planning for Life Workshop
Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics: How To Use Data to Inform Good Public Policy
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Past Events

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and Mackinac Center for Public Policy have partnered to bring Jonathan Williams, vice president of the Center for State Fiscal Reform at ALEC and co-author of the 9th Edition of Rich States, Poor States: ALEC-Laffer State Economic Competitiveness Index. Mr. Williams will discuss the policy trends over the years that helped Michigan's economy recover and what needs to be done to keep Michigan moving forward.

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy and Northwood University Forum for Citizenship & Enterprise cordially invite you to join us in celebrating the 10th Annual Milton Friedman Legacy Day.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy announces our 2016 Planning for Life Workshops around Michigan.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy announces our 2016 Planning for Life Workshops around Michigan.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Nonpublic schools serve tens of thousands of Michigan elementary and secondary students, yet a clear understanding of the state's diverse private education landscape has been lacking. While most states (including those on our borders) have enacted some kind of publicly funded choice program, Michigan private schools fight in the Legislature for a small share of funding to cover the state’s health and safety mandates. In order to expand choice, Michigan must overcome a stringent constitution, as well as some popular misconceptions about private schools.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Affordable Care Act dramatically changed the healthcare market throughout the United States and expanded the control of the federal government over healthcare policies. Despite this fact, there are still reforms that states can make that could expand the access and reduce the cost of medical services. This event will feature several experts who will discuss reforms that Michigan policymakers should consider if they want to improve healthcare services in this state.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy announces our 2016 Planning for Life Workshops around Michigan.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Ridesharing is a new service made popular by companies like Lyft and Uber. It relies on smartphones to connect those who need a ride to drivers willing to provide one — a riff on the traditional taxi system. Ridesharing has allowed thousands of Michiganders earn extra income as drivers and save money and time as riders. It currently operates in a legal gray area, because ridesharing drivers are not cabbies or chauffeurs. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

Sponsored by Northwood University’s Forum for Citizenship and Enterprise and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sponsored by Northwood University’s Forum for Citizenship and Enterprise and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.