Gov. Rick Snyder was a guest this morning on “The Frank Beckmann Show” on WJR AM760, where he discussed his role in introducing Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels at “An Evening with the Mackinac Center” held Monday night at the Lansing Center. Gov. Daniels talked about his time in office and the steps he took to reinvigorate Indiana’s business climate, several ideas of which Gov. Snyder said he hopes to adopt in Michigan.
Gov. Snyder at the event said he keeps a copy of the Center’s “101 Recommendations to Revitalize Michigan” on his desk and refers to it often, which Beckmann, who served as emcee for Monday night’s dinner, discussed with him.
The Midland Daily News also covered Monday evening’s event, which was attended by more than 600 people.
MIRS Capitol Capsule covered the event here and here.
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