Results 1 to 100 of 1018

Center Research Cited in Daily Caller

Corporate welfare continues to grow

… Policy James Hohman, is featured in a story by The Daily Caller about corporate welfare. You can read more about the Center’s work on corporate welfare here.

Gov. Whitmer Falsely Claims Corporate Handouts Helped Develop the Pfizer Vaccine

Corporate welfare programs are ineffective

… Pfizer's vaccine work to justify unrelated corporate welfare,” said Michael LaFaive, senior director of … “It is not uncommon for politicians pushing corporate handouts to engage in aggrandizing puffery or … program allows a state board to select major corporate projects to receive special tax incentives. If …

Cut Corporate Welfare to Help Balance State Budget

Tenuous relationship between corporate welfare and economic health

… balance the budget is to eliminate the state’s corporate welfare programs and supporting bureaucracy. The … that currently flow directly to the state’s corporate-welfare bureaucracy. The MEDC takes money from many … spending. It should start with eliminating corporate welfare spending.

Governor’s Budget Proposal Revisits Pure Michigan, Other Industry Welfare

There is no need to raise corporate welfare spending

… tourists to the Great Lake State. The latter is a corporate handout program that gives cash grants and loans … proposal also recommends lifting spending for a corporate welfare line item cut deeply last year by the Michigan … that study here. There is no need to raise corporate welfare spending in the state. Research shows such …

Tilt from Tax Cutting to Corporate Welfare Renews Failed Approach to Economic Growth

Lawmakers face a number of corporate welfare proposals

… 2000 and 2010: more corporate welfare. If there was any evidence … scaled back the pace of corporate giveaways, eventually ended … last recession. But corporate welfare is always an attraction … session could see a corporate welfare blowout. To protect … details. Lansing’s corporate welfare backsliding may be gaining …

Mackinac Center Stands Behind Interstate Compact

New legislation to eliminate corporate welfare would be beneficial

… Disarmament: A State Compact to End Corporate Welfare.” States should compete with … long been a proponent of ending corporate welfare programs. In 2019, the Center … Disarmament: A State Compact to End Corporate Welfare.” The study examined the problems with corporate welfare and proposed a state compact. …

Return of the Mega Subsidy

Corporate welfare still demonstrably ineffective

… Legislature pulled the plug on the state’s Michigan Economic Growth Authority corporate handout program, many Lansing politicians are eager to increase the size … treasury $1 billion, roughly equal to all the money generated by the state’s corporate income tax payers. MEGA is not the state’s only failed attempt at job …

Growth Fuels Budget Priorities in House and Senate Budgets

Real Cuts to Corporate Welfare on the Table

… Legislature passed budgets that found more transportation money without raising tax rates. And both do so, in part, by decreasing support for corporate welfare. The Senate-passed budget includes $93 million in extra road funding. The House-passed budget includes $372 million in extra road funding. Neither …

Lopez on Fox Business

Corporate welfare for movies unfair to taxpayers

… managing editor of Michigan Capitol Confidential, was a guest on “Money With Melissa Francis” on Fox Business this afternoon, explaining why corporate welfare for film makers is unfair to the taxpayers from whom the money is taken. You can read more about Michigan’s film subsidies here.

How to Put an End to Corporate Welfare

States can join together in compact to stop corporate handouts

… commonly referred to as corporate welfare, has proven time and … State Compact to End Corporate Welfare,” a study published today … can join together to end corporate handouts once and for all. … pinpoint exactly what corporate welfare is. This study takes … most common types of corporate welfare are also identified, …

Lehman Discusses Legislative Priorities

Cut corporate welfare, fix roads

… Legislature to look at that list and see if there’s anything on the list that is less important than roads,” Lehman said. “There’s a lot of corporate welfare on that list that can be cut.” Lehman also touched on government transparency and bringing government employee benefits in line with what is …

The Problem of Corporate Welfare

… (the fifth in the past 4 years) and the uncertainty of the state going forward. The company has formed an exploratory team to consider moving the corporate headquarters. The WSJ writes: Democrat Dannel Malloy, the nation’s worst Governor since Pat Quinn lost in Illinois, quickly replied that he’s open …

Why did the Governor Flip Flop on Corporate Welfare?

Corporate handouts remain unfair and ineffective

… Authority business subsidy program and lowering corporate taxes. These initial strokes were so bold I thought … a plant for the multinational, Taiwan-based corporate titan Foxconn. An Oct. 19 Detroit News article … rationale for the governor’s capitulation on corporate welfare. Why have Lansing politicians betrayed their …

MEGA 2 Hearing Demonstrates Desperation

New corporate welfare proposal gets hard sell in tax committee

… lawmakers referred to corporate welfare as a needed “tool” (or … 14. In this instance, corporate welfare means unelected bureaucrats … hard to distance this corporate welfare proposal from MEGA. … shoulders of MEGA and other corporate welfare boondoggles across the … Lansing: proponents of corporate welfare dismissing criticism …

Proposed Legislation Would Have Workers Pay Their Bosses

Politicians should learn from previous corporate welfare blunders

… Their latest gambit is a corporate handout bill that would allow … Economic Growth Authority corporate welfare program. Scholarly research … sold as a way to lure a big corporate location from outside the … estimates that 75% to 98% of corporate decisions on relocation, … creative spin doctoring. Corporate subsidy programs are terribly …

Proposed Legislation Would Have Workers Pay Their Bosses

Politicians should learn from previous corporate welfare blunders

… latest gambit is another corporate handout bill that would allow … Economic Growth Authority corporate welfare program. Scholarly research … sold as a way to lure a big corporate location from outside the … estimates that 75% to 98% of corporate decisions on relocation, … creative spin doctoring. Corporate subsidy programs are terribly …

More Insights from Mackinac Center’s Corporate Welfare Scorecard

New leadership brings hope for cutting corporate handouts

… the Mackinac Center’s 2018 corporate handout scorecard. The scorecard … favor of or against corporate welfare subsidies in the Great … the vast majority of corporate welfare subsidies that came before … the Mackinac Center’s corporate welfare scorecard, having voted … scorecard voted against all corporate welfare. As chair of the appropriations …

Voting Against Subsidies Isn't Killing Jobs

Some politicians put too much faith in corporate welfare

… campaign ad from U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin criticizes her opponent Tom Barrett, a state senator from Potterville, for voting against a $1 billion corporate welfare slush fund. “Thousands of jobs, gone,” is what she assumes would happen without the subsidies. She’s putting too much faith in this kind of favoritism, …

New Evidence Confirms Corporate Handout Shortcomings

Michigan should eliminate its corporate welfare complex

… incentives to specific companies as a way of increasing employment. Given this record of failure, the state of Michigan should eliminate its corporate welfare complex. It should instead put any savings into higher priorities for development. These could include better and newer road infrastructure or …

35 Years of Excuses for Bad Policy

Lawmakers should agree to stop offering corporate welfare

… comments made by supporters of corporate handouts about how they need … between the states over corporate handouts. States could give … the comments in support of corporate handouts dating back to 1985: … a very heated fight for corporate headquarters. In the world … created the appearance of ‘corporate pay-to-play.’ ‘I question …

Department Reorganization is New Wine in Old Skin

Corporate welfare doesn’t work, reorganizing won't fix it

… didn’t work well then either. The fact is, corporate welfare doesn’t work and no amount of reorganizing … moves governors make within the state’s corporate welfare complex because so much of it just ends up … A better direction is to eliminate all corporate welfare and job training subsidies and return money …

Some Perspective: Michigan is Stronger Now, Part 2

Our economy recovered and grew with less corporate welfare

… learned not to rely on corporate welfare gimmicks to facilitate … a lucky few. MEGA was a corporate subsidy program which was … Governor Rick Snyder reduced corporate taxes while also decreasing … recovered and grew with less corporate welfare. Since then, policymakers … these changes by cutting corporate welfare spending even more deeply. …

Beckmann Cites CapCon on Film Incentives

Host, state senator discuss Hollywood corporate welfare

… WJR-AM760 show Friday cited Michigan Capitol Confidential while interviewing Sen. John Moolenaar, R-Midland, about the Senate’s vote to extend corporate welfare for film makers. Sen. Moolenaar was one of four senators to vote against the measure. Beckmann mentioned that CapCon had reported some $500 …

Mackinac Center Director of Research to Debate Lansing Mayor on Economic Development

Panelists Will Discuss the Current Political Realities and Ideology of Corporate Welfare

… favors to special interests. Michigan’s main corporate welfare arm, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation, … budget. One of the most egregious examples of corporate welfare was the state’s film subsidy program, which … against targeted tax breaks and other forms of corporate welfare is simple,” Van Beek said. “They’re unfair, …

Pure Flummery: Seeing Double on Corporate Welfare Spin

Pure Michigan ads are attractive corporate welfare

… Michigan ads may be, they amount to pure corporate welfare for the travel and leisure industry. This … agency to justify continued spending on a corporate welfare program that’s a major component of their … that of the industry benefiting from this corporate welfare. The events described in this series make …

Diverting Money from Schools, Roads, and Public Safety to Perpetuate Corporate Welfare

Tax capture bills aim to cycle revenues back to corporate welfare

… public safety – and toward more special deals for large corporations – for decades. It fails to resolve concerns about refilling resources for corporate welfare because the current generation of state legislators will still have to pay for future incentives from the state’s General Fund. Under the SOAR …

Say No to Business Subsidies

Michigan should sign onto an interstate compact to eliminate corporate welfare

… time reining the programs in. They don’t want to lose to other states. That’s why lawmakers can get together in an interstate compact to end corporate welfare. States can sign it and keep offering their business subsidies. But they then get rid of all of their programs when enough states sign on. It …

Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, Corporate Welfare's Got to Go

… difficulties, given that many of the corporate recipients of this taxpayer … opinion on bailouts and corporate welfare, some may wonder why … tax code to hand out corporate welfare loot (often in the form … oppose bailouts and corporate welfare!” The tea partiers meant … honestly say the new corporate welfare regime represents an …

House Budget Puts Roads Above Film Subsidies

Some Republicans protecting Big Hollywood corporate welfare

House Republicans have passed a budget, part of which would end the Michigan film subsidy program and strip down some corporate welfare programs to devote that money toward road funding. This is good news for the state. In the Legislature, typically the governor releases a proposal, the House and Senate …

Michigan's Job Loss Apocalypse Averted!

No thanks to the 'Department of Corporate Welfare.'

… Among other lessons, job-churn figures expose the absurdity of state corporate welfare schemes granting tax breaks and subsidies to a handful of politically-favored … more attractive to all employers, not just a select few. Government corporate welfare schemes are not an “economic development” program that benefits the …

October 31, 2014, MichiganVotes Weekly Report

Tea Party? Occupy Wall Street? Corporate Welfare

… House Bill 4782, Expand a corporate/developer subsidy regime: … House Bill 4783, Expand a corporate/developer subsidy regime … House Bill 4782, Expand a corporate/developer subsidy regime: … Senate Bill 272, Authorize corporate and developer “port facility” … permanent $75 million in annual corporate subsidy spending: Passed …

The Lawmakers that Voted for the Most Business Subsidies and the Least

$16 billion in corporate welfare approved since 2001

… the current legislative session. A new scorecard from the Mackinac Center and shows where every lawmaker came down on votes for corporate handouts that pit regular taxpayers against select business interests and developers. Michigan lawmakers have authorized the state to spend a lot …

State Loses 200,000 Jobs, MEDC Finds 2,185

Why tax cuts are better than corporate welfare

… The magnitude of those MEDC job promises also is typical. What the contrasting figures starkly illustrate is just how meaningless this state's corporate welfare regime is for Michigan's economy. That's 200,728 jobs needed vs. 2,185 jobs promised by the MEDC. If this is the best we have, we're in deep …

Letter to the Detroit Free Press on Film Subsidies

Corporate welfare programs rarely produce net new jobs

… makers should inspire lawmakers to end this public policy mistake. Corporate welfare programs rarely produce net new jobs, especially in light of superior … million potholes each year. I do agree with Albom that the MEGA corporate welfare program offered too many large tax credits to business. But this 16 …

Michigan Crushes Korea in Corporate Welfare Handouts

Nearly $9 billion in crony-capitalism subsidies

… subsidy-granting officials managed to approve nearly $9 billion in subsidies to corporate interests, including the Big 3 automakers. Granted, the money redistributed … the amount of taxes they owe. And this was just one of scores of corporate welfare giveaways approved by this state’s Legislature in the last decade. …

No Need for Veto Work, but if the Governor Insists...

Gov. Whitmer can look at cutting corporate welfare programs

… Strategic Fund budget. The corporate welfare programs run by the state are … dollars available in wasted corporate welfare money that could be redeployed. … $261 million — to reform the corporate welfare budget. The legislature trimmed … to veto items in the state’s corporate welfare budget.

Michigan Lawmakers on Pace for the Smallest Increase in Business Subsidies

Legislators reduced some corporate welfare spending

… There have been business subsidies authorized in the state budget each year, though they were a small amount in 2019. Legislators reduced some corporate welfare spending, and the governor vetoed some spending on top of that. Excluding federal funds and subsidy money that was authorized for the 21st Century …

From Here to Eternity?

Motion Picture Association of America letter wants permanent corporate welfare for movies

… Entertainment, NBC Universal, Walt Disney Studios and Warner Brothers. The letter takes some chutzpah. Billion-dollar companies demanding select corporate welfare from state taxpayers. As Mackinac Center for Public Policy analysts have written previously, the economic analysis of these programs is nearly …

Center Scholar's Commentary at

New Red Wings arena should not get corporate welfare

… member of the Center’s Board of Scholars, writes at MLive today that the proposed new arena for the Detroit Red Wings should not receive any corporate welfare. Center analysts have written on the same topic here and here.

Media Plays Catch Up to CapCon Again

Finally covering corporate welfare failure 15 months later

… story Michigan Capitol Confidential reported 15 months ago. The Detroit Free Press and MLive, among others, are reporting that recipients of corporate welfare have come up short of expected job creation numbers and an audit found that the agencies doling out the money did not accurately keep tabs on …

Partisan Left’s Corporate Welfare Position Depends on Which Party Holds Office

Eclectablog changes its mind about select corporate favors

… billion of liabilities racked up by past corporate welfare deals, most of which were created during … Washtenaw County Democratic Party, called some corporate welfare handouts “investments,” which were worthy … have repeatedly voted to sustain and expand corporate welfare programs. Insincere partisan blame games …

The Allure of Corporate Welfare

Both parties seem to agree that handing out select subsidies and tax breaks is good politics

… Mackinac Center.) The governor who once called corporate welfare “the heroin drip of state government” now … advertising campaign is the lipstick on the corporate welfare pig, but the pig itself is embodied in new … going for us. The continued attraction of corporate welfare is a failure to limit the powers of government, …

Time to End Corporate Welfare

… Fiscal Policy Initiative, in a column today calling for an end to corporate welfare. “It’s the illusion of job creation,” LaFaive told Bill Hammond. … Commentary and research by LaFaive and other Center analysts regarding corporate welfare can be found here.

Corporate Welfare to Increase $20M

Corporate welfare, business subsidies and other handouts will increase $20 million, to $195 million, in Gov. Rick Snyder’s proposed 2013 budget, according to, causing concern for one Mackinac Center analyst. “I hope that the governor doesn’t scale these programs up year after year as we’ve …

Media Covers McHugh's Committee Testimony

Few jobs, little transparency for Michigan corporate welfare machine

… eliminated in 2011 but is in the news because the state budget is taking a hit due to past deals. A 2009 study and 2005 study found that state corporate welfare programs exaggerated job claims and cost more money than they were worth. Numerous reports from the Michigan Auditor General found similar re …

Michigan lawmakers fail to turn business subsidies into job growth

Corporate welfare projects do not correlate with employment recovery

… Whitmer boasted of the special deals when she made her State of the State address. Shortly after, lawmakers added even more money to the state’s corporate welfare fund. But the states that have recovered the most didn’t get there by making the most deals. They recovered because they have the most favorable …

Center Analysts Expose Corporate Welfare Failure

… Harding in the Detroit Free Press and Senior Legislative Analyst Jack McHugh in The Holland Sentinel this weekend both take on the failure of corporate welfare and central planning, explaining that such subsidies have failed to create jobs and negatively impact the economy.

Corporate Welfare: Where's the Outrage?

… filmmaker Johan Norberg to campus for an enlightening discussion titled "Corporate Welfare: Where's the Outrage?" Norberg, the executive editor for Free To … People"; "The Real Adam Smith"; "Sweden: Lessons for America?"; and "Corporate Welfare: Where's the Outrage?" For two years, Norberg concurrently hosted …

State 'Super' Sizes Movie with Subsidy

Hollywood getting more corporate welfare from your pockets

… a colossal waste and might be better spent — along with all other corporate welfare money — improving roads or schools or just letting taxpayers keep … the money dedicated to reviewing applications and doling out the corporate welfare isn't free. That money, and the government workers it supports, would …

Potential Corporate Welfare Binge Risks Second Michigan ‘Lost Decade’

Gov. Rick Snyder scaled back the giveaways in 2011

… 2000 and 2010: more corporate welfare. If there was any evidence … scaled back the pace of corporate giveaways, eventually ended … last recession. But corporate welfare is always an attraction … session could see a corporate welfare blowout. To protect … details. Lansing’s corporate welfare backsliding may be gaining …

Michigan House Wise to Shift Corporate Welfare Spending to Roads

Programs shown to be ineffective and wasteful

… policies — otherwise known as corporate welfare — are ineffective at achieving … department like the MEDC encourages corporate rent-seeking, it may actually limit … moving state tax dollars out of corporate welfare and into road repairs. The Senate … brochures and anecdotes —­ that corporate welfare programs are a more effective …

End of an Error

The state’s flagship corporate welfare scheme — the Michigan Economic Growth Authority — will end Jan. 1, according to The Flint Journal. “It created job announcements but no jobs,” Michael LaFaive, director of the Center’s Morey Fiscal Policy Initiative, told The Journal. “That’s the only way to facilitate …

Pressure Mounting For MEDC Transparency

House Democrats call for scrutiny of corporate welfare programs; accountability for tax dollars

… not these programs, which are corporate welfare, have performed effectively," … votes where he opposed expanding various corporate and developer subsidy schemes. … Bipartisan Disaster: Michigan 'Corporate Welfare' Program Rolls On The State … Creates One-Third of Projected Jobs Corporate Subsidy Program Lives On Despite …

Update your memes: Michigan Democrats have embraced corporate welfare

Progress Michigan meme misses the reality in 2023: In Democrat-run Lansing, corporate welfare is as popular as ever

… organization fails to mention is that Democratic leaders have prioritized corporate welfare during their first month of control in Lansing. The Democratic trifecta … spending in Senate Bill 7. The bill, which includes $450 million in corporate welfare, was passed without hearings or testimony before being sent to Gov. …

Union Official Criticizes Corporate Handouts But Endorses Business Subsidy Champion

Former GM employee and UAW official has favored giveaways to ‘corporate special interests’

… e talking point “wealthy corporate special interests” has been … rules in favor of wealthy corporate special interests,” AFL-CIO … biggest benefactors of corporate welfare – General Motors. According … large beneficiary of the corporate handouts Whitmer has supported. … has received a dozen corporate welfare deals that authorized …

Budget Reforms: In Praise of Cuts to Corporate Welfare

Tax increases aren't the only way to find funding

… years involves Michigan’s corporate-handout industrial complex. … part of the budget for corporate welfare, for it subsidizes the … to shift money away from corporate and industry handouts to … Senate that cuts to corporate welfare can and should be made … Questionable Merit” “State Corporate Welfare Agency Picks Winners …

State Corporate Welfare Didn't Work For Greenville

Centerpiece of previous governor’s economic policy, has also been favored by current candidates

As Michigan’s gubernatorial election approaches, corporate welfare may be among the campaign issues. Both major party candidates have past voting records … example Granholm cited in that video shows how ineffective state corporate welfare policy was for the city of Greenville, in what turned out to be a …

Why the State Should Stop Subsidizing Select Businesses

Corporate handouts are unfair, ineffective and expensive

… compact. People of all political persuasions ought to be uncomfortable with taking money from taxpayers and handing it out to select businesses. These corporate handouts fail to grow the economy, provide unfair advantages in the competition among firms and cost taxpayers too much.

State of Michigan Granted $3 Billion in Special Tax Credits to Big 3 Automakers

Analysis puts Michigan among the highest in corporate welfare

… helped make this state among the biggest corporate welfare providers in the country, according to a … Snyder To Break Michigan's MEGA Habit Trim Corporate Welfare To $0 MEDC Programs Consistently Fall Short … Claims A Bipartisan Disaster: Michigan 'Corporate Welfare' Program Rolls On

Ask questions when job promises disappear

The state must tell us more about corporate giveaways, and so must subsidized companies

… skeptical of lawmakers who hand out taxpayer money to select companies. Corporate welfare is ineffective at creating jobs, unfair to the businesses that don’t … goes or what taxpayers get in return. If lawmakers want to continue corporate giveaways, there are many basic improvements to be made.

Michigan Treasury Erroneously Sent Out a $14.5 Million Check

Company's corporate subsidy check was doubled

… of Treasury erroneously sent a $14.5 million check to a company in 2016. The money was almost certainly part of the $672.8 million in secret corporate welfare checks the state expects to send to favored businesses in the current fiscal year. In this instance, the Treasury Department doubled what the …

22 Of 498 Michigan Legislators Said 'No' To Corporate Welfare Since 2001

Freshman Rep. Steven Johnson was three-for-three with his 'no' votes

… major developer in downtown Detroit. Johnson submitted his stance on corporate welfare in a statement to Michigan Capitol Confidential: “I would be happy … everybody else. For these and many other reasons, I am opposed to corporate welfare and would like to see a level playing field for all.”

Corporate Welfare Proposal is a Bad Deal for Taxpayers

… for General Motors is a bad deal for taxpayers. While meeting with the House Appropriations Committee to discuss details of the $666 million corporate welfare deal with GM, MEDC representatives revealed that the deal creates fewer jobs and demands less from the auto giant than taxpayers were led to …

What is Corporate Welfare?

… first is how to define “corporate welfare,” a phrase that is often … Dictionary definition of corporate welfare is, “Government support … often misidentified. Corporate welfare is any financial benefit … businesses and taxpayers. Corporate welfare either lowers the costs … these effects. In short, corporate welfare increases the profitability …

House Members Right to Be Skeptical of Server Farm Favors

Hard to kick the corporate welfare habit

… These particular favors are unfair to other taxpayers, but at least they will not burden taxpayers for cash handouts, as is the case with other corporate welfare programs. If the Pyramid developers land this deal, residents’ best hope is that exemptions are as far as it goes. 

Don’t Let Companies Rewrite Corporate Welfare Rules

Lawmakers should reject plans to spend more on business subsidies

… squeeze more cash out of taxpayers. Michigan already spends more on corporate welfare than most states, and it has major problems with spending transparency. … working with other states to agree that no state wastes public money on corporate giveaways.

Mackinac Center Announces 2023 Policy Priorities

Worker freedom, government transparency, rejecting corporate welfare are key issues

… create an attractive business climate, they should rule out tax hikes and corporate handouts. Select business subsidies may make for flashy headlines, but they are bad fiscal policy. Corporate handouts do not grow the economy and are unfair to the thousands of businesses …

Legislators Propose More Corporate Welfare

… entities with the power to hand out corporate welfare? The backers of Senate Bill … the Michigan Legislature, it’s corporate welfare, expansions of which are routinely … Committee are also open to more corporate welfare, since this week they held a … Port authorities doling out corporate welfare will serve the politicians well …

MEDC Programs Consistently Fall Short of Initial Claims

Michigan's 'corporate welfare' arm perpetually exaggerates its numbers

… of the way.” ~~~~~ See also: A Bipartisan Disaster: Michigan 'Corporate Welfare' Program Rolls On The State as Venture Capitalist: Michigan Fund … State Program Awards $67 Million, Creates One-Third of Projected Jobs Corporate Subsidy Program Lives On Despite Lackluster Results Select Tax Breaks …

Michigan Capitol Confidential Election 2014 Coverage

… putting more people on a welfare program should not be considered … subsidies more?” Stances on Corporate Welfare a Difference In Michigan's … House leader in opposing corporate welfare and government subsidies … opponent voted for all of these corporate subsidies paid for by Michigan … she asked. He favors corporate welfare. The chambers of commerce …

Extension of Mislabeled Good Jobs for Michigan Program Would Be Added to the Business Subsidy Scorecard

Corporate handouts continue to be ineffective

Corporate handouts are ineffective, unfair and also transfer money from taxpayers to wealthy business owners. But they get also strong bipartisan support. They are also the subject of a scorecard the Mackinac Center compiles, which shows how state politicians vote on business subsidies and how much …

A Bipartisan Disaster: Michigan 'Corporate Welfare' Program Rolls On

State's attempts at economic development costs plenty, returns little

… Development Corp. is the corporate welfare arm of state government. … story on this state's corporate welfare record. Here’s a sampling … One-Third of Projected Jobs" "Corporate Subsidy Program Lives On … interviews by agency staffers of corporate CEOs or promoters who received … relations tool. But corporate welfare schemes will always be …

Dingell’s MEANS Act is corporate welfare at the global scale

Bill claims to promote domestic manufacturing. But nearly 70 countries would qualify for aid

… manufacturing would expand international corporate welfare to a large list of allies. Rep. Debbie Dingell, … Brazil. In essence, the bill would make corporate welfare global in scope. The Office of Manufacturing … and the supply chain. It’s about boosting corporate welfare. The bill is currently being considered …

More from Taxpayers, But State Corporate Welfare Taking More Too

Income tax collections outpacing most recent projections

… health is still enduring the effects of corporate welfare deals cut during the administration of former … that it will have to pay out $1 billion in corporate welfare in the form of Michigan Business Tax credits … business tax in 2011 and replaced it with a corporate income tax and a separate financial institutions …

Bill Would Add Paid Members to State's Corporate Welfare Agency

Bill's sponsor says legislation likely to be changed

Michigan's corporate welfare infrastructure could soon find … body of the state's corporate welfare arm, the Michigan Economic … business concerns. "As corporate welfare becomes increasingly … veneer of legitimacy to corporate welfare would be like appointing … Bipartisan Disaster: Michigan Corporate Welfare Program Rolls On Corporate …

Reining in Corporate Welfare

What follows is a recommendation to make corporate welfare more difficult to implement or, hopefully, eliminate it altogether. It is a proposal for comprehensively removing a major incentive to grant corporate welfare — destructive, mercantilist competition among states within the United …

Don’t Let Companies Rewrite Corporate Welfare Rules

Lawmakers should reject plans to spend more on business subsidies

… business favors, they shouldn’t rewrite the rules every time a company wants to squeeze more cash out of taxpayers. Michigan already spends more on corporate welfare than most states, and it has major problems with spending transparency. Supporters treat this as the cost of doing business. If Michigan doesn’t …

‘Economic Development’ Week Skips the ‘Development’ Part

Corporate welfare claims are grand, but the results are practically nonexistent

… park. Short never received that tax credit award from the state’s corporate welfare agency, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Gov. Gretchen … senators voted on bills authorizing some $6 billion of this amount. Corporate welfare in Michigan usually follows a predictable pattern: There is a press …

Secretive State Spending Spree a Bad Deal for Taxpayers

Votes for $450 million in subsidies added to corporate welfare scorecard

… businesses. The $450 million in corporate handouts approved in Senate Bill 7 is the latest corporate welfare deal added to the Mackinac … legislators have voted on corporate welfare deals from 2001 until … should be wary of the corporate welfare deals that were included … analyzed more than 2,300 corporate welfare deals, dating back to …

Two Democrats Join Republicans at Top of Tea Party Scorecard

Ratings shows bipartisanship on issues like fee increases, corporate welfare

… pension issues and [select corporate subsidies]." The most recent … focuses on areas like corporate welfare, education choice, pension … anything," Hamman said. "Corporate welfare like the movie and green … start. Unfortunately corporate welfare is probably the best … scorecard focused on corporate welfare, and the scores are consistently …

‘But For’ Can’t Be Proved: Corporate Welfare is a Waste

New MEGA not costless, despite assurances

… We have dubbed the proposed legislation “New MEGA” for the similarities it has with the original MEGA law. The fact is apologists for these corporate welfare programs can’t prove a business moves to or expands in Michigan because of these incentives. They just rely on the assurances of executives in …

Whitmer ‘Tired Of ... Corporate Tax Giveaways’ But Voted For Dozens

Don’t tell progressives, but Dem legislators are among corporate welfare's best friends in Lansing

… it comes to her position on corporate welfare. The candidate debuted a new … fought against Gov. Rick Snyder’s “corporate tax giveaways.” “Because I’m tired … agency in charge of Michigan’s corporate welfare programs. also reported … campaign asking for her stance on corporate welfare. But her voting history shows …

Déjà Vu All Over Again For Auditor General Report On Select Subsidy Programs

Despite failures, taxpayer funded corporate welfare continues

… Consistently Fall Short of Initial Claims A Bipartisan Disaster: Michigan 'Corporate Welfare' Program Rolls On The State as Venture Capitalist: Michigan Fund … State Program Awards $67 Million, Creates One-Third of Projected Jobs Corporate Subsidy Program Lives On Despite Lackluster Results Select Tax Breaks …

Whitmer seeks ongoing $500M per year for corporate welfare fund

Budget director: SOAR incentive fund would be filled from corporate income tax collections above $1.3 billion

… but its history is one of failure Whitmer’s plan would fund SOAR from corporate income tax revenues, according to budget documents. The funds would come from corporate tax collections the exceed $1.3 billion per year. Smaller sums would be …

MichiganVotes: Senate Bill Aims to Bolster Corporate Welfare

… aren't the only side effects of such corporate handouts. Companies that normally … core, unnecessary." Yet, such corporate welfare serves as the spark for the … Bipartisan Disaster: Michigan 'Corporate Welfare' Program Rolls On The State … Creates One-Third of Projected Jobs Corporate Subsidy Program Lives On Despite …

An Interstate Compact to Eliminate Corporate Welfare

… most among all states on corporate handouts.) These reluctant … compact to eliminate corporate welfare. States that sign onto … compact was to define corporate welfare. Lawmakers often try … single footnote. But all corporate welfare shares a similar quality: … business climate and is not corporate welfare. Handing out tax credits …

What is Not Corporate Welfare?

… should not be regarded as corporate welfare may be even more important … though often viewed as corporate welfare, are often consistent … and should not be viewed as welfare. Some sales or property tax … However, this was not corporate welfare. It might have been unfair … that can be considered corporate welfare. [*] Internet purchases …

Defund Corporate Welfare Agency for Better Public Health

Higher taxes won't be as effective at eliminating smoking habits

… did the biggest single chunk of the money go? Corporate handouts. Each year since 2008, Lansing politicians … instead of kids could somehow be justified if the corporate subsidy programs funded by it were actually effective. … It's time to eliminate demonstrably failed corporate welfare spending and dedicate it to higher priorities …

Media Loves Corporate Welfare Stories, But Silent When Jobs Go Bust

'Amelia Earhart economics – disappears with no evidence of what happened'

… economics” to refer to state corporate welfare deals whose job projections … Mascoma was one of the many corporate welfare projects whose original projections … released between 2003 and 2010 on corporate welfare projects. The Michigan Economic … resources to keep tabs on all the corporate welfare projects, especially since the …